Lady Sarena Night

Edwin finally looked at Nova with a smile.

『That's right, young hero.』[Edwin]

He turned over to the wall, seeing the hole in it.

『...Uh. Did you leave a hole in the wall..?』[Edwin]

Nova's face flushed red.

『...Yes. It was on accident, though...』[Nova]

『...The wall is reinforced and absorbs mana… How in the world do you accidentally make a hole in it?』[Edwin]

『I was told we were allowed to practice, and accidentally used way too much power...』[Nova]

『...We'll fix it in no time! Just sit tight and we'll take care of any requests you have! As both a security and a thank you!』[Edwin]


Nova's ears perked up at the any requests part.

『I would like to eat! My mana is depleted!』[Nova]

『Same here!』[Mune]

『Hahaha! That's the kind of youthful response I expected!』[Edwin]

He opened the door to the room before he suddenly got serious again.

『But… Nova. If you have a wish in mind, I will fulfill that wish for you.』[Edwin]

He shut the door, leaving them to wonder.

『...A wish?』[Nova]

『That's not bad, Nova! You get a free wish from someone with a lot of influence!』[Mune]

『...Hmm. I don't know what to ask for…?』[Nova]

Reischneid suddenly chimed in.

「Your dad. You're looking for him, aren't you?」[Reischneid]

「I am, but...」[Nova]

「What? You aren't sure on it? Or do you have another wish?」[Reischneid]

「...It's just...」[Nova]

「Ah. That's it.」[Reischneid]

Nova had no idea what Reischneid was up to.


「It's your mom. Isn't it?」[Reischneid]


「Hold onto that wish as long as you can, then. There's places that you can't go without your own power, after all.」[Reischneid]

「...I thought being a mage was going to be fun. Fulfilling. Like all the stories about heroes and...」[Nova]

「It's dark. It's rough. It's horrid.」[Reischneid]


「It's how bright the hero is that makes those kind of stories great. How they can stay the bright ray of hope that are, even in that abundant darkness.」[Reischneid]

「...How can I be a hero… If I can't even make the choices to save those close to me?」[Nova]

「To me, you're on your way to becoming a fine hero. But you know what a hero is?」[Reischneid]

「Me? A hero? I'm not sure if I follow...」[Nova]

「Well, Nova. A hero is someone that lights up the lives of others.」[Reischneid]

「...You're right. I'll try my best, Reischneid!」[Nova]

Nova nodded to himself.


Mune's voice finally got to Nova.

『Huh?! What happened? I zoned out!』[Nova]

『...You talking to Reischneid? Sir Fluffles? Which one?』[Mune]


『Oh, alright. I was just saying, after we take a bit to recuperate, let's go on a training trip.』[Mune]

『A training trip?』[Nova]

『We have another break soon. If you can teleport us back and forth from where we left off and back to Granny Rika's, we can explore the vast land of the kingdom.』[Mune]

『You mean… the parts of the kingdom that have monsters and beasts just… walking around?!』[Nova]

『Oh, so you already know! We'll do it the best way possible! If we get the mana crystals, Granny Rika can turn it into infused foods for us! You can even get your Raiment to the stage where you can move around with it!』[Mune]

『...How long did it take you to start moving around with it, Mune?』[Nova]

He put his fingers to his chin, thinking about it for a moment.

『...2 months.』[Mune]

『Oh, onl-』[Nova]

『Two WHOLE months. All of the time in between that.』[Mune]


『...I'm sure it would go faster in life or death situations. Who knows, maybe you can already do it?』[Mune]

『...I'll pass for now.』[Nova]

『Still, there is the winter tournamen-』[Mune]

『The what?』[Nova]

『...Winter tournament. I forget. They don't really say this stuff to first years, huh?』[Mune]

『Do I… have some suffering Reagan is going to put me through?』[Nova]

『You bet. He wants those vacation days, after all.』[Mune]


『He uses them to go on dates with his wife. She has him whipped.』[Mune]


Nova couldn't help but laugh at this.

Edwin walked in with a cart of food.

『I just got some information about that first incident! We've traced her to a person who has been sighted around, thanks to your help!』[Edwin]

He nudged Nova with his arm while quietly whispering.

『...By the way, that girl DOES have a nice pair.』[Edwin]

Nova's face flushed, but he pushed through and changed the topic.

『Oh! Are you going to save those people?!』[Nova]

Old man Edwin's face became complicated.

『...You know, we have one person who is able to clear contracts, but...』[Edwin]

He looked completely helpless.

『Someone who can counter blood energy is… not really on hand.』[Edwin]

Right as he said that, the door suddenly swung open, revealing Freyana and Sarena.

『Nova! Are you looking at other girls' breasts?!』[Freyana]

She ran in and started to shake him around by the collar.

Sarena walked in much more calmly than Freyana did.

『We overheard. I can control blood energy.』[Sarena]

Edwin had a surprised expression.

『...I'm sorry, but you are?』[Edwin]

Sarena laid her hand gently on top of her chest.

『Sarena Night. Lady of House Night.』[Sarena]

Edwin's eyes went wide.

『...Lady Night, herself..?』[Edwin]