Single Forever

After they talked about the implication of Mune giving Nova the bag, they had left for classes.

To avoid strange looks, he placed the bag into his necklace once they left.

Nova went to the cafeteria and quickly ate some food to get to class on time.

Once he went into the classroom, he was met with a whole lot of silence.

He stared around and saw Marn staring at him in the corner.

『...Do you know what you did on Friday?』[Marn]

Nova slowly shook his head.

『You fought in that match with Trent, right?』[Marn]

Nova came closer to his desk while nodding.

『So, you were the one who defeated him, right?』[Marn]

Nova nodded again.

『...Do you have any idea how many people are looking for you right now?』[Marn]

Nova shook his head.

『The story is that "The Conqueror" is a mysterious individual that wields enough power to stomp the "Immortal" flat in a second, then disappear instantly.』[Marn]

Nova sat down in his chair and denied this.

『He hit my shield. It couldn't be helped! He just flung himself, not at all my fault.』[Nova]

『...He was the 11th ranked person.』[Marn]

Nova accidentally slammed on his desk out of surprise.


Marn was surprised when Nova slammed on his desk.

『What?! Is it that surprising?! He would heal himself with his seed and relentlessly beat the life out of his opponents!』[Marn]

Nova envisioned it in his head, but couldn't think of how he pulled it off.

『...Why don't they add a flinging modifier to their shield?』[Nova]

Marn glared at Nova for a moment before he threw his head back and massaged the bridge of his nose.

After a moment, he breathed out a gigantic sigh and began to talk again.

『Because, Nova.』[Marn]

He used his fingers to make an imaginary shield.

He suddenly began to shout at Nova.


The door opened and everyone else began to flow into the class.

『Ow. Why did you yell, Marn?』[Katherin]

Marn threw both of his hands up and pointed at Nova as he looked at her.


Once they saw him, they nodded at each other and made sounds of understanding.

『Oooooh. Tell us what happened this time.』[Jenny]

They all flowed into the seats around them.

『He asked me why didn't the people who fought Trent use a flinging modifier on their shield.』[Marn]

『...A what?』[Jenny]

Anastasia chimed in to answer this one.

『It's a thing you do to your shield to make it send people flying if they hit your shield- similar to the Overlap modifier Reagan taught us.』[Anastasia]

Jenny nodded her head for a moment with a look of understanding.

『...How do you do that?』[Jenny]

The change caused the group to begin laughing.

『I don't think you'd normally know how to.』[Jade]

『Yeah! Is Reagan-』[Marn]

The door clinked open.

『Am I, what?』[Reagan]

Everyone went quiet, but Marn kept talking.

『Are you teaching Nova things outside of class?! This is unequal treatment, you know!』[Marn]

He walked up to Reagan and began to shout at him.

『Teach us how to do a flinging modifier for our shield too!』[Marn]

Reagan's eyes got a little wide when he heard this.

『Where did you learn about that? Does Nova know how to do that?』[Reagan]

『Stop playing dumb! If you didn't teach him, who did?!』[Marn]

『These two.』[Reagan]

He raised his hand up and moved it to the left, then forward.

Some familiar voices rang out.



Oswald and Sarena came floating into the classroom.

『Why?! What did I do to deserve this?!』[Sarena]

『...We were told to teach him things by the headmaster… It's not our fault...』[Oswald]

The entirety of the class stared at the two floating third year students.

『W-Who are these people?!』[Marn]

Reagan looked at the students.

『You already know that Nova isn't a part of any house, right?』[Reagan]

The class nodded.

『Third year students are left with taking care of affairs around the kingdom. These two are the ones who found him and were left with his awakening, along with his magical education.』[Reagan]

『...So, its these two's faults that he's so strong?!』[Marn]

Sarena looked over at Oswald.

『...I think we taught him at a reasonable pace.』[Sarena]

Reagan lifted an eyebrow while staring at the two floating students.

『...Are you sure?』[Reagan]

Sarena was stuck for a moment, before she reluctantly nodded her head.

『Nova. Do you know how to cast a Fireball spell?』[Reagan]

Nova looked over at Sarena, who now had a pale white face.

『...I do not...』[Nova]

His classmates gave him a strange look now.

『What was the first spell you learned?』[Reagan]

Oswald floated patiently, but was also quite nervous.

『...Inferno Purgatory.』[Nova]

Thomas gasped loud enough for Nova to look over.

『...That giant spell you used during the exam?』[Thomas]

Nova nodded his head.

『...That was blue and burned away my mana shield, no?』[Reagan]

Oswald began to start visibly getting nervous now, too.

『It was a null zone "rule" variant that I used with my seed.』[Nova]

The two of them floating in the air suddenly fell onto the floor and sat there.

『...This has you two written all over it.』[Reagan]

Marn was feeling tired of not being included in the conversation.

『...But, just who are they, Reagan?』[Marn]

『My pupils. They had some funny nicknames around the students, too.』[Reagan]

Sarena hearing that last part couldn't help but try to interject.


He suddenly glared at her.

『Did I say you could talk?』[Reagan]

She suddenly shut herself up and remained silent.

『Oswald. Give me Sarena's funny nicknames and I'll spare you the embarrassment.』[Reagan]

The look on his face suddenly contorted, as well as Sarena's face.

Some of the girls suddenly began to murmur.



Nova suddenly realized that Anastasia was in the class, as well.

He looked over to her, but she just seemed to be watching… with a little bit of amusement?

Once she realized he was looking over, she waved and smiled at him.

He waved back, then looked back to the two third years on the floor of the class.

『...The Untouchable Queen...』[Oswald]

Once he said that, Sarena's mouth suddenly gaped in shock and horror.


『Blood Lily… Lady Night... 』[Oswald]

She glanced over to Nova in shame, then looked back at Oswald and kept begging him to stop.


『...Single Forever.』[Oswald]

That last one made her so shocked, she forgot about all the other names he called her before.

『...Who called me that? Is this a new one that's circulating?!』[Sarena]

Oswald looked away from her, toward the wall.

『...Hanzo and Derenne.』[Oswald]

Reagan heard this and scoffed for a moment into his sleeve.

『...I'm gonna kill them later.』[Sarena]