Divergent Flow

Mune pointed with two of his fingers into the crowd and shouted, drawing the attention of the entire clearing of brownlings.

『Eclipsing Heavenly Vortex!』[Mune]

A nearby rank 4 brownling proceeded to rush at Mune from the side as he was calling out his ability.

『Impact Form: True Gale!』[Nova]

He jumped between Mune and the brownling before throwing his hand forward, piercing through the brownling and a few lower ranked brownlings.

Mune glanced over before lightly chuckling to himself.


The black laser came from the skies, landing down directly in the middle of the clearing before suddenly exploding forth and starting to ravage the brownlings.

Particles of sand would shoot out from every direction, killing even more brownlings and injuring some as well.

As Mune began to channel his mana, his bangs started to float again, revealing his crimson red eyes.

Though the attack killed a lot of brownlings, there were still about 600 of them running about.

Mune grabbed his blade floating at his side and began to charge deeper into the flood of brownlings.

He would slash with his katana while occasionally casting a Wave to clear out more brownlings while Nova followed cutting brownlings in half with Reischneid.

『...This is strange. Too many brownlings without any signs of cannibalism. There shouldn't be any signs of brownlings working together this well.』[Mune]

He suddenly stopped and put his left hand in front of him with his middle and pointing fingers pointing up to the skies and his other fingers down.

『Divergent Flow.』[Mune]

Two orbs, one black and one white, came out of Mune's fingers and began to spiral around him.

Nova continued to cut Brownlings down while watching Mune's back, but diverted some attention away to ask Mune about his actions.

『What does- hnrg-』[Nova]

Nova cut a Wave circle and cut down several brownlings varying from rank 2 to 3.

『-That do?!』[Nova]

Mune stood still with his fingers still out.

『Protect us.』[Mune]

A huge amount of red lasers came blasting in their direction from a few thousand feet away.

Nova readied his barrier when he saw them coming instinctively, but suddenly had flashbacks of the sound of the laser that he had heard while battling the rank 5 and 6 brownlings.

His barrier began to get assaulted by attacks from all angles, at incredibly fast speeds.

He suddenly heard Sir Fluffles barking in his mind.

「Nova! Let me out! I'm faster than the rank 5 brownlings now! I can handle them!」[Sir Fluffles]

「Wait a moment! We're being attacked by the rank 6 brownlings!」[Nova]

Sir Fluffles began to make a whimpering noise as he quieted down.

『G...gngh! The rank 5 brownlings have shown themselves!』[Nova]

The black and white orbs suddenly began to spin around all around the two of them, piercing through some of the brownlings, but primarily blocking the red lasers from in front of Mune.

『We're deep enough in for them to show themselves! The deeper we get, the stronger they will get as well!』[Mune]

Suddenly, the lasers that hit Mune changed direction and shot in all directions, killing off a good amount of the rank 5 brownlings.

『Divergent Flow takes enemy attacks and uses them against them! Do you have any widespread attack to clear this area?!』[Mune]

He began to cleave with his katana again, cutting through the rank 4 and 5 brownlings that came his way.

『...I do! Buy me some time! Come out, Sir Fluffles!』[Nova]

Sir Fluffles came out of a magical circle that appeared a few feet away from Nova, before dashing around and tackling, biting, or attacking the lower rank brownlings that jumped at Mune and Nova with his tail.

Mune watched the blur that was Sir Fluffles go back and forth.

『Oho. A summoned familiar.』[Mune]

Nova put his sword in the ground before he made it grow all around the battlefield, cutting through some brownlings and curving around, blocking other brownlings' paths.

『...This is draining a lot of mana, I'm not sure if I can keep this up!』[Nova]

『Take those Stardrops I gave you! There's no issue!』[Mune]

Nova slipped his left hand into the necklace and pulled out a Stardrop and popped it into his mouth.

It tasted like a sour blue raspberry flavor and filled his mana up gradually.

He placed his hand on top of the bottom of the hilt and began to chant.

『Here goes! Birthed from the stars, burnt to ashes, burn my enemies into nothingness. From ashes to ashes, to stardust and nothing, incinerate the enemy into eternal night!』[Nova]

Mune got closer to Nova, keeping any assaulting brownlings off of him either by kicking the rank 5 brownlings away or cutting the rank 4 brownlings.

Nova looked up with a blue sheen in his eyes.

He almost whispered the last part of the chant.

『...Inferno Purgatory.』[Nova]

Using Reischneid as a proxy to cast Inferno Purgatory from, flames that were the dark blue of space began to explode forth, burning most of the brownlings into ashes.

His flame's blaze left the entire area's floor filled with magical crystals and filled the air with the dust of the brownlings.

Mune looked around with wide eyes before bursting out into a big smile.

『...Great! This is ideal!』[Mune]

Sir Fluffles flew back to the two of them before hovering next to Nova.

『Nova! Are you alright?』[Sir Fluffles]

Nova saw that most of the weaker brownlings had been defeated, so he stopped the dark blue flames and got ready to cast another spell.

『Blessed Flame Rebirth!』[Nova]

The signature bright blue fire of his appeared all throughout the blade that had been split in all directions and began to break the blade down into blue particles in the area, turning the mana of the blade into mana for Nova.

He created a new blade with his hilt and faced the direction Mune was facing in the crystal littered wasteland.

『...Okay! I should have enough mana to do that one more time!』[Nova]

Mune nodded.

『Continue to watch my back. You can't handle these ones yet.』[Mune]

When he said that, a large mob of bright yellow beasts began to crawl out of the forest.

They were about 10 feet tall, had two huge claws reminiscent of a bear, and were standing on two legs.

And to top it off, they had a human-like head on their back, with a more beastlike main head.

『...Rank 6 brownlings.』[Nova]