Chapter Two

After signing the contract, things moved quickly. Samantha had me taken to another part of the building where doctors waited and began testing everything from my blood pressure to my body reactions. It felt like I was being judged like cattle coming close to slaughter. It was reminiscent of what astronauts used to go through before a space mission put them on the moon. My heart had trouble staying calm as excitement and adrenaline kept pumping through me. Once the baseline tests were finished, I was taken down a long hallway that left the feeling of sterilization.

The hall lead to a large conference room where twenty-six other people sat around the table. Conversation in the room paused as I entered and took a seat next to a man wearing a while uniform of some kind. There were no markings that could be seen. The design looked like a set of leather armor with leather straps sinched around the arms and waist. He had a bearded face and black hair with piercing blue eyes.Once my seat was taken, conversation started again.

I took my time and just sat quietly and examined the people around me. Of the twenty-six, four of them were women. I felt that was odd in some way. I would never be able to explain why that was weird, just that I felt it was. Shaking my head I pushed the though away and waited for whoever put all this together. If I had to guess, these were the other applicants.

We did not have to wait long, as Military personnel began making their way into the room. Many of the men and all of the women stood at attention. I just kept my seat and watched. Each took a seat at the table and once the last person, a man who was balding, with stars on his shoulders, took his seat everyone else did as well. I watched on with curiosity during the process.

"Let us get down to business shall we? You all have applied to assist us in the endeavor of spreading to the stars. That is correct. You heard me, this program is to put humans on other planets to live. One of you will even go beyond that as part of a program we call A.R.K. For now I will not explain further." The Generals voice was strong and authoritative. It left no room for argument or question as he spoke.

"The Doctor will assign you into groups. From there you will be eliminated after going through tests. Of course each of you will be signing an NDA to keep this all a secret. And trust me. You do not want to break this."

From there a woman entered the room in a lab coat. Her aubern hair done up in a messy bun and glasses resting on her head. She entered with large stack of papers and handed each of us a set.

"Originally there was supposed to be twenty-eight of you. But the last applicant decided to ignore our warnings and became ineligible to proceed. During your testing you will be trained to handle multiple situations and how to move past them. You will undergo a strict diet and be trained physically as well as mentally. Your status screen will become more familiar to you now more than ever. It will be your reason for living by the end of this."

The doctors voice was musical but held the hard edge of a professional. I was sure that despite her short size, she would have no issue handling herself around the larger men. She just oozed confidence and intelligence.

"My name is Dr. Elizabeth Brawm. I will be taking lead for your training and testing. Since there are an uneven number of you I will split you into six groups of four with one group of three. The papers I handed you are the NDAs we need signed before continuing."

Everyone did not need to be told more than once. So far the information was so much more than I had assumed it was. NDAs. Going to the stars. I felt like this was a joke and any minute I would wake up back in my pod. Once the papers were signed, we were split into our groups and I was placed in the three man cell.

Well I say man but I was the only one in the group. I was place with two of the women. One was a red head with a freckled nose, slim build and green eyes. She introduced herself as Erica. The other had long chocolate brown hair, brown eyes, and was a bit firmer built than Erica. While Erica had a decent sized chest for her slim body, likely in the B range, Juliet had the larger range of DD with a fit, muscled body. I felt like I was placed with models while I looked like a complete dork.

Once groups were split up and introduced we were marched from the conference room and into seperate blank rooms. These rooms had no furniture or decorations. The walls were completely white and bare. My eyes had to squint as if someone turned on a searchlight and pointed it at my face.

"This will be your first test. You three must strip down to your birthday suits and stay in this room. You will be placed in stressful and uncomfortable situations often. Might as well get used to it now."

The two women immediately looked my way with complete disgust on their faces. It seemed they were not fond of the idea of being trapped in a room with me without clothing. I just shrugged and stripped naked before entering the room. When I turned around and saw Juliet enter, Jr decided to wake up and say hello. I sighed and then just decided to make it less of an issue.

"I just want to say, that yes I find you both insanely attractive. Yes my body is going to react to seeing you both naked. Like it or not I have little control over it. I am sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but the only choices we have is either ignore it or just jump on." I looked over both of their bodies and everything I said was true. There would be no way for me to remain calm down below when I looked at them.

"Ugh, creep. Just keep that thing away from me and maybe I won't deck you. I for one have no desire to look at you, let alone touch you." Erica said. Harsh. But fair I supposed.

Juliet just grinned as she looked town. "If we were not in a job interview I wouldn't mind having a go. But I think that is the test. Though I feel sorry for the straight men in the other groups." She giggled slightly and it was like music to my ears. Though the idea did cross my mind that the test was one of willpower.

For the first few hours, all we did was stand or sit around. Once in a while one of us would look around the white room for any hints on the purpose of the test. Once your eyes adjusted to the whiteness of the room it absolutely felt like we were in a white void. And the door we entered looked like it was out of thin air.

Around hour six Erica found a button, or more like part of the wall that pressed in. She had been walking around the room with one hand touching the wall and making loops when her hand pressed the button and a toilet emerged from part of the wall. We all celebrated as we were getting close to needing to relieve ourselves. It was very embarrassing to use it in front of each other but the need was strong.

By hour ten Juliet made another discovery. This one was a bit more troubling as when she pressed it nothing happened. The only thing that seemed to occure was we sneezed a few times and that was it. Odd really but without hints we would just have to ignore it.

We were just reaching the eleventh hour when trouble started for me. I had an erection so hard I could do pushups with it, and it was not going down. I was standing and both women stared at it in different ways. Juliet looked hungry while Erica seemed a bit pissed off.

"Seriously? Can you not wave that thing around all over the place like some letch. Is that all you think of when you look at women? I bet you were too pathetic go get yourself a girlfriend weren't you."

"Hey, I told you I had little control. It is natural for shit like this to happen when a man sees a very attractive woman."

"Whatever. You are just like every other guy and only thinks with his dick."

"I volunteer as tribute."

As Erica and I argued, Juliet moved to me quickly. I did not have time to process her words before she was on me. Her lips kissing mine passionately as she lifted her leg and pressed the head deep inside her. She let out a loud moan of pleasure as she pushed against me.

"The fuck are you doing? Wasn't this part of the test?" Erica yelled. Juliet ignored her and we moved to the floor and went at it. Juliet's large breats bounced in my hands as she rode me. Her hands scratched at my chest as I sucked on her nipples. Her moans getting louder and louder as she quickly was getting to her release. I held on as best I could but her pussy sucked and pulled at me so hard I exploded inside her without pause. She seemed to scream as her own orgasm hit in response.

Just as she was slowing her rocking, Erica was next and pushed Juliet off to take my stiff member into her mouth. Juliet did not seem to mind and instead went behind Erica and began licking at her. Before long Erica straddled me and rode my cock like a champion bull rider.

They traded off riding me for the next few hours. It did not take long for me to realise we were drugged with something since I knew I never would have lasted that long on my own. I grabbed the girls and looked at them.

"Stop. As much as I can not believe I am saying this, we need to stop. We can fuck later. But I think the test is figuring out what is going on. We obviously have been drugged."

Juliet cleared her throat and tried biting my shoulder. "Why say that?" Her hands reaching for my shaft as it was tucked away inside Erica.

"No, he is right. I am not like this normally. Hell I am a lesbian." That shocked me. And it seemed it drove the point home for Juliet. "Yeah you probably wouldn't be riding him under normal conditions." Slowly we untangled. The urges were still there, strong.

"I think it was when we sneezed. Where were you when you found the button Erica?" She looked around but in the white room it was very hard to find.

Juliet bit her lip and seemed to be doing a dance as she waited. "Can't I just wait on your cock for her to remember? Not like we need all of us."

My cock twitched and my hands clenched and clenched. It was so very hard to say no to her. "Maybe later." I felt like a junkie trying to quit. It was physically painful.

Erica's voice reach me like I was in a fog. "Found it." She was by one of the walls and had her hand on the button. "Let's not push it again. If this was one dose I am afraid of more." The others noded and we began to look around the room. Now and then one of us would entangle the other to release some of the drug we had. Erica tried her best to end up with Juliet but once in a while she could not help but grab hold of me. Juliet and I did not fight it so hard. We did not mind taking each other every chance we got. Eventually I found a new switch that started a hidden fan.

As it whirled, the room seemed to clear and the desires lessened until they were gone. I looked over at the women then focused on Erica. "I am sorry for my part in what amounts to your rape. I can not think of it any other way. You would never have been willing and for that I am truly sorry."

Erica stood away from me uncomfortable but after a moment she sighed. "No. We were both drugged. If I told you from the start I was a lesbian, would you have tried to 'Convert me'" she eyed me and I laughed.

"Hell no. You are who you are. I do not judge based on the gender you love. Though I will admit, you will make someone a very lucky woman. You are fun."

Erica glared and then sighed. "Asshole." Then she chuckled herself and we moved on. Juliet on the other hand seemed disappointed. "You think they will give us some of that shit to take home? I never got any like that before. I loved it."

"Whore." Erica laughed and Juliet shrugged.

"I prefer free spirit."

I sighed and shook my head. "How did I get lucky enough to get stuck with you two?" They smiled and then we continued the test. 

A few more random challenges popped up. At one point Erica triggered a pressure plate that caused the room to slowly get smaller. We only noticed because Erica tripped over me quickly multiple times in her rotations.

After that I found another gas that was putting us to sleep while Juliet found the button for showers. It was like a terrifying trapped room game. Eventually one of us found the button that opened the door. If you asked, none of us would be able to tell you who.

Elizabeth was there with a team of doctors that seperated us and checked us over. Of the other teams, we were the third to find the exit. The next few hours others began to finish. Juliet and Erica met up with me once the doctors were done and I noticed Juliet was standing a bit closer to me than before. Her hip bumping mine as she swayed on her feet.

Once the last group came out and was checked over, the doctors took us to seperate rooms. Here we would be staying for the duration of the program. Each team was given a Dorm style room. There was a common room with four doors leading to each of our rooms. Of course only three rooms were occupied. Juliet wasted no time grabbing me and pulling me into the room where we spent the rest of the remaining night.