Bad Timing

After a few hours, Nova had decided it was about time to wake up.

『Alright! I think I'm doing well with True Gale!』[Nova]

『...Maybe in a few years you'll master it.』[Reischneid]

『...What about learning new moves?』[Nova]

Reischneid shrugged.

『I guess you'll be able to do that soon? When I feel like it.』[Reischneid]

『...Okay, fine. I'm gonna go wake up.』[Nova]

Reischneid got excited.

『Is it club time?』[Reischneid]

『...I skipped club today.』[Nova]

He had a desolate look on his face.

『Aaaaaah… Nova is becoming a delinquent...』[Reischneid]

『Oi! Am not! I just unlocked my Raiment yesterday, give me a break!』[Nova]

Reischneid looked surprised.

『Is that so? Do you know if you have access to any new abilities?』[Reischneid]

Nova shook his head blankly.

『Nope. Am I supposed to get some? I know that some attacks pass through my Raiment, but anything else is out of the bounds of my knowledge.』[Nova]

『...Eh, worry about being able to actually use your Raiment first.』[Reischneid]

Nova looked a little annoyed.

『...Man, whatever. I'm gonna go, see you later.』[Nova]

Nova vanished into thin air as he shifted back to being conscious.

『I'm always with you, what do you mean "see you later"...?』[Reischneid]

A voice came from all around the space of the dreamscape, answering his question.

『I can't see you right now, right? So, I'll "see" you later!』[Nova]

Reischneid just rubbed his temples and sighed at this joke.


Nova woke up very quietly.

He felt something hook around his legs and waist.

He carefully moved the blanket up to see what was hooked around his body.

Around him were Freyana's arms and legs.

He quietly spoke to himself out of habit.

『...How do I get out of this..?』[Nova]

Just realizing that he spoke out loud, he quickly covered his mouth with his free hand.

『You don't.』

Once he looked to his left, Freyana was staring back at him.

『...Uhm… Good morning?』[Nova]

She clung harder to Nova, causing him to feel like his bones were being crushed.

『Ack?! What, why?!』[Nova]

He felt her chest press up against him, causing him to get flustered and panic.

『Stop getting yourself into danger, stupid!』[Freyana]

He tried to move, but her strength completely overwhelmed him.

『Freyana?! How much mana do you have?! You're so strong?!』[Nova]

Her face flushed before loosening up on her grip a little bit and mumbling.

『...You shouldn't say that about a girl… stupid.』[Freyana]

He managed to slip out of her leg hold, but she still kept her arms wrapped around his waist.

Nova's clothing got disheveled by her holding onto him.

『H-Hey! Stop squirming! Just let it happen!』[Freyana]

『I'm not gonna just-!』[Nova]

Suddenly, a loud explosion happened, sending Nova's door flying across the room.

The first person to come in was Sarena.

『Nova! Are you okay?! Mune told u-』[Sarena]

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the two of them wrapped around each other in Nova's bed.

She quickly covered her eyes with small gaps to see through, before pointing at them.

『Wh-Wh-Wh-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!』[Sarena]

Nova looked back and forth between him and Freyana before realizing what the situation looked like.

Oswald was the next to come in.

『Sarena why are yo- Oh. Oh…. Uhm… Should we leave?』[Oswald]

Nova regained his composure and began to refute them.

『No, no, no! It's not what it looks like!』[Nova]

Hanzo was the next one to come in after Oswald.

『...Nova! We heard you almost died again! Are you- oh my god.』[Hanzo]

Freyana quickly let go of Nova before standing off to the side.

He laughed out loud when he saw this.

『Am I what?』[Nova]

『I was gonna say are you okay, but now I have to ask if you are using protection...』[Hanzo]

Sarena quickly slapped him on his left cheek before Derenne came in as well.

『He-Hello? Nova? Are you oka-?』[Derenne]

She stopped midway through her sentence when she saw Freyana standing there.

『...Oh! Which one of you confessed first?』[Derenne]

『Err?! Huh? What?!』[Nova]

Freyana's face flushed, but she stayed quiet.

Finally.. There was one last person to walk in.


In between Hanzo and Derenne… was Rai.


Nova moved his arms repeatedly back and forth in denial.

『I agreed to no such thing! I told you like last mon-』[Nova]

『No excuses! Who is this cute chick?! Where is my cute chick?! Why must the good suffer and the evil flourish?!』[Rai]

He fell to his knees before slamming on the floor with the bottom of his fist.

『Evil?! What do you mean evi-』[Nova]

『Silence! Anyone who would leave his bro in single gang is evil! And after Leo told me that you might have been in danger too!』[Rai]

He placed his face firmly on the floor while sobbing exaggeratedly.


He was sent flying out of the room by a mysterious force along with the door, which fixed itself to Nova's wall again.

Nova turned over to Sarena, who had her finger in the air, twirling around.

『...Right. Anyways, we heard you almost died. What happened?』[Sarena]

Nova motioned for them to sit down on his sofa first, as he sat at the foot of his bed.

『Uh… It really wasn't that much...』[Nova]

For some reason, Oswald began to knit his eyebrows ahead of time.


He sat down on Nova's sofa, inviting everyone else to sit down as well.

They all sat down, expecting some interesting story.

Freyana sat next to Nova, as he began to explain.

『So, I went to the forest full of brownlings with Mune for our Raidagem mission, but there were some unexpected circumstances...』[Nova]

『Furescha forest? The one that Reagan takes all of his new students to?』[Sarena]

『Oh, god. That was not the life I wanted to live back then...』[Hanzo]

Hanzo massaged his face, trying to suppress the unpleasant memories.

『Right. That's the one! We went to go clear out a horde of brownlings.』[Nova]

Oswald adjusted his glasses before replying.

『...How many stars?』[Oswald]

『Only 4! It should be fine if it was Mune, right?』[Nova]

『...4 stars?』[Derenne]

Sarena seemed to suddenly snap, shouting at Nova.


Nova flinched a bit, not expecting Sarena to yell that loudly.

『Huh?! But Mune said he was worth at least 10 stars or 10 average fourth years!』[Nova]

『...If he includes you, who isn't worth a singular star, and divide the average suggested team of 5... wouldn't that mean that you two took on a mission worth 16 stars?』[Derenne]

Nova had a blank look on his face.

『Oh. I didn't know that.』[Nova]

Freyana started to shake him around with an upset tone of voice.

『See! This is why you're stuuuuupid!』[Freyana]

He continued to talk while being shaken around.

『Buuuuh! -But it's okay! We made it through alive!』[Nova]

『...What was the most dangerous enemy on that mission?』[Oswald]

『Uhm… A borderline rank 8 brownling?』[Nova]

『A WHAT?』[Sarena]

『...How in the world did you survive?』[Hanzo]

Nova had an excited look on his face.


They all stared at him with a strange look.