Grubby Hands

Nova could faintly hear Reischneid trying to convince him otherwise, but he kept the wide grin on his face.

「Nova! What did you just say?!」[Reischneid]

「...I'm sorry, Reischneid. I'm… gonna die here.」[Nova]

「Come on! Just kill him with the blade! You managed to get into a school exclusively for nobles! What the hell are you doing?!」[Reischneid]

「...I'm going to do what I think is right.」[Nova]

Reischneid was absolutely speechless.

Zousa was getting sick of being constantly on the defensive.

『...Why are you smiling?』[Zousa]

Nova didn't respond to him.

『...I am not amused.』[Asmodasiah]

『Good. Don't be. Now hurry up and take my life energy.』[Nova]

『...There's a limit to being proud. You do not need to put on a facade, looking for my approval.』[Asmodasiah]

『If I die, the people who know me won't miss me too much. I've only known them for a few months tops.』[Nova]

Zousa began to shout back at Nova.


『...Truly a selfish breed of creatures.』[Asmodasiah]

He began to panic, looking for a way out.

Zousa avoided touching the blades, but picked up bits of rocks and flung them at the cage, leaving cracks in the cage.

『Not much time left, Asmodasiah.』[Nova]


Instead of materializing this time, she directly sapped energy from Nova's body.

A black and white energy crawled it's way up Nova's arm, concentrating itself at Nova's fingertips.

Alex was being supported by Kikhia, but they were still able to see what Nova was doing.

『...What is Nova doing..?』[Alex]

She looked over with concerned eyes.


Nova felt his previously warm- even to the point of burning hot, body start to drain of heat.


『Nova! What ability is that?! You know you need the holy attribute to kill him!』[Mune]

Nova looked back at them, showing them a slight grin.

Along with the loss of body heat, his previously strong body began to sap of strength.

『...You're sure of this?』[Asmodasiah]

He could feel something similar to a trace of worry coming from her voice, despite her previous words.

『...Thank you.』[Nova]

『...Utter fool.』[Asmodasiah]

At this point, the mana in Nova's body was also losing the previous energy and power that it had.

Suddenly, Zousa bit the bullet and slammed his right hand into the cage, completely shattering the blade at the cost of his arm and some of his torso.

『DAMN YOU!』[Zousa]

He raised his left hand, ready to punch Nova in the face and kill him.

Nova stopped being able to feel his body, so when he tried to dodge, he was stuck in one place.

Zousa's face suddenly curved up, as if to signify his victory.


She couldn't get a spell ready in time to save Nova.

Just a moment away from hitting Nova in the face, a glowing yellow aura cut off Zousa's hand, causing it to decay along with some of his wrist.

Zousa hopped back to avoid additional damage.

Mune looked back at Nova with a concerned look on his face.

『Hang in there, buddy!』[Mune]

Mune forced Zousa to get back, quickly regenerating his wrist and left hand.

『Your weak holy attribute is nothing special! So step aside and let me kill the boy!』[Zousa]

『Over my dead body!』[Mune]

Mune and Zousa clashed several times, with Mune losing out physically-wise, but still holding on.

After several different clashes, Mune finally was sent flying into the building again.

『Gngh..! Nova! Get out of there!』[Mune]

The warning fell on deaf ears, however.

Nova was almost incapable of moving at this point, his skin gray, like a corpse that died standing.

Mune shouted from the building.

『Raiment! Crimson Moon's Regalia!』[Mune]

Mune almost instantly flashed in front of Nova, letting Nova see a pale translucent moon that spun around behind him.

The black and white energy on Nova's arm slowly stopped sapping his life energy, no longer coiling around his arm.

Zousa seemed to suddenly stagger a bit, causing him to lose balance.

『...What the hell?! Damn all of you!』[Zousa]

『...It's ready.』[Nova]

Nova tried to adjust the shot toward Zousa, but he ended up not being able to move his finger or arm.

He began to mumble quietly, in the hopes that Mune would be able to hear.

『...Mune, please get him in front of my finger the best you can.』[Nova]

He nodded and started to swing at Zousa with the blade that had been enchanted with the holy attribute.

Mune swung at the side of Zousa, causing him to dodge toward Nova's direction.

『...THAT'S IT!』[Zousa]

Zousa slammed the ground with his palm, leaving strange symbols on the ground.

『Body Art: Blade Tempest!』[Zousa]

Many black triangles came out of his flesh, before quickly accelerating and spinning around him.

Mune got struck by a handful of small triangles, leaving many lacerations on his flesh.


The moon behind Mune immediately disappeared, including the moon.

『Your mana is done for. Finally, I'm gonna get my retribution.』[Zousa]

He slowly walked up to Nova, the black triangles forming around where his right arm was, regenerating it.

He completely avoided the black and white energy that caused him to feel a bit of fear.

『...Goodbye, kid.』[Zousa]

He raised his hand up to end it, when something suddenly wrapped around his wrist.

Sarena stood a few feet away in casual loungewear.

『...Don't touch my little brother with your grubby hands.』[Sarena]