Healing Potion

Reagan eyed the potion very closely.

『Why the hell is it red?』[Reagan]

Cael ran over to Nova and grabbed him by the shoulders while shaking him back and forth.

『It's… it's that! Isn't it?!』[Cael]

『Huh?! What is it?!』[Nova]

Reagan turned to them as well.

『Yeah, would you like to enlighten me as well, Cael?』[Reagan]

『It's! It's! A healing potion! RIGHT?!』[Cael]

He shook Nova even harder.


Reagan eyed it even harder.

『How would that even physically be possible? If mana particles were concentrated in this, the only possible thing that could have happened was that he would have turned this into herb juice or water.』[Reagan]

Nova fidgeted a little.

『...I may have thought of a health potion from a video game while I was burning it with my flame… sorry.』[Nova]

『...You're telling me that you did this on purpose?』[Reagan]

Nova lightly shrugged with a smile on his face.

『...It just happened? I thought it was a waste of a potion..』[Nova]

Reagan began to violently shake.

『...Oh god. Is he mad?』[Cael]

Nova also began to get nervous out of fear.


Nova's fear only intensified once Reagan burst out into laughter.

『I'm gonna get a whole lot of testing done with Nova's flame!』[Reagan]

He walked over to a machine and slipped the vial into a wooden stand to keep it upright and put a cork on top of it to keep it from spilling before he put it on top of the machine.

『Ah! Reagan! Don't forget to put Nova as the recipient for the points!』[Cael]

He mumbled back while messing with some settings on the machine.

『Of course.』[Reagan]

A small flash of white appeared from where Reagan was before disappearing.

『Great. Points should reach you soon.』[Reagan]

He walked back over.

『Any items good enough to be researched are worth research points. Just deposit it and they'll give it a look. After some time, they'll send it back with some feedback or points.』[Reagan]

『What if they just think it's a regular health potion, Reagan?』[Nova]

Reagan gave Nova a look of disappointment.

『...Those don't exist. They have to be made with magical techniques or magical plants.』[Reagan]

『Huh..? But, then they exist...』[Nova]

『Cael, explain it to him. I'm off to more things.』[Reagan]

Reagan took a pellet of white from a little dispenser on the side of the room and went to an empty workspace with his name on the wall.

『Have fun. Teach him the ropes, while we're at it, Cael.』[Reagan]

『Huh?! Wai-!』[Cael]

Reagan threw the pellet at the floor under him and the area was covered in a fog.


Cael shrugged and looked at Nova.

『Let's get onto it then, Junior.』[Cael]


『Yeah. You joined after I did, so you're the junior of everyone here. You can call me senior.』[Cael]

Nova seemed a bit confused.

『...Alright? Thank you, senior?』[Nova]

Cael was happy with Nova calling him "Senior", so he happily began to move around the room with Nova following him.

He pointed at the dispenser on the wall that Reagan got a pellet from.

『These pellets that Reagan just used are the thing that deploy the concealment mist. You can put your hand under and it'll drop one down. Specialized research conditions are available at request.』[Cael]

『Specialized conditions?』[Nova]

『Like more condensed mana, hotter, colder, less mana, ect. Just ask a supervisor for them.』[Cael]

『Who is a supervisor, senior?』[Nova]

Cael pointed at the fog that Reagan was in.

『We have Reagan, Professor Hayton, and Grandma Sue.』[Cael]

『Grandma Sue?』[Nova]

『She supervises another club. You'll see her around. You'll know who she is when you see her.』[Cael]

Nova nodded and continued following Cael.

While they were walking across the room, Cael kept talking.

『Anyways, you play games right?』[Cael]

『Right. I used to anyway.』[Nova]

『FPS? RPG? What kind of games?』[Cael]

『I played MMORPGs normally. That's where I got the idea for health pots from. I do play some regular RPGs though.』[Nova]

『Right! All HP pots are manufactured specifically with a serial number and everything. They're very valuable- some HP pots can heal entire missing limbs!』[Cael]

『...What kind of HP pot can heal an arm? Isn't that ridiculous, senior?』[Nova]

『They're worth… a LOT. Like, almost priceless.』[Cael]

『That SOUNDS priceless.』[Nova]

Eventually, they stopped in front of a workspace with an empty nameplate.

『Right. They are almost impossible to get without some extremely rare materials. Here is your workspace.』[Cael]

Nova looked around at the items that were laid out neatly on the workspace, along with a fingerprint sitting on the workspace.

『Put your finger on it please.』[Cael]

Nova put his index finger on the fingerprint and was instantly surprised by a needle pricking his finger.

『Agh! What the..?』[Nova]

『Hahaha! I had a lot more curses to say when that happened to me!』[Cael]

Nova glared at Cael.

『Gee. Thanks for the heads up, senior.』[Nova]

『Haha! Look up.』[Cael]

The blank nameplate at the top filled out with Nova's name suddenly.

『Woah! How did that..?』[Nova]

『Magic. How else?』[Cael]

Nova shrugged because no matter what, that was right.

『Anyways, pretty good right? Did you need a bandage for that wound?』[Cael]

Nova shook his head.

『No thanks, senior.』[Nova]

Cael gave him a frown.

『No need to be bitter about the surprise. You need to get that bandaged up!』[Cael]

Nova laughed when he said that.

『That's not what I meant! I mean I can heal it myself!』[Nova]

『...Heal it yourself…?』[Cael]

『Blessed Flame Rebirth.』[Nova]

The blood and wound quickly faded from Nova's skin.

『...You're the "Conqueror"?』[Cael]

Just as he said that, a fog dissipated from a nearby workspace and a voice boomed out.
