Flipping The Switch

Nova stood in front of Rai's door, fidgeting a bit.

After a moment, he clenched his hand together before he lashed his fingers out.


A portal appeared in front of him before Rai fell out of it, wearing his pajamas.


He fell headfirst, raising his hand above his head and cushioning his fall.

『...This again, man?!』[Rai]

『...Hey, Rai. I wanted to talk about something with you.』[Nova]

Rai stared at Nova before messed up his own hair like he was aggravated.

『AHHH! I'm in a bad mood right now, man! Andrew…!』[Rai]

『That's what I wanted to talk about.』[Nova]

Rai stopped in his tracks, before sighing and staring at Nova.

『...Go ahead.』[Rai]

『...Well, you know. He's the heir of House Strife… He can't go against those Houses…』[Nova]

『I know.』[Rai]

Rai looked like he was pissed off already.

『...I know. I know! I know, I KNOW, I KNOW!』[Rai]

He slammed his fist into the wall, causing Nova to jump a little bit.


Nova tried to say something but was speechless.

『The strong and rich can pick on the weak of this world…! It's just a world of haves and have-nots! Even if Andrew is at the top, he can't live as he wants to!』[Rai]

Nova shook his head, looking away from Rai.

『It's all complicated… But…』[Nova]

『I know its not his fault!』[Rai]

He turned to face Nova.

『...But we just made something that could be established as a brotherhood! You think that we would have a little bit more time than that-!』[Rai]

『I know, so… Let's beat them down.』[Nova]


Rai's face went blank.

『My girlfriend is joining our team, but…』[Nova]

He clenched his fist and stared right into Rai's eyes.

『They forced our buddy into a tight spot. They bullied us. But their most unforgivable sin was… pissing me off.』[Nova]

Rai looked a little frightened.

『Uh… Nova..?』[Rai]

『Rai. Truth is, my mana got sealed. I'm going to see my Raidagem leader and see if he can help me out a bit, so…』[Nova]

He took a deep breath.

『Stay tuned. We're gonna kick some Noblesse ass, got it?』[Nova]

He raised his hand out to his side.


He climbed into the newly opened portal, leaving Rai standing there with a frightened look on his face.

『...They flipped his switch…』[Rai]


Nova walked out of the portal, arriving in the club room.

『...Mune, are you here?!』[Nova]

No sooner than he shouted out did Mune come climbing out of a room in the back.

『...Yo! You're back from the castle, huh?』[Mune]

『Yeah, but…-』[Nova]

『Oi! Wait! What's up with your mana?! Take off your shirt!』[Mune]

He immediately ran over attempting to strip Nova.

『He- Wait! Stop!』[Nova]


『...A seal, huh?』[Mune]

Mune stared at the seal on Nova's chest, not knowing what to make of it.


Lucifius began to speak out directly to Nova.

『Hey. This is magic from another time. It works from a system that doesn't fall under the same system that modern magic is based on.』[Lucifius]

『There's another system of magic?!』[Nova]

『It's too difficult to use for people with too little experience with mana. You won't have any luck using it. Neither will you, Mune. You'd have to detach yourself from the Seed system until you got a grasp of this old system.』[Lucifius]

『Too many words, Lucy! Let's just focus on breaking the seal!』[Reischneid]

Lucifius audibly clicked his tongue.

『Tch. He's awake?』[Lucifius]

Mune sat down on a nearby chair and laughed a bit.

『Well, let's just concentrate on the seal. Nova has an upcoming match, right?』[Mune]

『...Huh? How did you know?』[Nova]

『Noblesse. They're like the hate group of the weak Houses. They've tried roping me in a couple of times, but as if I could get along with them!』[Mune]

『...Well, if you want to break this seal, you simply have to overwhelm the seal with mana.』[Lucifius]

Mune stood up with a sinister smile on his face.

『Oh?! Is that so?! Then-!』[Mune]

『You don't have enough. No way.』[Lucifius]

Mune clicked his tongue and sat himself down.;


『Two choices. You down as many mana consumables as possible, or you go on a rampage and defeat monsters and absorb their mana with your flame. Afterwards, you have to push your body to the limit. The seal seems to be specifically made with the condition of not breaking until "the time has come".』[Lucifius]

『What kind of stupid spell is that?』[Reischneid]

『...I briefly remember you using a spell with that exact same condition.』[Lucifius]


Mune laughed and stood up.

『Okay! This sounds fun! How about we take a couple eradication missions and have Nova absorb the crystals?!』[Mune]

『...How much does a couple entail?』[Nova]

『As much as we can jam in before the break ends!』[Mune]

The color began to drain from Nova's face.