Original Techniques

『Our strongest attacks! Let's do this! Extend!』[Rai]

Rai stood still, red lights quickly coursing their way through his body, while Nova stood still, listening to Reischneid.

「Let me explain quickly. You're going to use that new ability- Stellaris, and make an orb with it. Make it big, too.」[Reischneid]

「I don't know the properties of that ability.. Are you sure?」[Nova]

「You'll understand the properties later, once you go to bed and your seed can properly communicate with your soul. The idea I have is that you're going to strip the mana from his entire attack, before compressing the spell on him and blowing it up with a Typhoon-Impact Form attack that I'm about to teach you.」[Reischneid]

「...I messed up True Gale so many times, do you really think that I can use a brand new form, AND a brand new move right now?!」[Nova]

Reischneid scoffed.

「Too late! You already said deal! You HAVE to try it, now.」[Reischneid]

Nova started to feel some panic as Rai's body got more and more bright red.

「...Fine! Explain the Typhoon Form move!」[Nova]

Nova concentrated as hard as he could, trying to visualize the move.

「...Good. You have to do some minor reading of their "Flow", and shift that flow to the right as hard as you can, which will cause them their attack to dissipate.」[Reischneid]

The moment Reischneid said "Flow", Nova felt an impending sense of doom.

「...I don't know how to read ANY "Flow"!」[Nova]

「Look at where their body was, then where their body is! Just figure it out!」[Reischneid]

Nova felt sick to the stomach, trying not to focus on Rai, who was literally glowing red, with Zhulong wrapped around him.

「...Finally, this will be the final part, in the same direction as their "Flow", you can use a True Gale attack. If you use it in the direct opposite, it should obliterate him, but… that's not the goal, is it?」[Reischneid]

He took a deep breath before closing his eyes.

「...If I fail, I want you to teach me this.」[Nova]

Reischneid laughed hysterically once he heard Nova's words.

「HAHAHA! If you fail?! Do you see Rai, over there?! If you fail too hard, I think you'll die!」[Reischneid]

Rai had put all of his concentration into this next attack- glowing red, with the mana near him causing small debris to begin floating.

「Welp. No time left. It's showtime, kid!」[Reischneid]

Nova braced himself, putting away his gun, opting for a sword with a heavily layered mana shield instead.

Just in time, Rai seemed to finally start concentrating back on the real world.

『Zhulong, let's do this, partner!』[Rai]

He lunged forth, breaking the ground that he was just on while quickly rushing forth at Nova in one jump.

「Stay calm!」[Reischneid]

Nova tried his best to listen, but he had also entered some sort of trance, similar to what Rai had just experienced, blocking out Reischneid's words.


His perception of reality slowed down exponentially for some reason.

He could see Rai slowly raising his fist to swing.

「...Side to side. Left… right. He's falling a bit..」[Nova]

This didn't last long, as he was suddenly put back into the real world.

He shuffled to the right, as if following up with what he had just observed, right before Rai was about to hit him.


Nova quickly hit Rai's fist away, following the path of what he perceived to be some kind of "Flow", causing Rai's fist to suddenly pop into the air, lifelessly.



He created an orb that continued growing rapidly until it was half of his body size, holding it in his left hand.

Seeing the giant orb, Rai put his other foot out to catch himself, throwing his fist towards the sky instead.


A huge lightning bolt shot into the sky as an enormous Zhulong followed up, just barely escaping Nova's Stellaris.

However, Rai was caught into the Stellaris, swirling around inside of it rapidly, surprisingly.


Rai helplessly floated around as he swung his fists, trying to escape.

Nova had a big cheeky smile on his face as he prepared the final attack.

Rai pulled his fist back, causing it to glow red, before quickly throwing it forth at Nova.


The moment the red shot out of his fist, it dissipated throughout the Stellaris as red sparkles, causing his ability to fizzle out the moment he used it.

『It's not a flashy technique, but… it'll do!』[Nova]

Nova pulled his arm back and charged up a True Gale, but was interrupted by a small explosion on his shoulder causing his stance to break.


He looked around, saw nothing, then suddenly looked up.

Up in the air, there were hundreds of swirling projectiles floating about.

『...What… is this?!』[Nova]

All at once, the hundreds of projectiles went rushing towards Nova.

『H..Hey! Blessed Flame Rebirth!』[Nova]

Nova threw his flames at the sky in an attempt to erase the projectiles.

『No dice, No… Hrgh…!』[Rai]

Rai looked like he was going to be sick from the insane rotational speed.

Peeking through the flames were the faces of a dragon.


Many little Zhulongs came through the shroud of flames, blowing up on contact with Nova's mana shield, causing him to lose his concentration for his flames.


The explosions knocked him onto his knees.

『You're lucky that you didn't take that hit take on! It would have finished you, for sure!』[Rai]

The explosions kept on hitting Nova, not giving him a chance to even reply.

『Gugh… AGH!』[Nova]

Each time he tried to recover, he was hit with another barrage of explosions.

「...The final hit…! I need to… land it!」[Nova]

Nova reached out to the spiralling orb, but was struck down with another barrage of Zhulongs, causing him to hear a crack in the dueling mana shield.

『...I have to do it… NOW!』[Nova]

Nova scraped at the ground, as if he was crawling there.


Rai looked at Nova with a shocked look.


His robe materialized, allowing him to finally stand up.

The moment he stood all the way up, he felt another explosion almost knock him back down to his feet.

「...How the hell did that hit me?」[Nova]

Nova stared at the spot where the explosion hit, revealing a patch of missing robe.

「...My Raiment didn't fully form… but, maybe that's better.」[Nova]

His entire Raiment was tattered, revealing large areas of his uniform, and making him look more rugged than he was.

Nova sombered over, occasionally getting hit by a Zhulong and groaning, until he reached the orb.

「...Here goes.」[Nova]

He pulled his arm back and looked for an area along the flow of the orb to attack.

『...Impact Form: True Gale...』[Nova]

His Raiment twisted itself around his arm automatically as he thrust his arm out.

「Give it an original name! This is your technique now, Nova!」[Reischneid]

Nova immediately thought of the first thing that appeared in his mind.

『...Stellaris Form: SOLAR WINDS!』 [Nova]

As Nova thrust his arm out, hundreds of little stars followed with it, filling the orb with thousands of lights and tiny explosions as it swelled outwards.