Tag Out

Ferrel haphazardly threw several knives down on the floor, but stumbled, causing his knives to land all around the area.

『...You can't even stand anymore. Give it up.』[Nian]

She was right.

Ferrel was on the floor gasping for air.


He was interrupted by Sarena's scream.


He struggled to bring his head up, but he did so anyway, to look at Sarena, who was sitting behind Nian.

『...You… You did enough, dad!』[Sarena]

She had tears streaming down her face.

She wiped her tears off as they came down continuously.

To save her the embarrassment, he laid his left cheek to the floor once more.

『Please, dad! If you go on...』[Sarena]

She wiped at her nose and eyes, making unintelligible noises.

『...You… you'll die!』[Sarena]

He put his hand out on the floor and lightly tapped it twice.

『...I… I give. Tag out...』[Ferrel]

Nian seemed a bit confused by his sudden change.

『...I wonder what I did in my past life… to deserve a daughter who loves her worthless dad so much...』[Ferrel]

He closed his eyes without any further word.


Nian ignored Sarena's sobbing, and continued forth to go claim Yudola and Nezha.

Except, that a female voice boomed forth.

『...Didn't you hear?』

Raina appeared in between Nian and the two targets.


Reagan briefly appeared next to Raina as well.

『...The man said that he tagged out.』[Reagan]


Hanzo looked ecstatic.


『Yes, honey. I'm here now.』[Raina]


Nezha was gnashing his teeth in anger.

『Where the hell is my staff?!』[Nezha]

Reagan turned his head back with an annoyed look on his face.

『Haah? Your staff? I gave it as a present to one of my students, you dumb kid.』[Reagan]

A vein appeared on Nezha's forehead.


Reagan pretended to clean his ear.

『Damn… I can't believe the filth that just entered my ear… How old are you again? Shouldn't you go back to your mom?』[Reagan]

Raina smacked Reagan's arm, completely ruining the tense atmosphere that was there before.

『Hey! Stop picking on the kid!』[Raina]

This only served to piss Nezha off even more.

『I'm… I'M 23, GOD DAMN IT!』[Nezha]

Raina covered her mouth innocently.

『...Huh? Oops…?』[Raina]

Nian seemed a bit hesitant to go forward and fight the two new combatants, but decided that it wasn't worth it to not.

The phantasm rushed forth at Reagan while Raina had to deal with Nian.

Reagan easily kept the phantasm off of him with parrying and spearwork.

『Oi, this isn't a person! What the hell?!』[Reagan]

Raina created a whip and whipped it around, making Nian keep her distance.

『It's a Self?!』[Raina]

『It looks like a real person, though! What the hell did we sign up for?!』[Reagan]

The students were all lost in this.

『...A Self? What the heck are all of these abilities?』[Hanzo]

Derenne seemed to have some kind of idea.

『...It's… another "Self" inside of the person. I think I read about it while trying to get an idea of my thesis, but...』[Derenne]

『No. She has pushed it far beyond the normal technique for manifesting a Self, this is-』[Mariya]

『...Let's put that aside! Where is Oswald, and the others?! Please… Nova, save my dad!』[Sarena]

Despite Raina and Reagan showing up, those people were still missing.

Her dad was still laying there, in an unknown condition.

Raina seemed to do a good job of keeping Nian off of her, but the gap was slowly closing.


Her bird came flying in from the sky, diving at Nian.

Flames came crashing down, causing Nian and the phantom to dash away.

Reagan rotated his spear around before hitting it on the floor.

『...Nice. They're here.』[Reagan]

Reagan looked up at the sky to find a cascade of shadows coming down.

Mune, Nova, Zousa, and Oswald came falling down.

『Sorry for the wait!』[Mune]

『We are here to give a hand!』[Oswald]

『Anyone hurt?!』[Nova]

Zousa remained quiet as he fell with them.

They were almost immediately affected by Nian's strange pressure, however.

『H...Huh?! What is this?!』[Mune]

All of them ended up taking a knee, save for Nova.

Nian looked over at Nova with a glance before nodding her head over to Yudola.

『...I understand.』[Nova]

She remembered what he had said.

He was being told to go ahead and do what he needed to do.

He ran over to Yudola, but before he could get there, Sarena shouted at him.

『Nova! Please save my dad!』[Sarena]

Nova quickly glanced over to find Ferrel on the floor.

He knelt down and put his hand on him.

『Macro Spell: Starflash!』[Nova]

A blue light illuminated the area, indicating Nova's success in using the spell.

『Is that… yet another new spell?!』[Hanzo]

Sarena just curled her fingers up, crying more tears.

『T..Thank you, Nova...』[Sarena]

Oswald smiled knowingly.

『Good on you, Nova.』[Oswald]

Yudola and Nezha were screaming with mixed emotions from the both of them.

『Nova! Come here and die!』[Yudola]

He decided to take a few points from Reagan's book.

『...Sorry, you're not my type.』[Nova]

Yudola was livid.


She forced herself to grab hold of her feather.



Midway through her casting, she was sent through a hole.

He looked around at all of the people who were being subdued by Nian's aura and most likely going to be implicated by the summoning of her blood giant.

『Mune! Let's do this!』[Nova]

『Right! Let's get our revenge, here!』[Mune]

『Good luck, you two!』[Raina]


A hole appeared under Mune, teleporting him away.

Nova was about to go too, before he noticed that Grynzael had disappeared somewhere.

『...Damn! She already called him!』[Nova]

Zousa shouted at Nova.

『Hey! Take me too! I'll handle any extras! You and Mune can take care of her!』[Zousa]

Nova nodded.


He formed a hole under Zousa before jumping in as well.

Right before he entered the hole, he made eye contact with Nian.

Though she seemed cold to everyone else, she offered Nova a soft gaze before he vanished.