A Price

Yudola stopped midway through chasing Nova.

『...He… left...』[Yudola]

Tears ran down her face.

The yellow phantoms began to dissipate as well, having been smashed by the blood giant.

She looked up at the blood giant that remained quiet, left without a target.

『...I suppose I'll drain the rest of their blood energy before I leave then...』[Yudola]

Tears continued to roll down her face as she began to walk to the blood giant.


Nova rolled out of his portal and laid down on the floor of a colorful place.

『D..Damn it!』[Nova]

Some footsteps began to ring out by him.

『...Who… is there?』[Nova]

A large creature began to walk out.

『Oh. Has the time come?』

Nova forced himself off the floor and looked at the direction where the voice came from.

Standing there was a big man with yellowed skin.

『It's… you?』[Nova]

『Hey, Nova.』[The Brown]

The tall man with a black suit came out smoking a cigarette.

『So, you finally have something you need my help with?』[The Brown]

『I.. Came here on instinct. I completely forgot, to be completely honest!』[Nova]

『...Seems urgent. Don't worry about coming here on instinct. I don't like to be bothered, so I influenced your mind to have you "half-forget" about this place.』[The Brown]

Nova still held onto his sense of urgency, but knew the incredible strength of The Brown, so he didn't want to seem impolite.

『What does that mean?!』[Nova]

『It means I only made it so you can come here if something important is going on, or I feel like having you visit. So, something really big is going on, right?』[The Brown]

『...My friends and I got attacked by this girl who absorbed them in some blood giant.』[Nova]

『...This is on my turf, isn't it? I felt a gross energy several miles away.』[The Brown]

『Yes. I can't destroy the blood energy, but there is so many people inside… just waiting to die!』[Nova]

『...Nah. I won't let something like that happen on my turf.』[The Brown]

『So, you can help me get rid of it and save them?!』[Nova]

『...I can't guarantee anything. Blood energy tends to be… eccentric. I can buy time for her not to murder all of them, though.』[The Brown]

『...Thank you, Mr. Brown.』[Nova]

Nova put his hand up.


The black portal popped up.

『Come in, please. This will take us there.』[Nova]

He nodded and grinned before beginning to walk toward the portal.

『I sense a familiar energy there. Thanks for coming by, Nova.』[The Brown]

Nova didn't know what he meant by that, but was glad to have his help.

The Brown and Nova dashed into the portal, ready to kick the giant around.


Yudola continued to cry as she waited for the blood giant to finish digesting the people inside.

Suddenly, the blood giant screamed with the voices of a few hundred people.

『GRAAAAGH!』[Blood Giant]

Yudola suddenly looked up to the sky and saw a strange sight to be had.

There was Nova, being held by The Brown's left hand and standing on his shoulder as The Brown swung at the beast with his other hand.

『You hit it!』[Nova]

『Of course I did! Problem is, there's no definitive way to destroy it!』 [The Brown]

Nova hopped off of The Brown's shoulder before using a Wave circle to cushion his fall.

『Nova! You're back!』[Yudola]

She stopped crying and ran at him with a happy look on her face.

『Nope! Bind!』[Nova]

A chain shot out of the ground and wrapped around her arms and legs.

She moaned loudly, much to the dismay of everyone there.

『Ah~?! Novaaaa, no~! I'm not ready yet~!』[Yudola]

Nova stared at her with a cold look.

『...Release the spell.』[Nova]

She smiled.

『...The only way I can release the spell is if it runs out of blood energy or I die.』[Yudola]

The Brown continued to beat the blood giant, but it didn't make any sign of dispersing.

『Nova! I can only use my physical attacks! All I can do is buy you time for you to do something! Are you going to kill the girl?!』[The Brown]

Nova's eyes shot open at the question.

『No! I refuse to kill anyone!』[Nova]

『...That's fine and all! But… nngh… Any other thing I do to this guy will kill everyone inside! And it seems-』[The Brown]

The blood giant wrapped some tendrils around The Brown, beginning to drag him in.

『...Yikes. Might be in a pinch.』[The Brown]

『Mr. Brown!』[Nova]

Yudola laughed maniacally.

『Anyone you bring gets roped into my giant! Hahaha! Everything is hopeless, unless you decide to kill! Kill! Kill!』[Yudola]

The word and familiar voice echoed in Nova's ear.

『Kill. Take my power and kill.』

『Kill! Do it! Kill!』[Yudola]

The Brown was slowly being dragged in, still punching and throwing his fist at the blood giant, delaying the inevitable.

『God damn it!』[Nova]

「...Is anyone I bring into this wrapped up in this? Am I… the reason why they're in this mess?」[Nova]

The voice whispered in his head, making him more and more aggravated

『...If you don't do it, they'll all die.』

Yudola kept laughing at Nova's plight.

The Brown sank slowly into the blood giant, no longer able to fight back.

『...I think I failed. Sorry, Nova. I might have to kill everyone in here.』[The Brown]

Nova whispered quietly to himself.

『...What are the terms of your contract? What is the cost of using your power?』[Nova]

His eyes glowed blue.

『...What do I need to give up to save them?』[Nova]