Sebastian's complicated feelings

Walking side by side, Brian and Bash were in complete silence. The sky was enveloped in all sorts of beautiful, wonderful colors made by the setting sun. It was one of those perfects; little moments were words weren't needed. They would only ruin the ambient of it all.

Brian truly loved this with every fiber of his being.

So, of course, he "couldn't help but think."

If only this moment could last forever. didn't.

Life isn't as simple nor as easy as that.

The walk to the soccer field was a quick and short one. Afterward, Bash had to reunite with his team, who probably had been waiting for a while. The tryouts were about to start any minute now.... not to mention Bash was the captain, so he should've been the first one there already.

However, because of Brian's untimely meltdown earlier, he wasn't.


Minutes later, they had finally arrived. However, Brian couldn't help but feel disappointed.

A powerful rush of sorrow mixed with a longing desire to stay by Sebastian's side fell on him like a cold water bucket.

Brian tried to find something to say, but he could only think of two words, "stay and please."

In the end, Bash was the one who spoke first.

I got to go see the coach now; he's probably wandering, where could I be? Right about now.

Bri, you can go to the bleachers with the other family members. I'll look for you after the end of the

Reluctantly Brian could only nod and said with a forced, enthusiastic smile.

Deal! But please stop calling me by that embarrassing nickname of yours.

Nop! Never going to happen.

You do know, "NO ONE" calls me that.... right?

Last time, it only came out by accident, just a fluke.

I know!

It's like our little inside joke.

That's why I'll kip on calling you Bri, it makes me feel special and... it's kind of cute.

Brian blushed, his face turn vermillion.

Here comes again, "THE FALSE HOPE".

Umm....ok. Call me whatever you want then.

Cool! I'll find you later.

After saying that, Bash gave Brian one last killing smile than he walked away.

Quickly Brian started to overthink.

Was it just me or... did he just flirted with me.

He couldn't help but think, but--

"Don't be a doofus!"

"Of course, he was flirting with you!"

'You really think so?

"Why the hell would he call you Bri this and Bri that?"

Maybe, cause he's nice.


'You are just imagining things.

Why would he flirt with me anyways? Bash is clearly straight, and....he called me his "Friend" earlier. So even if by a tiny chance he isn't. I'm already in the dreaded"friend-zone."

"God, how are you, Mara's kid?"

"Are you sure you're not adopted?"

'Forget it then no one asked you in the first place.


After that little one on one with his self-conscious, Brian walked alone, heading straight for the bleachers.

When he got there, Brian was a little surprised, though.

Wow! There are more people here than I first thought.

I didn't know that joining X community college's soccer team would be such a big deal.

If this is just tryout... I can't even imagine on game nights!

Brian sat down on the highest bench like the last time. He wanted to be able to see Bash's perfect figure and beautiful face, without anyone to disturb his vision.

Sitting there surrounded by so many people, he felt a bit isolated. Brian was the only one who was here all by himself.

He saw as families and friends of all sorts sat together, chatting and laughing with looks of pure glee on their faces.

That was one thing, but the worst part was seeing the happy couples all cuddled up together being super lovey-dovey with each if saying "poor guy," he's here all by his lomesome .

Brian's knees started to shake from the overwhelming anxiety. So, he started biting his lower lip to calm his nerves; they were getting reddish and plump from all the pressure.

So what if I'm alone! I, too, will find someone soon!



"Maybe in a million years.

'Shut up I.. I will, I'm sure! Just you wait.'

The image of Sebastian's handsome face invaded his mind, but he quickly thought about the couples pitying him instead.

Brian looked back at them, and his brain screamed loudly.

'I am not jealous!'

'I'm not jealous!'


'STOP giving me that pity look.'

"Hhehehhe, you know they can't hear you, right?"

'Of course, I know I'm not an idiot!'

'No, your just a Doofus! Hehehhe.

Right when he was about to protest, the girl next to him tapped him on the shoulder. She could probably feel the tension and the anxiety that his pheromones were giving.

When he turned around, Brian had a huge shock.

He hadn't really bothered to really look at her all that much when he first sat down before, but now that Brian could clearly see her, God, she was beautiful.

Actually beautiful wasn't an accurate enough word to describe her

unquestionable breathtaking beauty.

Who could this Goddess be?


At that same exact time, Bash had just finished talking to coach Adams; in a word.... he was not happy.

Pete, Bash's best friend, looked at him with a confused and weird look, as if he couldn't understand something.

Dude, what's up with You all of a sudden? You have never been late for practice, not once, and now suddenly you're late for tryouts! Is this about some chick?

No, of course not!

Like I told the coach, I was just helping someone out, so chill out, dude.

Now Pete was really curious.

Helping someone out?

He looked at Bash with a mischievous grin on his face.

So It was a girl after all!

It's not like that, I promise. Anyway, I wouldn't do that to Emma.

Oh, please, that "ice queen."

Don't get me wrong. She's freaking hot, a total babe... but that rotten attitude of hers can make anyone run for the hills.

No one will blame you if you find someone else, especially after---

Pete stopped himself before he could matter the next sentence out. He knew it was a taboo subject.


Sheesh! I'm sorry!

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Pete didn't want to say the wrong thing again, making Bash mad was NEVER a good idea, ask Tony Reyes from math class. Sebastian wasn't a violent person, but if you pushed him too hard then...


So... who is this mysterious person? You don't mind telling your bestie, right?

Pete looked at Bash with pleading puppy dog eyes.

Bash had to roll his eyes.

He then thought about it and decided to tell Pete all about this afternoon. After all, it's not like it was a secret or anything. He omitted a lot of details though, especially..... the whole hugging another guy thing.

Bash was completely sure of his sexuality, and he was very much in love with his girlfriend, Emma, even if things lately weren't as smooth as before.

None the less he didn't want for Pete to get the wrong idea.

Not that he had anything against being gay, of course, he didn't. "TO EACH THEIR OWN," he always said.

It was just not who he was; that's all.


So this dude, Brian, was it? What's he's deal?

I'm not sure! All I can guess is that he must've had a pretty bleak back-story.

That's for sure!

For some reason, the thought of Brian having a hard life or suffering in any way possible didn't really sit well with Sebastian.

But that was completely understandable, right?

Bash couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier, how Brian cried on his shoulder, while he hugged and conferred him. And how he had flirted with him afterword. It all felt so...

Why do I care so much? I hardly know him!


Are you daydreaming or something?

Me.. what? No! I'm just... whatever.

Let's just get ready and see what the rookies got for us this year.