Exploring The Place

Mune and Nova stood in the giant room, practicing their respective abilities.

『Falling Sun Swordplay!』[Mune]

『Raiment- Limitless Cosmic Revolution Robe!』[Nova]

Mune infused his mana into his blade, sending countless rose petals flying across the room.

Once they reached across, Nova's blue flames turned them into a crisp, effectively erasing any evidence of them practicing.

Nova's proficiency in using his Raiment didn't improve too much, but he could keep it up for around 5-10 seconds if he kept still.

They occasionally shouted from across the room at each other while they trained.

『Nova! Don't you have a form of swordplay, since you use a sword?』[Mune]

『I don't! Because of the way I use my weapon, it ends up being more like a unique kind of spell than a sword technique!』[Nova]

『Last time I checked with Lucifius, Reischneid had a sword technique! Can't he teach you?!』[Mune]

『He's holding off on it! I still haven't mastered the martial arts he's teaching me!』[Nova]

Just as Nova said that, his Raiment disappeared into particles in the air and he sat down, intending to practice harnessing the nature energy that he failed to train so far.

Mune stopped his practicing, taking a moment to rest.

『Eh, it makes sense. Might as well get good at what you're doing before you start something new.』[Mune]

『Sure! But it's a little boring.』[Nova]

Nova's tattoo glowed brightly.

『Nature energy again?』[Mune]

『I want to at least see the results of me trying before I give up.』[Nova]

『Well, keep it up. I'm sure it will be almost as hard as mastering you Raiment at the very least.』[Mune]

『Yeah. And Reischneid's knowledge doesn't extend far enough to help me with nature energy. Even though he said mastering them was pretty easy.』[Nova]

『It should be… natural, no?』[Mune]

Mune tried to suppress his laughter as Nova looked over with a tired look.

『...Real funny, Mune.』[Nova]

Nova put more mana into the tattoo, causing a stream to go through his mana veins and cycle back around.

『...It almost feels like it's just my mana's normal flow.』[Nova]

『Hmm… Just follow that flow and change up the proportions? Make it slower, faster, use more, less?』[Mune]

『I'll try.』[Nova]

They idly talked, both continuing their practice until Mune realized something.

『...Why are you training, actually?』[Mune]

Nova looked over with a confused look.

『...I guess I just went with the flow of you practicing? I suppose I could ask you the same thing?』[Nova]

Mune shrugged.

『Nothing better to do. Phone is gone, so nothing I can do.』[Mune]

『What do you do on your phone anyways? I normally just watch videos or something.』[Nova]

『Read comics or some webnovels. Depends on which one updates faster.』[Mune]

For some reason, Nova did not expect that from Mune at all.


『What? You don't read them?』[Mune]

『No. I do sometimes, but… you know. It's just that you never really expect someone to be a comic reader.』[Nova]

『Oh. I feel that.』[Mune]

He shook his head, knowingly.

『Sometimes the most unlikely people turn out to read the same thing as you.』[Mune]

He suddenly summoned Kitsu before making his sword vanish.

『Alright. Come summon your familiar. It's nice to go out for a walk with them every now and then.』[Mune]

Nova was taken off guard, but nodded.

『Hey, Sir Fluffles, did you want to come out for a bi-?』[Nova]

Before Nova could even finish his line, Sir Fluffles burst out from a magical circle that appeared in front of Nova.

『Arf! Where are we going?! I want to do something!』[Sir Fluffles]

『...We're going on a walk…?』[Nova]

Just as he said that, he looked at Mune with a strange look.

『Mune, are we really allowed to go out for a walk? I thought that the idea was that we were being kept here so that we don't accidentally leak any information?』[Nova]

Mune shrugged back.

『It's not like we're leaving castle grounds. I don't see any problems.』[Mune]

He had already opened the door, letting Kitsu walk into the hallway.

『Besides, I can't just stay in here all day.』[Mune]

Mune had a big grin on his face as he looked back at Nova.

『Maybe it's in my blood, but whenever I see a place that I haven't seen yet, my body aches to explore it.』[Mune]

With that, he left the room and began to look around the hallways, leaving the door open for Nova.

Nova looked at the open door with an awkward look of disbelief before he saw Sir Fluffles scamper out the door as well.

Just before fully exiting, he looked back at Nova.

『Nova! Let's go play!』[Sir Fluffles]

He scurried after Mune, and Nova stood with a complicated look on his face.

『....Argh, fine! Let's go!』[Nova]

He ran out of the door before gently closing it.