Culinary Chaos

Despite the chaotic energy of the cafeteria, everyone was having a good time watching what was happening.

『Hahaha! Let me show you what true flambe is, Anastasia!』[Saeyeon]

Saeyeon added a bunch of alcohol to a wok and began to flambe till the fire hit the ceiling.

Sophia watched from across the room as the fire hit the top of the roof with her mouth wide open.

The nearby students shouted with excitement at this show of flames.

『Woo! Senior is on fire!』

『How is she doing that?! That's insane!』

『Wooah! I love you, Saeyeon!』

Nova felt like he heard Hanzo's voice somewhere in that...

『Huh?! How are you doing that?!』[Sophia]

Saeyeon looked away from the fire and made a giant grin on her face.

After a moment, the flames took the shape of a dragon and danced around the room.

『I'm manipulating the fire by supplementing it with my mana! Isn't it cool?!』[Saeyeon]

The applause was deafening for her.




Hanzo was slipping those comments in from out of nowhere.

That last one caught her attention, which was when she realized…

『OH... GOD! I'M ON FIRE!』[Saeyeon]

Her apron had caught on fire and she threw it to the floor before stomping it out.

Hazel looked at her with a slightly disappointed look.

『Geez. That's why you don't show off, Saeyeon.』[Hazel]

Hazel, on the other hand, was taking the culinary battle seriously.

Her hands moved around all of the pots and pans with extremely meticulous and precise movements.

On the other side was Freyana, who immersed herself into the cooking.

Freyana quickly threw plates and bowls on a nearby dining cart with gusts of wind, even going to the trouble to put the cloche covers onto each of the dishes.

The applause screamed even louder.

『Woah! They're all going crazy!』

『Do you think they have boyfriends?!』


Nova had no idea where Hanzo even was screaming from.

『Will you go out with me, Freyana?!』

『Freyana! Please cook me with your tender love!』

『Freyana's so pretty! I'm in love with her elf ears!』

『I want Freyana-chan to cook me rice, miso soup, tamagoyaki, broiled fish seasoned with salt, and tsukemono every day for breakfast!』

When he heard those last ones, Nova glared into the crowd in an attempt to pinpoint the voices.

『Which one of you guys said those last ones?』[Nova]

Any of the dudes screaming for Freyana's hand in marriage immediately shut themselves up as their presence was minimized and they began to mumble.

『...Is he dating her..?』

『Freyana..? She's the Pure Fairy of the Cooking Club… right?』

『...There's no way… right?』

『Now that I think of it… didn't he get hugged by her earlier?!』

Nova stood on top of one of the chairs and pointed at the first person to speak.

『You! The first one! Have you even talked to her?!』[Nova]

The dude winced a bit when Nova said this.

『Next one! What's wrong with you? Cook you in her tender love?! That's just… a little creepy!』[Nova]

The person who said that hid himself under his blazer when attention was drawn to him.

『...He's heartless...』

『Third guy!』[Nova]

The dude looked up at Nova with a look of fear, to which Nova responded with a look of disgust.

『...Why just her ears?』[Nova]

『...They're cute.』

Nova pinched the bridge of his nose while shaking his head in disappointment and sighed.


The fourth guy was already getting prepared to be destroyed by Nova and was trying to make himself invisible.

『Finally, you!』[Nova]

Nova pointed at the dude directly, leaving him nowhere to run.

Everyone had focused their attention to him.

『...Actually, I can't really say anything bad about you. Just choose a different girl.』[Nova]

He sighed a breath of relief and everyone began to laugh at those people that Nova grilled.

Before long though, some of them began to notice Anastasia on the side.

『She.. Is really trying her best, huh?』

Nova saw her attempting to salvage her recipe and couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Some others were clearly in the same boat as they began to cheer for her.




Before long, she had an entire group of people cheering for her.

Then finally, it was time to present.

The first person to go up with a cart of food was Hazel, who was wearing round glasses now.

『Here, I present bruschetta, risotto, a filet mignon- cooked medium rare, a salad tossed with the freshest gardening club vegetables, along with a serving of grapes and brie to cleanse the palate- before ending off with a tiramisu.』[Hazel]

Nova was super impressed by all of the food, whereas Granny just silently chuckled to herself.

He ate bits and pieces here and there with Granny, but it ended up not being enough for either of them.

『...It was tasty!』[Nova]

Freyana visibly pouted when she heard Nova praise Hazel's food, which somehow sent chills down his spine.

『Mmm. Good.』[Granny]

Hazel sighed but was smiling.

『Still not quite there, is it?』[Hazel]

Granny laughed to herself.

『Ohoho. Not yet. It lacks something.』[Granny]

Saeyeon was next, but the moment she took off the cloche cover, the food inside- no, the ashes inside- blew into the wind.

『...Haiya… What did I tell you about playing with food?』[Granny]

『Hahaha! Senior, you were showing off so much earlier!』[Nova]

Saeyeon smiled but she did look quite embarrassed.

『Hehe.. Sorry.』[Saeyeon]

Finally, Freyana pushed her cart up to the two of them with a burning look in her eyes.

『I'll knock your socks off, Grandma!』[Freyana]