Holy Attribute

They arrived in a pitch dark room that was decorated with red accents.

『Where are we?』[Kikhia]

『My Raidagem's room. I'm praying that my senior is here- he didn't go home for the break.』[Nova]

Nova looked around frantically, hoping that he was here instead of his dorm.

『Mune! Are you here?!』[Nova]

The room went silent as everyone


A yawn shocked everyone who was there at the time.

『...Nova? Is something wrong? I gave you my phone number if it wasn't important, remember?』[Mune]

Someone found the light switch and turned the lights on, letting them see.

Mune was lying on the couch, but he was suddenly shocked up by the appearance of three extra people wearing formal clothing.

『...Oh, man. IS this important?』[Mune]

『...A demon is trying to kill me and my friends?』[Nova]

『...What kind of vacation is this?』[Mune]

He rubbed his face to wake himself up.

『Right. You can bet that I have almost no idea on how to kill a demon, but that won't stop me from trying.』[Mune]

He motioned for everyone to sit down, with them doing as instructed.

『Right. We can get the details later, but you're the prince, aren't you?』[Mune]

He pointed straight at Alex, causing him to be alarmed.

『H...How did you know?!』[Alex]

『Pfft. I know your granny. Anyways, do we have any holy attribute spells at the table here?』[Mune]

『I...I can use them, but...』[Kikhia]

『...Her brother is the person trying to kill us.』[Alex]

『...Oh. I can see where this might be an issue.』[Mune]

Suddenly, Reischneid began to speak in Nova's mind.

「Nova. Have you noticed the new guard that was on the sword?」[Reischneid]

「Yes? Is there something important about it?」[Nova]

「There is a pure black spot on the sword, right? About the size of a large coin?」[Reischneid]

Nova flipped his guard oer and saw it.

「Yeah. I see it, is there something I can do with it?」[Nova]

「You can store a spell there and reuse it over and over, given that you know the circle and chant. If you have her teach you the circle, you can be the one to defeat her brother.」[Reischneid]

「...I see. Is there any special way for me to do this?」[Nova]

「Remember what I said about treating the sword as an extension of your body a while ago?」[Reischneid]

「...Yes. Do I just do this as I always do?」[Nova]

「Right. Just store the circle or try to remember it if you can. The black slate is facing you most of the time in battle anyways. If you can't remember the chant, I'll say it, so you can repeat after me.」[Reischneid]

「...Didn't you say I wasn't ready for this battle yet?」[Nova]

「Holy attribute spells are rare, but the properties include great damage to things such as demons, spirits, and many other entities. I didn't expect one of you to have it. But I still recommend you don't attack him directly.」[Reischneid]

「Okay. I'll pitch the idea, then.」[Nova]

「Good luck.」[Reischneid]

Nova tuned back into reality, where they had no progress in coming up with a plan.

『Kikhia. Can you teach me the chant and circle for your holy spell?』[Nova]

She looked at him with a shocked expression.

『It's… a half ritual, half chanter variant of spell. Are you sure you would be able to use it?』[Kikhia]

Before Nova could respond, Alex went ahead and responded.

『Teach it to me too, Kikhia. This is worth a try.』[Alex]

『But, sir-』[Kikhia]


She seemed reluctant to switch names, but she obliged.

『Alex… 』[Kikhia]

She blushed all the way to her ears.

『You're a caster… It'll be incredibly difficult for you to do so.』[Kikhia]

『...We have a way, so we're gonna take it.』[Alex]

Nova nodded.

『Eh, might as well. If it's easy enough, maybe we can just bombard them with your holy attribute spell.』[Mune]

『...It's a ritual spell, so you'd have to activate it ahead of time if you aren't a Chanter or a Ritualist class mage.』[Kikhia]

『...I'm a Sorcerer class mage, but depending on how simple it is, I can still use it.』[Mune]

『I'm a Caster class mage as well, so I'm not sure if I can use that spell...』[Freyana]

After hearing from the rest of the group, she agreed.

『...Okay. The spell starts off with a chant while you imbue mana into your desired "vessel", then finish the chant, enchanting the mana with the holy property.』[Kikhia]

『So we just change the state of mana, then put that mana onto something and attack?』[Mune]

『Right. But it's harder than you'd think.』[Kikhia]

Freyana's ears dropped downwards.

『Uuuu… I don't think I can use this one, everyone...』[Freyana]

Nova placed his hand on her head, patting her as condolence.

『It's okay. We can handle it.』[Nova]


She seemed comforted by Nova's reassurance and just accepted his words as the truth while slightly pouting.

『Okay, let me draw the circle on the table with my mana for you all to see, then.』[Kikhia]

She drew the circle on the table, letting everyone see a complex magical circle.

『It's a 3rd circle spell. If you can memorize it, that'd be amazing. If you can't, then try to copy the circle and use it, preemptively.』[Kikhia]

Everyone nodded and tried to memorize the circle as best as they could.

『...But the chant.』[Kikhia]

She sighed and took a deep breath in preparation to say the chant out loud for them to hear.