
The disc on the floor stopped making noise as the surroundings returned to normal.

『...That's a spell created with the usage of Resonance. As you can see, its effects are amazing, using both the abilities from Raina and I's Seed.』[Reagan]

『Can me and Freyana do that too?!』[Nova]

Nova excitedly stared at Freyana, prompting her to just smile back.

『Right now, it probably isn't worth it. You'd have to sit still for too long, and the effects would be relatively weak. In fact, the chant we used was only made after years of understanding each other.』[Reagan]


Freyana also deflated a bit but squeezed down on Nova's hand, reassuring him.

『...Right, but we're both here for a reason, right?! There must be something we can do!』[Freyana]

Raina smiled and came over to squeeze both of their faces.



『Right! We're gonna train you two cuties to be able to enter the Resonance "state"!』[Raina]

She let go of their faces, allowing them to rub the part where she pinched.

『Resonance state?』[Nova]

『It's a passive state where the two of you are in touch with each other's situation. It also amplifies the strength of you two while you are in close proximity. It is possible to do this with several people at once, to boost your strength to a sky-high level, but let's start with the lovebirds first!』[Raina]

Freyana's face slightly flushed as she laughed to herself.


『Alright, alright, enough. I want you two to align your goals and circulate your mana.』[Reagan]

『Align our goals? What kind of goal?』[Nova]

Reagan lifted his hand and created a purple orb that moved around quickly.

『I want you two to both put your hands on this orb.』[Reagan]

It flew around Nova and Freyana quickly.

『It will only dissipate if two different manas come into contact with it. Circulate your mana as much as possible while you chase it. Continue until you catch it.』[Reagan]

『That'll be easy! We'll get it done in no time!』[Freyana]

『...I don't know… Reagan always has something up his sleeve…』[Nova]

He stood up and reached out for the orb, grasping for it.

Strangely enough, the orb didn't even move as Nova grasped it.


『See! Open your hand, Nova! Let's do it!』[Freyana]


He opened his hand up, revealing… there was nothing there.

『...Where did it…?!』[Freyana]

Nova circulated his mana, increasing his perception of his surroundings.

『...Behind me?!』[Nova]

The orb was floating there, as if it was taunting them.

『...Oh, it's on now!』[Freyana]


An hour later, Nova and Freyana were on the floor taking a break.

『...Haaaah… It's too fast!』[Nova]

Freyana's wings flapped lightly, fanning Nova gently.

『....Even with my wings, it's too fast for both of us to grab it…』[Freyana]

Reagan and Raina were resting on a picnic blanket nearby, watching the two.

『...They've managed to get one person to grab it multiple times, but no luck for both of them so far.』[Reagan]

『Hmm… Hey, hun? Isn't there something off with Nova? He doesn't seem like he's at top shape right now?』[Raina]

『...He does seem a bit slower than normal, yes…』[Reagan]

They observed the two students running after the orb.

Nova reached out for the orb, missing it and tumbling onto the ground.


She rushed over and picked him up.

『...Haah.. haah… It's too fast..! Our plans don't work, and…』[Nova]

Reagan went over and lightly bumped Nova's head.

『You're weaker than Freyana. Use her strength.』[Reagan]

『...Use her strength…?』[Nova]

He looked straight into Freyana's eyes, and saw a reflection of his own eyes in her viridian.

『...I… think I've got an idea!』[Nova]

He stood up, bobbing up and down.

『This… might work! I've got it.. I've got it!』[Nova]

The corners of Freyana's mouth slightly curled up.


Nova stared at the floating orb.

『...Okay, Freyana! Do your best to get it, don't worry about me!』[Nova]

『Got it!』[Freyana]

Her wings exploded forth with an explosion of force, propelling her toward the orb.

『Blessed Flame Rebirth!』[Nova]

『...What is he..?』[Reagan]

Blue flames exploded forth on both him and Freyana, engulfing them.

『No, enveloping his mana on her isn't quite what you meant by having two manas come into contact, right..?』[Raina]


Nova closed his eyes for a moment, standing still while Freyana inched closer and closer to the orb.

As she got closer to the orb, Reagan forced extra mana into the orb, forcing it to go faster.

『No cheating-』[Reagan]

Nova's eyelids shot open, revealing cyan eyes.


Both him and Freyana's flames exploded a second time with green flames enveloping the blue flames.

With that, Freyana received a massive burst of speed, managing to grab the orb.

『GOT IT!』[Freyana]