Bloody Masterpiece

Black and white flames burst all around the clearing.

In a split second, the arrow that was flying toward Nova suddenly disappeared.


He looked around for the arrow.

A crunching noise made a chill run down Eudin's spine, causing him to turn around.

Sitting there was Sir Fluffles crunching down on Eudin's arrow.

He barked at Eudin.

『Arf! I did it, Nova! Should I fight against this blonde person?』[Sir Fluffles]

『Yeah! Play with him for a bit, Sir Fluffles!』[Nova]

Sir Fluffles span around and rapidly wagged his tail before lowering the front of his body.

He flew Eudin causing him to freak out and swat at the dog.

『Ah?! Stay away! I'll hit you! I really will!』[Eudin]

Kitsu also joined in on this, tripping him before biting down on Eudin's jacket and ripping it.


Sir Fluffles jumped on top of Eudin's exposed chest and began to jump around.

『...This person's chest is very bouncy!』[Sir Fluffles]

Nova got confused, so he lost concentration and looked over to look at what was happening.

Eudin began to try to shove Sir Fluffles off of their chest… but…

Eudin was wearing a tight tank top that accentuated their large chest.


『...He is… a SHE?!』[Nova]

Nova found that his eyes were glued to the sight of Sir Fluffles playing and bouncing on her chest for a moment.

Once she noticed that Nova was staring, she began to cry.

『P..Please… D..Don't stare…!』[Eudin]

『Sir Fluffles! Stop doing that to her!』[Nova]

Sir Fluffles looked over to Nova before barking.

『...Alright! I'll just stay here and make sure she doesn't do anything to you, Nova!』[Sir Fluffles]

Once he stopped, Eudin picked up the scraps of her jacket and covered herself before crying into her jacket.

『...Haah… Kitsu, damn it...』[Nova]

Using the mana leeched by using his Blessed Flame Rebirth, he continued to keep the flame going and burning, paying no attention to Eudin anymore.

Nova couldn't watch a girl cry at the hands of his familiar, even if he was fighting.

Meanwhile, Reischneid continued to attempt to capture Yudola and Shereil.

After a moment of the blade continuing to chase them, it surged in speed, wrapping around Yudola.

『Shereil! Now!』[Yudola]

『Okay, Yudola!』[Shereil]

She slammed onto Reischneid's blade, causing it to break and let Yudola go free.

Yudola threw her feather to the ground, causing itself to embed to the floor.

Suddenly, a cascade of screams began to ring out.

Nova turned back to find a giant red lycoris flower floating above his flames.

『...Let me show you.. True art!』[Yudola]

He saw shadows of people and faces inside each of the flower's glowing red petals.

『...What are you doing?!』[Nova]

『HAHAHAHAHA! It's too late!』[Yudola]

She reeled over laughing, finally allowing Reischneid to wrap the blade around her after Lucifius held her still.

『Immortal Lycoris Blossom!』[Yudola]

The red flower began to spin around rapidly, making the screams echo around the clearing.

Blood droplets began to rain down from the lycoris flower, which began to look like a glowing red cloud from the perspective of everyone on the floor.

The cloud slowly seemed to become darker and darker before coalescing into a floating orb of bright blood.

『...What the hell is that?!』[Mune]

Mune got close to Nova, making sure he couldn't get hit by any upcoming attacks.

『...This is my masterpiece.』[Yudola]

She stared at the giant floating orb of blood with a flushed and excited expression on her face.

It fell on top of Nova's mass of flames.

The moment it hit the ground, Nova's flames seemed to extinguish.

『My flames! What happened?! Are Reischneid and Lucifius alright?!』[Nova]

『They're guardians! They won't die from this, we're fine!』[Mune]

The whispering continued to talk in his ear.

『...Come, Nova.. Make a contract with me… I'll show you my power...』

『...Pull through, you guys..』[Nova]

He refused to deal with the entity that spoke in his ear.

The orb spilled in every direction, sucking up all the people in the clearing before rising back up, in the shape of a giant humanoid creature.

All throughout the shape were silhouettes of people and faces.

Anyone who was on the ground seemed to be inside of the giant red creature now.

The shape of the creature took the shape of a statue-like man.

『...Where the hell did all those people go..?!』[Mune]

To their surprise, a voice still remained in the clearing.

『...They're in there.』

Once they turned their head, Yudola was standing there with a giant smile.

『...My Immortal Lycoris Blossom is made up entirely of blood energy. I figured out that your flames can only burn away mana. Just try and burn away the blood energy!』[Yudola]

Nova put his hand up.

『Birthed from the stars, burnt to ashes, burn my enemies into nothingness. From ashes to ashes, to stardust and nothing, incinerate the enemy into eternal night!』[Nova]

Despite Nova's chanting, Yudola did nothing against him, standing there smiling.

『Inferno Purgatory!』[Nova]

The blue flames raged on all around the blood giant, but nothing happened to it.

『What?! Why won't it work?!』[Nova]

『...Oh! Nova. You can't do this anymore. Your flame is based off of burning mana. Not to mention, I doubt that you can will yourself to take anyone's life. There is no chance in you being able to melt away life energy with people inside.』[Mune]

Nova began to shout back at Mune.

『Then… what do we do?! How can I get rid of the blood energy while keeping the people inside alive?!』[Nova]

『...We have to run. If we get absorbed it's over.』[Mune]

Nova started to scream until his voice began to crack.

『I can't leave all those people inside!』[Nova]

『Don't worry. You'll join them soon enough!』[Yudola]

Suddenly, the giant began to swing its fist at them.

『Raiment! Crimson Moon Regalia!』[Mune]