Class B-1's Assault

Reagan stood up and fixed himself.

『...This year is a bit stronger than last year's batch..』[Reagan]

He took out his ID and began to fiddle with it once more.

『Okay, you know what? All of you, come at me at once. I'm going to go all out.』[Reagan]

『What?! But I just got removed from the class! This isn't fair!』[Trent]

『You too. If any of you land a hit on me, I'll pass you. If not, then… well that really sucks. I don't feel like teaching that many students this year anyway.』[Reagan]

『Wait! That's not fair! You're going all out! How are beginner mages going to hit you?』[Jenny]

『Oh well. To be honest, you all getting discouraged just makes my job easier.』[Reagan]

He pulled out the ID.

『Genesis, begin class-wide examination. Special condition, revoke removal of Trent if passing.』[Reagan]

He crouched down and got into a stance.


The moment the voice rang out, hell broke loose.


『Earth Bullet!』[More Students]

『Water Shot!』[Even more students]

『Wind Cutter!』[A little less students]

At that moment, the barrage of shots collided more with each other than anything else.

Reagan was able to dodge the onslaught of attacks very easily.

『...You all need to do something less predictable.』[Reagan]

The class began to rush him wildly and attempt to land a hit on him, more often than not hitting each other.

A few more waves of bombardments continued before the class was panting and out of mana.

『..I give up.』[Trent]

He sat down on the ground.

『No matter what, I can't land a hit on you.』[Trent]

『..If you give up, it just makes my work easier.』[Reagan]

A few other students also sat down.

『I hope you transfer me to a better teacher..』[Student]

Jenny began to panic, seeing that her class was rapidly shrinking.

『No! You can't just give up like this!』[Jenny]

『..I already have.』[Trent]

『No.. Please! Just keep trying!』[Jenny]

『What's the point? My seed takes too much mana to use on him.』[Student]

Thomas stared at all the students who were already on the floor, before he noticed Nova was still standing, while panting.

『Hey! Nova! Come on.. You won't give up, right?』[Thomas]

『Yeah! Nova! You can do it!』[Jenny]

He looked up at the group of students who passed.

『...Go, Nova.』[Anastasia]

He looked at her, and her eyes seemed to say something.

It was as if her eyes said… "Please. Win."

『If everyone believes in me.. Then, Area!』[Nova]

The moment he said that a hole appeared in front of his fist, which caused Reagan to be confused.

A black hole appeared behind Reagan, and Nova threw a punch at him.


Instead of getting hit, Reagan managed to do a backflip and completely dodge it.

『Oho. You're pretty crafty, aren't you, Nova?』[Reagan]

『There's more where that came from!』[Nova]

『But, aren't you afraid of overusing your seed or spells? I know all you beginner mages can't use your mana too-』[Reagan]


A fist went by that caused Reagan's hair to move slightly.

『...So you're risking it all? I can't say that's a smart choice..』[Reagan]

Nova lowered his stance.

『..If I don't risk everything, I won't get anything in return.』[Nova]

『Then, let me risk something too. It seems like I'll be in a whole lot of pain if I have you as a student, so… I'm sorry, but you're NOT going to pass.』[Reagan]

Reagan's hair began to float as mana coursed through his body.

『Mana Mist.』[Reagan]

The entire area was then filled with a dense mana that put pressure on Nova's body.

『...What is this?! It feels like I'm underwater!』[Nova]

『...I suppose we're still in class. It's a mist completely made of my mana. By sensing disturbances in the mana, I am able to see any attack that comes towards me.』[Reagan]

Thomas looked at Nova, who was struggling to even move normally, and Reagan, who constantly moved, not giving Nova a chance to strike.

『Is it.. Really impossible for them to pass? This is the absolute worst class!』[Thomas]

Even the energetic Jenny was starting to lose hope of any other students passing.

That's when a student with medium length brown hair stood up and pointed a finger at Reagan.


Immediately after, a rotating blade of mana quickly struck Reagan's mana shield.


『Student Sophia has passed the exam.』

When he turned to look at her, she had a smug smirk on her face.

『..If you're so set on making him fail, then now is our opportunity to pass!』[Sophia]

A few of the other students were dumbfounded, but they also got up.

『...Maybe. If it's Nova, he can open up a chance!』[Thomas]

『..Everyone! Don't worry about hitting me! I know how to use mana shield as well!』[Nova]

『There's no way you know how to use mana shield! I haven't taught you anything!』[Reagan]

He began to circulate his mana, then started running at Reagan.

『Damn it! You really are a bunch of trouble!』[Reagan]

Nova used a flimsy knock off of the martial arts Rai and Leo used, but it worked miracles in comparison to everyone else's untrained combat.

『Damn! You're lucky I have to dodge everyone else's attacks too!』[Reagan]



He dashed backwards, but Nova's Area caused him to return to the same location with that student's fireball.


The fireball bounced off his shield and exploded into a smokescreen that left him blind for a moment, which let Nova continue his assault.

The student was relieved at looked at Nova with grateful eyes.

『Student Jade has passed the examination!』


She knelt down and began to rest, but she drew Nova's attention.

『..I'm indebted to you.』[Jade]

Nova nodded while continuing the assault.

『Would you.. Lay it off?!』[Reagan]

He used a large burst of mana to push Nova back a few feet.


A hole appeared where he was going to land, and appeared on top of Reagan.

In this moment, Reagan used both his hands to completely prevent Nova from reaching his mana shield.


That's when another two students fired off their projectiles.

『Wind cutter!』

Two thin invisible blades cut into Reagan's shield, before blowing up dust.

『Damn it!』[Reagan]

He threw Nova off, but he ended up getting hit by the wind cutters anyway.

『Student Marn has passed the examination!』

The male student gave Nova a thumbs up and a smile.

『Student Katherin has passed the examination!』

『You can do it!』[Katherin]

Afterwards, he glanced at the remaining students.

There were those who were on the ground, and have given up, and those who had no mana left at all.

『That looks like all the help you're getting. It also seems you're out of energy. Without your seed skill, you won't be able to get past my mana mist!』[Reagan]

『...Who said I can't use my seed skill?』[Nova]

『You expect me to believe that you have mana left?』[Reagan]

『The objective is just to land a hit on your mana shield, right?』[Nova]

『And with your physical capabilities, you have no chance.』[Reagan]

『I never said I was a physical attacker.』[Nova]

Thomas stood there, completely in disbelief.

『If you're not, then what are you?!』[Thomas]

He placed his hands up and started to concentrate on Reagan.

『..A Chanter.』[Nova]