

Marn had pointed at a large white bird that rested in a tree that seemed to be taller than a building.

The group had been walking for a solid 15 minutes and finally began to see monsters that resembled actual monsters.

『...That one is a Silverwing Griffin.』[Reagan]

『A griffin?! Isn't that really strong?!』[Thomas]

Thomas looked at the bird, but couldn't find much to link the legendary griffin to the slightly fat white bird.

『...Are you sure?』[Thomas]

Sophia looked at the big bird before it flew down, seemingly interested in all the noise Thomas made.

It looked a little aloof, cold, and maybe a bit unfriendly even.

And yet, it waddled up to the group.

Sophia looked extremely interested in it.

『Sophia? Are you?』[Jenny]

Before long, it found its way onto Sophia's head.

『Huh?! What is it doing?!』[Sophia]

『...Pfft, what the heck?!』[Thomas]

It sat on top of her head, but there was no flash of light.

『...It's interested, and that's probably the best you'll get right now. Stronger monsters have bigger egos.』[Raina]

『...Who said I wanted this stupid bird?!』[Sophia]

It pecked Sophia on the head.

『Ow! Hey!』[Sophia]

After a certain amount of time, Sophia was resigned to her fate and they continued to walk.

『...There isn't much of the weak ones left. We're already getting into the territory of the strongest.』[Raina]

『Then! Here is where I will find my partner!』[Thomas]

『...Sure. Try your best.』[Reagan]

Before long, they arrived at a habitat that seemed to have fire, ice, and many other strange weather conditions.

『Yup. Here we are. Good luck.』[Raina]

Immediately, the class looked in all directions for a partner.

It wasn't clear, but those who hadn't found one were at the very least concerned.

Anastasia went to the railing of a place that seemed to have endless snow.

Thomas went to the railing of a place with dry cracked earth and sandy winds.

Jenny went to the railing of a habitat that hosted flames and even some magma.

Jade looked at the forest with great winds blowing through.

Finally there was Katherin who stared into the deep water of a habitat on the side.

Off to the side, they chatted.

『...They all chose a different habitat. Do you think they'll all find a partner?』[Raina]

『...I don't think so. But it's worth a try.』[Reagan]

『Why did you take them here anyway? Don't you teachers normally take them the second year?』[Raina]

『...I need points for my class.』[Reagan]

『Oh? I see. So who are your favorite students right now?』[Raina]

『Hmm… Nova is a good student. He listens to what I say and doesn't complain too much.』[Reagan]

『Nova? Which one is that?』[Raina]

Reagan scanned the area, but couldn't find Nova.

『...That's the problem. Sometimes he does something crazy.』[Reagan]

『Huh? You can't find him? This is the end of the habitats though.』[Raina]

He shook his head.

『No. There is one more, isn't there?』[Reagan]

『...Oh my god.』[Raina]

She sprinted up the path, leaving Reagan to watch the kids.


After a short amount of time, she found Nova standing in front of a large dark building.

『What are you doing here?! You aren't supposed to be here!』[Raina]

Nova looked back at her with a calm look on his face.

『He's suffering.』[Nova]

When he said this, she displayed a look of shock.

『What do you mean he's suffering? You don't even know what's in there!』[Raina]

Nova looked away from her again.

He peered at a metal door that was locked by a key.

No, he peered through the metal door.

『I can feel it. Something called me here.』[Nova]

A series of large banging noises attacked the building from the inside.

『It's going crazy! Do you even know what this is?!』[Raina]

『This is a habitat, is it not?』[Nova]

Raina shook her head.

『...No. This is a prison for the strongest creatures we have.』[Raina]

『Please. Let me in there.』[Nova]

He didn't know what it was, but he felt a pain in his heart each time he heard a crashing noise from inside.

『...I can't open the door for you. If it goes crazy, all the student's lives are at risk.』[Raina]

『...Then, if I can get in without letting him out?』[Nova]

Nova felt as if it wasn't the first time he had met this creature.

『...You'll die.』[Raina]

『That doesn't sound like I'm not allowed to, though?』[Nova]

She scoffed a little.

『It's not that you aren't allowed to, rather that I don't think you have the capabilities to do so.』[Raina]

『...Then, thank you.』[Nova]

When Nova said this, she felt a tingling sensation and her face went as white as a paper.


『Wait! What are you doing?!』[Raina]

A black hole appeared from under him and teleported him away.

Seeing this, she was left in awe for a moment before she screamed.

『NO! NO NO NO NO NO!』[Raina]

She scrambled for a key, but she didn't have one on her.

『DAMN IT!』[Raina]

She slammed her fist into the door, but it didn't even leave a dent.

The banging noise on the other side continued to rage on.

『REAGAN! HELP!』[Raina]

Right after she called for help, the banging noise in the room stopped.

With the noise disappearing, so did her hope of Nova's survival.


She sat herself down against the wall with tears streaming down her face.

『...Why did I say he wasn't capable...』[Raina]

She listlessly stared up at the sky.

『...I should have said no. I got a student killed because of my stupid tendency to tease others...』[Raina]

She felt a strange numbness.

Before long, Reagan and the rest of the class arrived.

『...Reagan.. I'm sorry.』[Raina]

Reagan was stunned at the state of his wife.

More importantly, he looked around for Nova but couldn't find him.

He held a serious expression.

『What happened?!』[Reagan]

Anastasia looked around, but couldn't find Nova either.

『...Where is Nova?』[Anastasia]

『Is Nova behind us? It's not normal for him to be lost like this..』[Jenny]

『Haha! I'm sure that he is just doing something crazy like always! What's in this building by the way?』[Marn]

Reagan didn't pay attention to any of the students.

He knelt down and put his hands on both of his wife's shoulders before calmly asking her.

『What happened?』[Reagan]

『Your student was drawn in there. He asked if I would allow him to enter and I didn't expect him to be able to..』[Raina]

『Nova went in there?!』[Reagan]

The students stared at the two in horror.

『..Nova's in danger?!』[Jenny]

『Somebody has to go in and save him!』[Katherin]

『Why did he go in there?!』[Marn]

『What's in there?!』[Sophia]

Anastasia had a troubled face and grabbed at the fabric on her uniform.

『...Please, save Nova.』[Anastasia]

Reagan looked at her and nodded.

『What creature is in there right now?』[Reagan]

She scratched at her head vigorously.

『AAAAH! I don't remember!』[Raina]

She hugged her legs together.

『...Why does it matter? The noises on the other side has already stopped.』[Raina]

When the students heard this, they began to panic.

『...Nova? ...Is he dead?』[Marn]

『There's no way! Bust the door down!』[Thomas]

Anastasia began to let loose a stream of tears.


『Reagan! Please save him!』[Katherin]

Jade summoned her polearm.

『I owe Nova a debt. Please open the door.』[Jade]

Sophia had a complicated expression, but summoned her staff.

『...I suppose I do as well.』[Sophia]

Reagan shook his head.

『Whatever is in there can't be handled by students.』[Reagan]

He stood up and stepped in front of the door.

He looked at the snake on his shoulder and nodded to it.

『...BURN! XANDIS!』[Reagan]

The snake immediately bloated up by a large amount before blasting the door with a black flame.

The remnant of the door was a melted disfigured metal on the floor.

『...I'm on my way, Nova.』[Reagan]