What are you doing here?

When Nova looked up at the sky, a deafening roar came out of it.


The magical circle in the sky seemed to shake and the mana distorted and hit Nova in waves that caused him to feel a little shaky.

He fell back on the floor and looked up at the sky.


Suddenly, a huge dark mass poked out of the circle.


Looking up, Nova saw a curved reptilian head poke out of the circle.

Moments later, it crashed into the ground, revealing the rest of it's gargantuan body.

It had 4 claws on its hands, had a head that was in the shape of a hatchet,

When the beast stood up, it rivaled the height of the school.

『What is… this doing here?!』[Nova]

He scrambled to his feet and grasped his sword.

The gigantic beast suddenly saw Nova on the ground and shifted toward him.


Nova quickly waved his hand and snapped with his finger.


A flash of black enveloped Nova and sent him several hundreds of meters away, but he was only far enough away to get a better look at it.

It was a reptilian beast that had black scales that shone under the moon.

Still staring at Nova, it shoved its claws into the ground, suddenly causing tremors to shake Nova around a bit.

「What the hell is going on?!」[Nova]

He readied the strongest mana shield he could, in preparation of some kind of attack.

Suddenly, another magical circle had appeared above them.

It was even bigger than the one from before, at least several miles in length.

「Another monster?! I need to get out of here!」[Nova]

He quickly snapped his finger.


The darkness enveloped him, but he didn't feel the shifting of his location.


He looked at the place he intended to go and saw a discoloration of the school.

『A barrier?!』[Nova]

Suddenly, a fracturing noise exploded out from behind Nova, causing countless shards of earth to send itself into his mana shield and embed themselves in it, causing cracks throughout Nova's shield.


The blunt force of the impact forced Nova to face the ground, once more.

He quickly scrambled to his feet and faced the beast, but found that it was standing in a whole bunch of rubble.

『W...what did it do to the yard?!』[Nova]

Nova stepped back, in sheer awe of the destruction caused by the beast.


A hole appeared behind him and moved him to a place behind the giant beast.

『...Looks like I can still teleport in here, just not outside of the barrier...』[Nova]

Nova quickly ducked behind a giant solid slab of rubble.

The beast looked around for Nova.

『...What is it doing here?!』[Nova]

Suddenly, a huge flash appeared in the sky.

Nova was momentarily blinded along with the beast.


Nova kept quiet, in an attempt to keep the beast from attacking him.

He slid deeper down into the rubble, fixing up his shield.


The noise of shattering crystals could be heard behind Nova.


Curious as to what the noise was, Nova peeked his head over the rubble and looked at the giant beast.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Floating there, in the sky was a girl.

She seemed to illuminate the night sky, shining a celestial light onto the surrounding area.

In her hand was a pure white blade that looked so thin, it could have shattered at any time.

A lofty and floaty dress covered her body, along with a see-through silk veil that seemed to stretch endlessly.

She held her blade up high up into the sky, silently staring at the beast.

It finally recovered from the bright flash of light and swung at her.

Nova, not caring about the monster's attention anymore, screamed for her to get out of the way.

『Get out of the way!』[Nova]

She gave a sideways glance at Nova, before giving a slight look of surprise before she moved her attention back to the monster.

Her hair seemed to suddenly change in color then, from a jet black to a moonlight silver.

Nova stared at her in shock, not able to look away.

She seemed to whisper something under her breath, before the monster suddenly froze.

She stared straight at the monster and raised her arm straight to her side.

White crystals resembling snow suddenly coalesced out of nothingness from every which way and surrounded her.

Her veil began to dissolve as she lunged at the monster and attacked it with quick slashes before she dashed away.

The snowstorm bombarded the monster from every direction and every now and then, an oriental dragon that seemed unreal would slam into the monster and bite it.

Nova stared at the girl's battle in silence.

It looked like more of a dance than anything.

Each of her slashes had a purpose in cutting down the enormous beast.

Her snowstorm kept the beast from seeing her and her snow white dragons immobilized the beast further.

It wasn't long before she had forced the monster down on the ground, incapable of defending itself.

It lowered itself and wasn't moving.

Suddenly, she had aimed her hand straight for the monster and she shouted loudly enough for Nova to hear her.

『To the eternal abyss with you! Born of stars, crushed to dust, let my final words of judgement ring out in your ears, you are assigned to a state of eternity… Absolute Zero!』

A giant white sphere covered the monster before it suddenly shrunk inwards, revealing a clean hole in the floor.

Then, an explosion of light and dust exploded forth- and there it was.

A frozen monster.

She turned to face Nova, who was still staring in awe.

『What are you doing here, Nova?』