Reischneid's Revelation

They were heading back to their dorms for the day.

Andrew went to the training grounds saying he was "hyped up".

Rai went to the cafeteria saying that he was hungry.

『So, what was Rai saying about classes starting tomorrow?』[Nova]

『Well, classes start tomorrow. That's all?』[Leo]

『...Nobody told me.』[Nova]

『Uh… did you check the app for public announcements?』[Leo]

『That's an app?』[Nova]

『..Yeah. Go check the PA app.』[Leo]

Nova powered on his student ID and showed it to Leo.

『Yeah, right there.』[Leo]

Leo tapped on an icon.

『..Oh. Well then. I thought I had more time to relax..』[Nova]

『Well, that's what school is. 』[Leo]

『Oh, wait. Where are classes then?!』[Nova]

『Uh.. What class are you in? Go to your student page.』[Leo]

Nova navigated to a page that displayed a picture of him he didn't remember taking along with a plethora of information about him.

『When did they.. whatever, I'm used to it. It says I'm in class B-1.』[Nova]

『Aww. I'm in class D-1.』[Leo]

They stood in front of Rai's room.

『So, B-1 would be.. Back of the school next to the training yard on the first floor right?』[Nova]

『Yeah! Check the map, dude.』[Leo]

『Oh, yeah. Thanks. Oh, do you know what classes everyone else is in?』[Nova]

『Yeah. It sucks, but everyone got separated. Rai is in C-1, Andrew is in A-1.』[Leo]

『Man, that really sucks. Did we need textbooks or anything?』[Nova]

『Nope! All the books are in the student ID. Did you even read the FAQ and guidebook?』[Leo]

『..No. I thought Oswald's note would be enough.』[Nova]

『Huh.. You're pretty reliant on him, aren't you?』[Leo]

『..Am I?! I haven't noticed. I think I just end up relying on people too often.』[Nova]

『Eh. It's whatever. I think you're fine as you are. 』[Leo]


『Nah, it's nothing. I'm gonna sleep the rest of the day.』[Leo]

『..Alright. I'll see you later.』[Nova]

『Bye then.』[Leo]

They parted ways and entered their rooms.

『Haah. It's been a while.』[Nova]

No response was heard.

『Reischneid, you here?』[Nova]

『Yeah. I think it's about time I tell you the truth.』[Reischneid]

『Hm? What's up?』[Nova]

『As I am right now, I'm incomplete.』[Reischneid]

『..What do you mean? I think you're plenty strong.』[Nova]

『Right. Have you seen the true depths of a guardian's strength?』[Reischneid]

『No. I can't imagine they'd be much stronger than you are right now.』[Nova]

『They're much stronger. There are many reasons why, but if Sarena went full strength, you'd probably be a millionth of her strength.』[Reischneid]

『You're kidding!』[Nova]

Nova was met with an uncomfortable silence.

『Haah… Then, what should we do?』[Nova]

『You're keeping up with your mana training. That's good. If we want to match up against her and Zenithia, we'll have to complete me. 』[Reischneid]

『What do you mean by complete?』[Nova]

『I didn't want to tell you till later, but all guardians are just reflections of their partner's potential. As I am, I can't exhibit any of my powers besides occasionally using a spell or the basic functions of the weapon. You need to do something called "infusing" to break my seals.』[Reischneid]

『So, what do I have to do? Also, how will it make you stronger?』[Nova]

『To be honest, I don't quite have all my memories intact. Guardians are old spirits of legend that manifest as a weapon. I remember that I fought off hordes of beasts and protected my home. That's all. Anything that happened after is lost to me, even though I should be able to remember.』[Reischneid]

『So, after you died, you don't have any memories?』[Nova]

『Yeah. I can roughly feel the seals on my body. The gem is the main part of my body and the guardian. There should be.. Roughly, 10 seals.』[Reischneid]

『10 seals?! How long will it take for me to break all of those?』[Nova]

『Eh.. If you're lucky, maybe 20 years. I think you can break one or two while still in school.』[Reischneid]

『No way?!』[Nova]

『Well, that's just how it is. It is how it is after all.』[Reischneid]

『Reischneid. You're helping me achieve my dream. I think the best I can do is help you regain your memories.』[Nova]

『Hmm.. That so?』[Reischneid]

Nova nodded confidently.


『Alright. I'll stop hiding too much from you then. I want to break all the seals and regain my legacy.』[Reischneid]


『Yeah. Every guardian has a legacy. It should allow them to reach the pinnacle of their strength when they were alive.』[Reischneid]

『And, what do we do for that?』[Nova]

『Well, the legacy is an item I left behind before I died. And to find out where that is, we break my seals.』[Reischneid]

『Okay. So we're going on a 20 year treasure hunt?』[Nova]

『Essentially. Yeah.』[Reischneid]

『It's comforting to know that you'll be around for 20 years!』[Nova]

『Yeah, yeah. Just don't take too long. Both me and you need to be at maximum power for it. I'll try to absorb and infuse into the seals on my own, but you'll need to some heavy lifting too.』[Reischneid]

『Okay. How much mana do you think you need?』[Nova]

『Hmm.. Can you go to your stat page and pour mana into your ID?』[Reischneid]

『Huh? Well.. Alright.』[Nova]

He navigated to the page with all of his information and began infusing into the device.

『*Beep!* User's current mana level is.. 11!』

『..What does that mean?』[Nova]

『Hmm.. It means that you roughly have the mana of 11 units. A unit of mana is.. Enough to cast a level 1 spell? Then it doubles per level. If we're talking about things like Sarena's Inferno Purgatory, that would take about 150-160 units of mana.』[Reischneid]

Nova began to grab something from his bags.

『Then, how much mana do you think she has?』[Nova]

『Hmm.. If it's her, probably at least 22500.』[Reischneid]

『Then, doesn't that mean she's insanely strong?!』[Nova]

『Well, training gets faster. Haven't you noticed your mana flowing better?』[Reischneid]

『Yeah.. Actually! It feels pretty smooth now.』[Nova]

He pulled out his notebook and began to write down the notes.

『If your teacher were to teach it to you, it would probably be.. A mixture of efficiency, capacity, density, and speed. Your mana efficiency is still a bit rough, but your density and capacity are pretty decent! Your speed is still.. Kind of lacking.』[Reischneid]

『Well.. I just started training a few weeks ago. You can't really blame me.』[Nova]

『Haha! That's true! Anyways, around 200 mana level is a good time to begin infusion. I'd be inhibiting your growth otherwise.』[Reischneid]

『How long do you think it will take?』[Nova]

『Well, your classmates probably have a good 3 mana level right now. That Anastasia girl has an ungodly amount, somehow.』[Reischneid]

『You're joking?! Does she have more than Sarena?』[Nova]

『No. Probably around 200. But, that's impossible over a few weeks. Her family probably pushed her to.. Sprout early.』[Reischneid]

『Sprout early? Was that an option?』[Nova]

『Yeah. It's popular in noble families. They force mana through you and you sprout. Similar to what Oswald did for you, except at an early age.』[Reischneid]

『Why doesn't everyone do that?』[Nova]

『Well, there's a law for that. If you awaken at a young age, you're kept under surveillance 24/7 to make sure you don't accidentally harm anyone.』[Reischneid]

『Then, she's been watched ever since she awakened?』[Nova]

『Yeah. They're watched until they're the proper age to awaken. She probably awakened only a month or two before you, it's no biggy.』[Reischneid]

『Oh. Well, I guess? But still. Two months of no privacy? That must be rough.』[Nova]

『Well, yeah. The common folk aren't the only ones with problems.』[Reischneid]

『Yeah! I guess so.』[Nova]

『Well, that's all for this lesson kid.』[Reischneid]

Nova nodded, then stopped writing.


『So, what are you gonna do now?』[Reischneid]

『Well, it seems class starts early tomorrow, so I'm gonna go to sleep.』[Nova]

『Oh? Is that.. Really a good idea?』[Reischneid]

『I don't see why not. It's a perfectly good time to sleep.』[Nova]

He checked his student ID, and made sure that it was 11.

『Didn't you have an appointment today?』[Reischneid]


He opened the door, got outside and then slammed it shut.

『I forgot.』[Nova]

Nova began to sprint toward the cafeteria.