Flowering Sun


She walked up to him and pulled him away from the other two.

She put her hands on his face and stared into his eyes.

『Did they do anything to you?! Are you okay?!』[Sarena]

『Huh? You know the kid, Sarena?』[Saeyeon]

Although Nova's face was squished together he still responded.

『Uwweeeh?! Yeeahh-wa..』[Nova]

She let go of his face and looked at the other two.

『Why is he here? 』[Sarena]

『Nova was at the training grounds when I used the summoning stamp on the Grelegigan. He's here as a bystander witness report.』[Anri]

Sarena sighed when she heard this.

She squeezed Nova's cheeks and pulled in opposite directions.


『Why do you always do things without supervision?!』[Sarena]

He struggled to form coherent words for her to understand.

『I thwoat the twaing grwounwds were sawfe!』[Nova]

『Only during the day! Didn't anyone explain Raidagems to you?!』[Sarena]

She let go of his cheeks, which were a bright red now.


She looked like she was getting ready to speak before she was interrupted.

『Hey, Sarena. Can I get your report before you start the torture?』[Saeyeon]

She rolled her eyes and began to talk.

『Village of etrudi perfectly cleared out. 1 rank 6, 4 rank 5, 23 rank 4, and countless lower ranking ones.』[Sarena]

Nova was curious once again.

『Etrudi? What are those?』[Nova]

『Musical creatures that attack you physically while screaming. You'll deal with them one day.』[Sarena]

Saeyeon nodded and began to write something down on a clipboard to the side.

Anri took a seat and Sarena began to talk to Nova.

『Raidagems are groups of people who band together to grow. Lotus team is a prestigious girl's only Raidagem that focuses on the improvement of these girls. Every year, we recruit 1 person from the freshmen. That's all. For all Raidagems, they choose a specific time of day to go clear missions.』[Sarena]

She pulled a poster to the wall and showed it to Nova.

『These missions offer merit points, Raidagem points- which are used for ranking up the fame of your raidagem, Cryst, and status. 』[Sarena]

Pointing to the bottom of the poster, Sarena showed Nova the rewards.

He eyed it up and down.

「Clear out a village of Etrudi… 500M, 10R, and 2000C? 」[Nova]

『...What's Cryst?』[Nova]

Sarena pinched the bridge of her nose and gave shook her head.

『Cryst is the currency of the houses. Using it, you can buy a bunch of things, such as new armor or magical weapons and tools. There's a whole lot of variety of things you can do with Cryst that you can't do with credits. 』[Sarena]

Nova thought of how he could effectively get these rewards.

『Couldn't I just do the missions without a Raidagem team?』[Nova]

Anri shook her head and cut into the conversation.

『By student code, you are required to join a Raidagem. Many of them have different requirements and ideals. Lotus team's is female only, and extremely exclusive. As such, the rewards of each mission are split up between the 4 students. We've recruited the freshman member recently, but she isn't allowed to do missions on her own until next semester.』[Anri]

She quietly pulled out a book and disengaged herself from the conversation.

『...Yes, what Anri said. There are many, many Raidagem teams. The biggest ones are Atlas, Strikers, and True Wind.』[Sarena]

Sarena nodded.

『So, I should join one of those?』[Nova]

She got slightly concerned.

『Nope! Not at all. Don't do it. You want to join a smaller team. There is no requirement for Raidagems to be formed except for that it must be led by a fourth year. As such, you will find many other Raidagem that will get you more rewards. As Lotus is the smallest and most exclusive one, I get the most Cryst and merit points for being here.』[Sarena]

Anri subtly nodded her head in agreement.

『In Atlas, nobody pulls their weight, so you don't get much. In Strikers, you're forced to do 4 missions minimum a week. True Wind is fine, but it's extremely hard to join it.』[Sarena]

『...So what Raidagem should I join?』[Nova]

Sarena stayed in silence for a while before a voice called out from behind her.

『Flowering Sun.』

Sarena turned around and saw Saeyeon standing there.

『Flowering Sun?』[Sarena]

She seemed a little shaken by Saeyeon's words.

『I can ask the leader if you want to try to join.』[Saeyeon]

Sarena began to shout.

『But.. You know how he is! Do you really think he'll accept a first year?! 』[Sarena]

Saeyeon sat down on a sofa and reclined the chair back.

『You can't deny that its the best one to join! If Nova joins, he'd be getting quite the free ride!』[Saeyeon]

Nova looked between the two in confusion.

Before he could even ask anything, Anri began to speak.

『Flowering Sun is the number 1 Raidagem on the leaderboard. They clear no less than 3 missions a night and the leader is a complete maniac that is the number one person on the ranking leaderboard as well. Not to mention, Flowering Sun is a new Raidagem that was only established this year.』[Anri]

『Wow. They must have a lot of people! Why is it so difficult to get into this one? Is the leader picky with the people who join? Why did you make it sound so ba-』[Nova]

Sarena stopped Nova there.

『One question at a time! Let's see... 』[Sarena]

Saeyeon began to talk as well.

『That's right in that he is picky with the people who he wants to join. In fact, it's possible he just wants to keep all the rewards to himself. The Raidagem IS number one by a landslide after all...But it's also the most exclusive Raidagem to ever hit number one.』[Saeyeon]

『So… what does he look for when applying for his Raidagem?』[Nova]

Anri cut in again.

『Everything. He allows them in if he feels like it. That's all.』[Anri]

『...Flowering Sun is the number one… So how many people are in this exactly?』[Nova]

Sarena looked at Nova straight in the eye and held up a finger.

『Just one.』[Sarena]