Artifact Creation

Jack fired up the forge, taking off his long sleeve shirt.

Underneath the sleeves of his shirt were muscles that were well built, along with a couple of burns and scars on them.

『...Yo… Jack is built?!』[Rai]


They all got closer to watch more closely, all intent on burning this event into their minds.

He lifted the hammer and held it up, channeling mana into it.

The hammer's face began to glow red, with a sharp "P" shaped glyph forming on it.

『...I've already created the weapon, so all I need to do is lay all the glyphs and runes… but there are… a lot of… a lot of… complications.』[Jack]

He smashed his hammer into it, cleanly engraving a yellow burning glyph into the sword's side.

Seconds later, it began to crack, releasing a black gas into the air.

『Woah, hey! Is it supposed to crack?!』[Rai]

The group panicked, until Leo hurriedly grabbed a nearby book on materials, and began flipping through it.

『...What material is it?!』[Leo]

『Hellsbane! I believe that this is a natural process!』[Jack]

Leo quickly flipped to a page on the material, reading it out loud.

『Hellsbane is a material that easily interacts and holds evil and spirits! The issue is that since it does so, it is implied to be heavily cursed! When you break open the first layer of the material, the spirits will be released, and will attack the person forging it!』[Leo]

Jack immediately froze up, trembling.


Rai assumed a fighting stance.

『The hell kind of material did you decide to use?! Unleash, Zhulong!』[Rai]

Rai sent Zhulong flying towards the black gas, having him bite into it and battle with the gas.


Nova sent the orb flying forward with the intent of sealing any spirits into the orb while keeping them from attacking Jack.

『Hey! You can't just leave me out of this!』[Andrew]

He ran up to the anvil and grabbed the leaking black smoke out of the metal himself, before throwing it across the room.

『Now, focus on the smithing process! We're here to help you!』[Leo]

Leo positioned himself behind Jack in order to keep an eye on the large mass of smoke.

Zhulong raged across the room, biting both the original black smoke and the huge mass of smoke, causing them to combine back into one..

『Using attacks imbued with mana should weaken and exterminate the spirits, or holy attributed attacks, according to this book!』[Leo]

『Zhulong is MADE of mana! But each time he attacks them, I can barely notice the difference! Can we get a holy attack on them?! Stat?!』[Rai]

Each time he bit into the ghosts and ripped them apart, they would turn into smoke in his mouth and reform.

From behind them, they could hear Jack hammering new runes into the blade.

.『Uh… Nova! Can you do anything with the abilities you have right now?! How about you, Andrew?!』[Leo]

『Leave it to us!』[Andrew]

Nova nodded and blasted the Stellaris across the room, drawing the gas into the orb, slowly.


Nova clenched his fist, causing the black mass to start getting sucked into the orb, but they were still floating outwards.

『Not enough…! Show me what you've got, Andrew!』[Nova]

Andrew threw his hand out toward the orb's direction as well, clenching his hand.

『Here is an Andrew special! Gravitaea!』[Andrew]

A small purple and black hole appeared in the center of Nova's Stellaris, drawing the spirits into one tiny spot.

『Whooah… Gravity? Nice!』[Rai]

With that, Nova formed a sword and held it in one hand, while putting the other hand on the blade of the sword..

『Leave the rest to me, guys!』[Nova]

He shut his eyes and began to concentrate.

『...The hero slumbered for three days, trained for three months, walked for three years, slayed beasts for thirty years, and kept us safe for three lifetimes. I implore him to lend his spirit that saved our realm, to materialize once more, to aid me in my search for salvation... Sacred Templar!』[Nova]

His blade began to glow yellow as his mana felt like it was burning his hands.

Unknowingly, he dragged the sword behind him, as he jumped up to meet the orb.

Hushed murmurs exited from Nova's mouth, unconsciously.

『...Great Divide Style...』[Nova]


Andrew unclenched his hand, releasing his spell, causing his orb to dissolve into Nova's Stellaris.

His sword entered the Stellaris, causing all of the holy attributed mana to scatter throughout the orb, causing it to glow bright yellow and meet the mass of spirits, not continuing any further.

『...Blue Heaven.』[Nova]

In the next second, his sword exited the orb with all of it's yellow mana stripped from it.

Nova stepped back, looking at the orb that turbulently spun with Nova's holy mana.

It continued spinning endlessly, so Nova raised his hand up high.


The orb turned into a marble in Nova's hand, as it did for the person he witnessed.

『Great work, everyone! Now quick! Jack's made some significant progress! Come back!』[Leo]

Everyone jogged over and found that the entirety of the red was basically cracked off, while the imprint of his runes remained underneath the red.

Leo still flipped through the book, reading.

『Aw, geez- Hey, guys! There are some more annoying things to do! 』[Leo]

Rai had just returned Zhulong to his body when he heard this.

『Dude, seriously?! What now?!』[Rai]

『We need an element for the artifact to form! Hellsbane cannot be exposed to fire until the final stages of this!』[Leo]

Jack finally smacked the entirety of the red shell off, revealing a bright white metal.

『I know! Rai! Shock the damn thing!』[Jack]

『Tch! This is why you called me?! Overload!』[Rai]

He wrapped his fist in lightning before smashing the bottom of the blade, leaving a small fist print on the guard.


He flipped the sword over quickly.


Rai sighed before moving his fist back again.


He smashed it in the exact same place, on the other side.

『I need a hole right on the middle finger part of the sword! Give me a hand, anyone?!』[Jack]


He precisely poked smack dab in the middle of the hilt with his finger, with black ink following in the air.

A hole appeared through the sword in the shape of a perfect square.

『...Now, we need to put mana into the sword… anyone got any ideas?!』[Jack]


『No worries. Leave it to me!』[Nova]

He threw the tiny marble into the hole and put his hand over it.

『...Let's see if I get this right…!』[Nova]

He breathed in.

『Beloved child of night, whom hast wrought forth the beginning of day? Who will bring about the beginning of night? The closing of a door opens another door, ad infinitum... Perpetuity!』[Nova]

The orb merged with the sides of the hole, with a glowing blue symbol of a snake eating its tail, causing the sword to begin pulsating bright white with a tiny shade of yellow.


『...Sword is deformed, due to the hole! Can we get some gravity in here, Andrew?!』[Jack]

『Alright! Gravitaea!』[Andrew]

A black hole forced the metal around the orb to surround it, creating a curved design over the orb.


Jack took out a melange of materials, raising a bottle of unlabelled liquid high.

『Here we go!』[Jack]

He combined a blue and white metal with a steely blue metal on top of the sword.

『It's time! Mana veil!』[Jack]

Everyone watched in awe, not daring to say a word.

He formed a transparent film around the sword and metals, before pouring the liquid onto the sword and the materials.

The inside of the veil looked as if it was distorting inwards.

『...Perfect! As planned!』[Jack]

The transparent film grew smaller and smaller until it was the size of a small medal, then a coin.


The moment he said that, everyone erupted into cheers.



Nova started to pump the air.


He put his arms around the five of them, screaming- much to the surprise of everyone else.

『Woah, woah! Aren't you too excited, Nova?!』[Jack]


Jack was the only one not being swept up in the mood.


He eventually broke into a smile and murmured something quietly.

『...Pfft… Thanks… bros.』[Jack]