Nova's Regret

After some time, Nova woke up with a start.


Mune woke up and shouted in concern.

『What's wrong?!』[Mune]

Nova looked back with an apologetic awkward laugh.

『...Reischneid beat me too hard and I thought I died.』[Nova]

『...Oh. How is the nature energy?』[Mune]

『...Well, he told me that I couldn't even learn it in there, which begs me to wonder why he even told me to go in there.』[Nova]

『...Lucifius asks if you like to slip out on training?』[Mune]

Nova started to nervously sweat.


『Ah. I see. Okay, whatever.』[Mune]

Nova began to hear Reischneid's voice calling for him.

「Oi! Nova! Get back here! Break time is over!」[Reischneid]

「...Haha…. Time to learn some nature energy, Reischneid!」[Nova]

His voice got aggravated as Nova had no intention of returning to the dreamscape.

「Hey! Wait!」[Reischneid]

Mune couldn't help but break a smile as Lucifius relayed everything to him.

『...Are you dodging out on training again?』[Mune]

Nova shrugged.

『Gotta learn nature energy, right?』[Nova]

He pulled his blankets off as he stretched his body.

『Pfft. I'll join you. Nothing better than picking up on something new.』[Mune]

Nova pulled the card out of his necklace, finally giving it a read.

『Nature energy is a simple, yet complex power. It is the energy that pulses through all that is natural, not just things quantified under "nature". All natural beings have the ability to manifest and create this.』[Nova]

He squinted at it for a moment before quietly scolding himself for expecting anything different.

『...This is the single most unhelpful thing I have ever come across.』[Nova]

『Hm? Nothing about nature energy besides that?』[Mune]

He flipped the card all over, looking for more information.

『Well, there isn't- ah.』[Nova]

He saw something near his finger glint for a moment.

『...Oh, nevermind. I thought I saw something.』[Nova]

Mune looked like he just realized something.

『Nova, can you try putting some mana into that card while focusing?』[Mune]

『Huh? I guess I could...』[Nova]

He carefully focused onto the card, circulating his mana.

After doing that for a bit, the card turned golden before shattering into silvery pieces into the air.

『Huh?! What just happened?!』[Nova]

Mune had a look on his face that screamed "As expected".

『I think that card was the biggest present you've gotten from your dad so far.』[Mune]

『What? Why?』[Nova]

Mune pointed at Nova's hand.


He raised his hand and looked at it, seeing a golden mark in the shape of a spiral on his palm.

『...What is this?』[Nova]

Reischneid spoke in Nova's mind.

『...Wow. I definitely did not expect this one.』[Reischneid]

『It's a training mark.』[Mune]

That didn't answer Nova's question at all.

『A training what?』[Nova]

『A training mark. It is made to help you with training by helping to direct your mana.』[Mune]

『But this is… nature energy? How am I supposed to master my nature energy if it directs my mana?』[Nova]

Reischneid's voice reached everyone in the room.

『All energies stem from the same source, that being mana. Everything is derived from it, including nature energy.』[Reischneid]

Mune had an amazed look on his face.

『...How does he know all of this?』[Mune]

Lucifius spoke as well, in response to Reischneid.

『...Damn geezer spent years adventuring the world, and he didn't skip training once. He kept training even when he ushered in a period of peace.』[Lucifius]

Reischneid sounded confused.

『Huh? I did? Must have skipped my mind. Also, I'm not that old!』[Reischneid]

『If I am thousands of years old, then you are thousands of years old and an extra year. You're a geezer.』[Lucifius]

Reischneid went quiet.


Nova cut in, more curious about the golden spiral on his palm.

『So, about the training mark...』[Nova]

『Right, just put in some mana into it and it will draw a trail throughout your mana veins. Follow that trail at the correct speed, amount, pace, ect and you can produce nature energy!』[Reischneid]

Nova almost regret waking up once he heard that.

『...Why does that sound so difficult?』[Nova]

Mune shrugged.

『It is. Every energy is hard to use, to an extent. They all follow different flows, reasoning, etcetera.』[Mune]

『That's right. You have an incredibly high amount of techniques for a recently awakened person, so I had wanted you to master them bit by bit before doing anything more.』[Reischneid[

Nova started to feel guilty and regret his choices.

『...But that's all right! In the end, we can weed out useless techniques and build up your arsenal while forming a fighting style! You know what they say, right?』[Reischneid]

Though Nova wanted to know, he hesitated to ask, letting Mune do so instead.

『...What do they say?』[Mune]

『When you're on the doorstep to death, you'll quickly see all the events of your life! Isn't that the best kind of training, Nova?!』[Reischneid]

Mune gulped in fear for Nova's safety before putting his hands together silently.

『...Actually, can I just sleep? I admittedly want some sleep, after all...』[Nova]

『Hah. That was a funny joke, Nova.』[Reischneid]

Nova had started to regret his choices.
