Agreeing to the Marriage

"Your husband is now stable and his vital signs all returned back to normal. Fortunately, it was not that serious and time was on your side. But Ma'am I should warn you that there is a high possibility that this will occur again and next time, it may be fatal."

"He should never be exposed to situations that will stress him and unwanted emotions, as this could trigger another heart attack, and worse it may lead to cardiac arrest…."

The doctor explained additional information to her mother and Beatrice was just seated in the waiting area. Her face dried up with tears and her eyes were puffy and swollen. Her hair was all ruffled and she looked entirely like a mess.

Beatrice covered her face with her hands, she couldn't even sense the relief that she should feel, now that the doctors have informed them that her father was now stable.

The guilt and remorse were eating her up and her chest tightened as she recalled the events a while ago.

'What now?' She thought to herself as she glanced at the nearby area where her mother and the doctor were having a serious conversation.

A little while after that, they were permitted to enter the hospital room where his father was admitted.

She reluctantly went inside and looked at the pitiful form of her father. The feeling of guilt resurged from her inner being and her expression was that of a person convicted with a crime.

"Are you feeling okay, John?" Her mother sniffled as she asked her father and touched his hands. Her father was pale and looked extremely worn out that her mother was worried if he truly was ok.

Her father nodded, "When am I getting discharged?"

"The doctor said you'll be discharged after five days." Her mother replied and he pursed his lips and sighed.

"I'm sorry Dad. I'm really really sorry" Beatrice sobbed as she looked down to hide her tears.

Although their relationship was never good, Beatrice never wished for her father to be in danger. She never wished that she would be the reason why her father is now lying at a hospital bed because of a heart attack.

"If you are really sorry, then marry Lucas" She looked up at her father with a dejected expression.

Beatrice turned silent as she fished for words to say right now as she remembered what the doctor just told her mother.

He should never be exposed to unwanted or intense emotions.


Beatrice tried to reason out but her mother suddenly cut her off." Beatrice, Let's talk outside!" her mother appeared to be furious as she looked at her with eyes that scream with anger.

She went outside the room and her mother followed suit, closing the door so that her father couldn't hear their conversation.

She dragged her arms and they went further away from the door.

"Beatrice! You know the reason why it has all come down to this! His life could be in danger if you try to provoke him any further!"

She knows, she absolutely knows she was the reason why this was happening in the first place but she couldn't force herself to marry a man she doesn't know.

"Beatrice! I beg you, for the sake of your father and mine, please accept the marriage proposal." She shook her head as tears began to flow down from her eyes.

She was torn between her wanting to keep her freedom and the well-being of her father.

"Mom….I just can't. I don't even know him and who knows what might happen to me if I did marry him" her lips trembled as she tried to speak, her emotions were all mixed up and she was tormented inside.

"Just for three years, Beatrice. Stay with him just for three years then you could divorce him." She looked up at her mom and the chaos inside her, calmed down little by little.

Three years? Could she endure everything for three years? Will she be able to get her life back again after three years?

"He also promised to me and made a contract that he would never force you into anything… I know we failed at parenting and being good parents, but please Beatrice, I'm begging you. Your father treasures the company so much, it would kill him to watch it fall."

How could they value the company more than me? I know I've been rebellious and mischievous but how could they trade me off?

Her bitter thoughts wrapped around her like a cocoon, making it hard for her to breathe.

... But still, they're my parents.

"I could divorce him?" She asked to make sure what she heard was right.

"Yes, you could divorce him after three years and we won't force you into anything ever again. You will be free to do everything you want" she paused and took time to decide.

You will be free to do everything you want- Those words from her mother were like a forbidden fruit, it was both enticing and desirable. She couldn't help but be hypnotized and take the bait.

"Ok" she agreed gloomily, her heart and mind protested with her answer but there's nothing she could do right now.

She felt as if she was tied around the neck and there's nothing she could do but agree with their decisions.

Her mother hugged and thanked her but she felt constricted with her decision.

Was it right to accept?

She asked herself but she couldn't do anything now. She got no other options and choices. Beatrice already crossed the bridge and there's no turning back anymore.

They returned back and informed her father that she already agreed. Her father was pleased with her decision and looked better than before. The doctor came to check on him and advised that he should get more rest.

Her mother instructed her to go home and get some rest too since she had such a long day and Beatrice never got an ounce of sleep.

"It's ok. Just go home. I'll be the one who'll take care of your father." Her mother reassured her and she went out of the hospital to hail a cab.

It was already midnight and she felt too exhausted with all the happenings.

She was arrested for overspeeding, engaged to a man whom she doesn't know except for his name, her father got a heart attack and she agreed with the marriage.

What a nice day!

She looked outside the window as buildings appeared and disappeared in her vision. A handful of people can only be seen wandering the streets and there were only a few cars that they encountered.

Lucas Landcaster, huh?

She recalled their first meeting earlier and flinched.

He was quite handsome and striking. He could pass easily as a brief/underwear model.

She chuckled as she imagined him in a brief.

But what's his intention of marrying me? Why did he offer to marry me in return for helping our family?

She pondered these questions for a while but couldn't make out answers. Her mind suddenly drifted to the thought of marriage and her mood turned sour.

Lucas Landcaster…. I'll make sure you would regret choosing to mess with me. I'll make sure I'll make you feel my wrath for ruining my freedom and life, with marriage.