Many cars arrived on the day of the Thanksgiving and launching of the MAKETA TAMASHI FOUNDATION. The reporters of every station, journalists, and TV networks covered the event, attended by some government officials and businessmen.

The food is ready in the sides of the hall, the invited people are busy socializing with the background mellow songs of beautiful singers and performers, an extravagant dinner party. The lights moved and focus on the center stage, the songs slowly stopped, the Master of Ceremonies went to the microphone and called the attention of the visitors and guests.

For the first time, a Christian prayed in the invocation. Then a short message by Pastor Shinji Amara talking about the love exemplified by Jesus Christ for the poor, for the needy, the lost, and those who are in other countries. It ended with a prayer of blessing and they went to the cutting of ribbon in the room of the building in the restaurant where the office of the foundation will start.

Then some handshakes, the Chairman of the foundation, Katsuo Takuma went in the center stage called Ichika and Maketa, and introduce the reason and concept of the foundation to help the poor who are victims of Alzheimer's.

Ichika speaks and why she is thankful. She gave a story of how God blessed them by giving them Maketa, their only child, and how it made their life meaningful by her love and example as a Christian.

Then there is a commotion inside the restaurant at the back of the stage before Maketa is introduced to the public as the only heir of the Takuma empire of business and investments.

Armed men have abducted Maketa, and she was kidnapped. The assailants in a van abducted her.

Katsuo called the gate guard: "Stop the white close van or you will all be fired." The guards then closed the two gates and called for police backup.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The guards shoot the van's tires and the driver, killed. When they open the van back door, there is no one there.

Maketa was transferred to another car.

The police arrived, and locked down the roads and gates so no cars could go out and enter, the police helicopter arrived and spotted five people with one being carried forcibly. The pilot alerted the ground troops of the coordinates and focused the helicopter searchlight on the escaping kidnappers. The kidnappers fired at the helicopter. The helicopter moved but some bullets hit the body of the heli. The police in the heli returned fire but did not try to hit them because of the hostage. The ground troops surrounded the area where the kidnappers were last spotted. The snippers are in the rooftops, the police negotiator talked in the megaphone...

" You are surrounded!

In the restaurant, Ichika was crying. Katsuo was busy calling all the police of the update. The visitors were all shocked. They were entertained by the restaurant employees because nobody could go out even the government officers were busy with their phones calling, it is a lockdown.

The army is now involved. It was covered by the TV networks with helicopters. Now, the negotiators called the kidnappers what are their demands.

"We want 100 Million yen, an escape helicopter and the police will back out from the area." The kidnapper said.

Katsuo, Commanded his finance officer to prepare and release one hundred Million Yen for Maketa's ransom and negotiated with police to prioritize Maketa's release and safety.

"Give them their demands! ensure that Maketa is safe! We don't care about the money! She must be saved! Katsuo talked to the Police top officials.

When the police identified the kidnappers, Katsuo has found out one of the kidnappers has a connection with one of his friends. Katsuo then informed the police to investigate the person of interest.

Katsuo was shocked to think that this fake friend, is the one who introduced the physical therapist that takes care of Ichika.

Ichika also thinks that the therapist is a spy of the kidnappers. She told Katsuo to arrest these people to free Maketa.

The police then arrested the fake friends of Katsuo who were at the event, and the kidnappers left Maketa at the last house they were found. The police raided the area with the SWAT team and saved Maketa, blindfolded, handcuffed, and is sleeping because she was drugged.

The kidnappers were traced and all of them fell, two died in the encounter and the three became witnesses against their masterminds who were the jealous friends of Katsuo against Maketa.

Four hours of commotion ended. Then peace.

Katsuo called all the visitors and said, "Let's continue with our Thanksgiving. We should not let evil stop us in helping the needy and the poor."

Everybody clapped and the music started and the food served and everyone has changed from shock to relieved and happy mood...

Maketa was rushed to the hospital but later, she was fine and went back to the party with a new dress. The Takuma family had a family hug, cried and all the visitors cried with them... All had a standing ovation and sing a song in Japanese.

Then some of the wealthy billionaires have committed to donating to the foundation, they were touched by the stories of how Maketa changed their lives in spite of her forgetfulness and Alzheimers.

The foundation will also help the research of drugs, therapy, and what can suspend the deterioration of the brain cells and memory.

Pastor Amara was requested to pray for the blessing of the foundation, the thanksgiving of saving Maketa, and the triumph of good against evil.

After the event, lawyers were sent to prosecute all that are involved in the kidnapping. The lawyers investigate with police the connections, motive of all the suspects, and their specific involvement in the alleged crime.

Maketa forgot what happened, " she asked: "What happened? Why I was sent to the hospital mother when I must be in the venue."

Ichika just answered: "Don't worry dear, all is alright, your kidnappers were all in prison.