Guy Talk!

Nova's flames slowly turned the water in Katherin's clothes into a mist.

『...Thanks, Nova!』[Katherin]

He nodded his head and averted his eyes, along with the rest of the boys.

『But.. Didn't Jenny hop into the fire enclosure? Shouldn't someone go check up on her? I think it would be a good idea.』[Thomas]

That's when Raina's eyes shot wide open.

『I'm going!』[Raina]

She jumped over the railing and suddenly started to shine a bright orange.

『Woah! What is that?!』[Marn]

A radiant light covered her back and she began to fly forwards.

『It's my wife's seed ability.』[Reagan]

『What is it?! Can she fly?!』[Thomas]

『No. She can borrow the power of her partners.』[Reagan]

Upon further inspection, they saw a pair of brightly burning wings attached to her back.

『So she can borrow her partner's abilities?!』[Marn]

Reagan nodded and by then, she had already vanished.

『...Reagan. What is your seed ability?』[Jade]

『Confidential information.』[Reagan]

Reagan didn't even bat an eye.

『Huh? Why is your wife's information not confidential then?』[Thomas]

『She's not a militant teacher. I am.』[Reagan]

『Militant teacher?』[Marn]

『A teacher that takes part in battles against the enemies. Simple enough.』[Reagan]

Moments later, Raina came back holding Jenny under her arm.

『Thank you!』[Jenny]

Raina light dropped her on the floor.

『Phew! It sure was hot in there!』[Jenny]

『...Why did you go into the place filled with magma and flames?』[Nova]

『...Everyone else was going, so I did too!』[Jenny]

『And? Any results?』[Reagan]

『Uh.. I passed out in the middle of the flames due to dehydration? Then your wife saved me!』[Jenny]

Raina sighed and shook her head.

『Your students are too much trouble.』[Raina]

Reagan began to twirl his finger around in midair.

『No kidding.』[Reagan]

Afterward, a large torrent of water rose up from the water enclosure and landed on Jenny.

『Cold! Thank you!』[Jenny]

Afterward, he began to walk away without them.

『Okay. Time to head back. If a beast is interested in you, you can take it back to the dorm. By the way, treat beasts as you would a pet. Most beasts are extremely young. I'll tell the staff to get supplies to take care of a pet to those of you with one.』[Reagan]

His wife waved goodbye as he opened up a portal and they all walked in.

When they went through the portal, there was a variety of things that happened.

First, Sir Fluffles flew around the classroom effectively knocking all the chairs and tables over.

Then, Kaze scurried under the door and outside the classroom.

Fang then climbed onto the ceiling.

And Katherin's partner panicked so hard that it began to flood the classroom in water.


The water quickly began to fill up the classroom.

Nova could faintly see Sir Fluffles awkwardly swimming through the water with his doggy paddle.

Jade trudged through the water and threw open the door causing the water to spill out of the classroom.

『I'm going to look for Kaze! Good luck here!』[Jade]

Katherin began to panic and quickly stroke the clam shell in an attempt to soothe her partner.

『It's okay! It's okay! This is our new home! You're alright!』[Katherin]

It slowly began to calm down, and squirt less and less water.

Sir Fluffles still flew around fast.

『Sir Fluffles! Sit still!』[Nova]

After Nova said that, Sir Fluffles sat still on top of a desk.

『Thomas! Help me grab Fang!』[Marn]

『Yeah! Sure!』[Thomas]

They stacked on top of each other to reach the ceiling, but Fang kept running around.

Nova picked up a wriggling Sir Fluffles and aimed his hand at Fang, who was running all around the ceiling.


The chunaru ran straight into the dark hole and flew out of another portal that led straight into Marn's arms.

『Nice, Nova!』[Marn]

Reagan just sat on his chair in the back.

『Yeah. It's up to you as their partners to clean up after them. You all have fun, okay?』[Reagan]

He stood up and left the class.

『See you all tomorrow. Don't miss class.』[Reagan]

As he left, Jade returned with Kaze.

『...Do we have to clean up?』[Jade]

Katherin nodded.

Jade sighed and put Kaze on her shoulder.

『Kaze, please help us dry the room.』[Jade]

The green lizard opened up his mouth, blasting a giant gust of air throughout the room, causing most of the water to disappear.

Nova nodded.

『Nice. Kaze is pretty cool, huh?』[Nova]

She poked the lizard with her finger.

『...He's a bit difficult.』[Jade]

He spit a bit of wind in defiance.

The gust of wind made everyone in the room feel a bit cold, realizing that they were dripping wet.

『...Can you dry us off, Nova?』[Katherin]

He nodded and put his hand out.

『Blessed Flame Rebirth.』[Nova]


Everyone began to pull the chairs together and desks back.

『Why do I have to help? I didn't even do anything...』[Sophia]

『Oh! You can go if you want.』[Thomas]

Despite this, she stayed and helped clean up.

『Oh yeah, what's the name of your partner anyway Katherin?』[Nova]

『Oh! Her name is Unsu!』[Katherin]

『Unsu? That's a strange name..』[Marn]

Nova raised a hand into the air.

『Blessed Flame Rebirth!』[Nova]

The blue flames gently coated the room and quietly burnt away the remaining water.

『It's a name from house Hwarang!』[Katherin]

『Huh? Are you watching those films again?』[Marn]


『House Hwarang? Isn't that one of the great houses?』[Nova]

『Yeah. Katherin is a Hwarang junkie.』[Marn]

Nova then remembered that one of the films Freyana wanted to watch was a Hwarang one.


『What? Are you interested in the Hwarang too?』[Marn]

『...Maybe, yeah.』[Nova]

Before long, they finished up cleaning up the room.

『Okay! I'm beat.』[Nova]

『Yeah. You can say that again!』[Thomas]

They finally left the classroom when it was dinner time.

『...Did you guys want to go eat?』[Marn]

He realized it was way past the time he usually ate, so his friends were probably long gone.

『Yeah! I'm hungry!』[Nova]

The girls made strange expressions and looked at each other.

『Uh.. I'm not so hungry! Why don't you all go without me?』[Katherin]

『Woah.. I'm pretty tired today. I'm gonna go to bed.』[Jenny]

『I'll pass.』[Jade]

『What an exhausting day.』[Sophia]

Anastasia had a conflicted look as well.

「...There's no way..」[Nova]

『I'm not hungry.』[Anastasia]

「SHE'S LYING!」[Nova]

『Oh really? Then we'll go! 』[Marn]

Marn grabbed Thomas and Nova and dragged them out of the class.

He pulled on them with a strength that Nova didn't expect.

『Good night, you girls!』[Marn]

『Huh?! Uh.. Good night!』[Nova]

『See you tomorrow!』[Thomas]

They were dragged down the hallway at an unbelievable pace.

『MARN! WHAT'S UP?!』[Thomas]

Sir Fluffles was resting in Nova's space, completely oblivious to this.

He finally stopped dragging them around.

『It's bro time. We haven't hung out once yet.』[Marn]

The look in Thomas' eyes changed significantly.

『...Oh. Say no more.』[Thomas]

『...I mean. I suppose so. We should hang out more often since we're the only boys in class, huh?』[Nova]

Marn nodded at the both of them.

『That's right! Let's go into the cafeteria. I'm starving.』[Marn]

They went into the cafeteria, but it was basically completely empty save for somebody cleaning up the food they just finished.

『Man! I'm starving! What should I eat?』[Marn]

『Hmm.. I could go for some beef! 』[Thomas]

Nova just silently followed them to the line.

『Can I get a pizza?』[Marn]

Out popped an entire pizza with a 2 liter of soda.

『Woah! I can't wait to dig into this!』[Marn]

He held the tray and waited for the other two.

『The Super Beef Bowl, please!』[Thomas]

In a moment, a bowl of rice topped with beef slices and an egg on top appeared with a garnish of yellow pickled radishes.

They both looked at Nova to see what he would order.


He stared at the menu, but he frankly never knew what to order.

Before he could say anything, a set of luxurious sushi and sashimi alongside a bowl of rice, miso soup, and some fried Tsukikaze style foods appeared.

『What the?!』[Marn]


The two of them stared at Nova's tray with a gaping mouth for a moment.

Nova was a bit surprised, but this is what Freyana always did for him.

『...Thank you.』[Nova]

He picked the tray up and walked over to the two who were stunned.

『...Are you guys good?』[Nova]

They snapped out of their state and nodded their head.

They then sat down at the table Nova usually sat at.

The moment they sat down, Thomas began to dig into his beef bowl.

『...How did you get that?! That's not on the menu!』[Marn]

『...Huh? I don't know?』[Nova]

It was the truth. Nova never so much as looked as the menu normally.

Nova began to eat the food Freyana prepped for him as well.

『...Whatever. Anyway! It's time for what I call… Guy talk!』[Marn]

Thomas spoke with an open mouth.

『Whaf doeth that mean?』[Thomas]

『Bro. Chew before you talk. I can barely understand you!』[Marn]

Thomas swallowed the food.

『What does that mean?』[Thomas]

『It means.. We talk about girls!』[Marn]

When Nova heard this he nearly choked.