Crystal Necklace

Nova harshly fell on the floor.


He laid down, and for that moment all he heard was the sound of his heart.

「...Did I.. almost die?」[Nova]

He thought back on that flash of darkness and the sharp teeth that almost impaled him.

「...What was that?」[Nova]

Nova felt terrified, yet a strange sense of excitement.

「...I haven't had trouble with a monster yet! If that's a rank 5 brownling… then I think I've found my match!」[Nova]

Soon after, Reischneid appeared in Nova's head.

「...Oh! Good morning. What have you been up to?」[Reischneid]

「I have all these crystals for you.」[Nova]

「Woah! You have so many of them! Did you go fight them on your own?」[Reischneid]

Nova pulled himself off the floor and cleaned up all the crystals.

「Yeah, is there any convenient way of holding these things?! They were a pain to carry around.」[Nova]

「Hmm… yeah. Summon me.」[Reischneid]


Reischneid appeared in his human form and picked put most of the crystals into his space.

『...This one looks good.』[Reischneid]

He picked up the crystal from the rank 4 brownling that Nova just killed.

『Hmm… what kind of accessory do you want?』[Reischneid]


Reischneid span the crystal around in midair.

『A bracelet? Necklace? Ring?』[Reischneid]

Nova thought about it for a moment.

『...A necklace!』[Nova]

Reischneid looked surprised.

『Why not an earring?』[Reischneid]

『...Why an earring?』[Nova]

『Isn't that in fashion?』[Reischneid]

『With who?』[Nova]

『Eh, whatever. But you shouldn't go hunting without me next time. Wake me up next time.』[Reischneid]

He began to pour out a large amount of mana and slowly crush the stone down.

Before long, he closed his hands around the crystal and the mana subsided.

『Okay. Here.』[Reischneid]

He opened up his hands and a necklace hung from his fingers.

『Put mana into the necklace.』[Reischneid]

Nova grasped the necklace and examined it.

It looked was a simple chain attached to a glowing white orb.

He poured some mana into the necklace, and the orb had a small blue flame appear inside of it.

『...Woah. How did you make this?』[Nova]

Reischneid laughed and put it around Nova's neck.

『I'm a man of many talents.』[Reischneid]

『...Okay? So, what does it do?』[Nova]

『Eh. Does a bunch of things. Just put your hand in it and use it as storage.』[Reischneid]

Nova looked at the tiny orb.

『...How am I gonna fit my hand in this thing?』[Nova]

Reischneid formed an "O" with his fingers and put it up to his eye.

『Pour mana into it and put it up to your eye.』[Reischneid]

Nova repeated the instructions he was told, then saw a white pastel space with colors floating around.

『...What is this?』[Nova]

『It's a storage space. A bit limited, given the stone you gave. When you find a bigger stone, I can probably make you something really good!』[Reischneid]

Nova looked around and saw Reischneid standing there.

『So, how big is this place?』[Nova]

He put the necklace down, but still stayed in the space.

『Maybe half the size of your dorm room? Really limited, but...』[Reischneid]

『...Half the size of my dorm room?! That's massive! How does this even work?』[Nova]

『I carve a multitude of magic circles onto a crystal while it is large, condense it into a smaller size, then charge the circles with the appropriate things. Like one that linked the necklace to you. Nobody else should be able to use it now.』[Reischneid]

『So… you put circles onto a crystal, then it works together?』[Nova]

『...Something similar to that. Anyway, these are kinda expensive. Don't flex it on others too much!』[Reischneid]

With that, Reischneid disappeared again.

After he disappeared, Nova stopped the flow of mana to the necklace and the space began to disappear all around him.


Afterward, he looked around for things he could put in the space, but couldn't find anything.

「Oh, wait! There is my notebook!」[Nova]

He took his notebook off of his desk and tried to put it in the necklace.

...But he just had the notebook touching the crystal.

「...Didn't work.」[Nova]

He repeatedly touched the notebook to the necklace, but didn't go in.

「...Nova. Put some mana into the necklace… What are you doing, dude?」[Reischneid]

Nova was a bit embarrassed and put it in after channeling some mana into the necklace.

The feeling was very similar to his Area, but it led to a place without wind or temperature.

It wasn't that it was warm, nor cold, or hot. It was just a place.

「...It's so weird.」[Nova]

After he put it in, he reached in to try to grab it.

「Imagine the thing you want to grab, and the necklace will lead it to you.」[Reischneid]

He grabbed the notebook, then dropped it again.

After he took his hand out of it, he stopped channeling mana.

Then, he let it loosely hang under his shirt.

「...It feels comfortable.」[Nova]

Under his shirt was a cooling feeling, as if there was an air conditioner that was pointed at him during the hot months of summer.

「Just another feature. Thought it would make you feel more comfortable.」[Reischneid]

「Yeah! I appreciate it. I'll do some training with you, then head to sleep. Try not to spend so much time working on the seals, Reisch.」[Nova]

「Okay. Then, let's improve on your True Gale. Still a little shoddy.」[Reischneid]

「...Is it? I didn't think I was doing a bad job. It seemed more than powerful enough..」[Nova]

「Hahaha! Not at all. My example was done with the amount of mana you have right now! Never settle for average, Nova. There's always something to improve on.」[Reischneid]

「Alright… Let's get this over with!」[Nova]

Nova closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, not noticing the paper covered floor next to his door.