Stuck between love and desire, Final

Lexy goes right into the living room as if she owned the place. The girl didn't even bother to ask for permission, as she passed right between Pete and Bryan, ultimately separating the two boys apart.

Rolling their eyes, they both exhaled and shook their head in unison at the girl's childish antics.

On the other hand, Bash stood frozen at the door, ignoring his sister and looking at them instead.

The young man's mind was in utter dismay.

The realization that he has developed feelings for Bri was too much for him to take.

Yes, deep down, he figured maybe he had been jealous of the guy before, but there was still a big chance that it ended up being nothing.

For days on end, now, the youth had been wracking his brain, finding a reason as to these weird feelings he had been having recently.

Feeling he didn't understand, feelings he didn't want to face, because if Bash did, what were he to do then?

He was the soccer team captain and had a girlfriend he very much loves, being gay would ruin all that and more. He didn't even want to think what his parent would say?

Indeed, they wouldn't approve of it.

So, denying his feelings had been Sebastian's alternative. Sooner or later, this unnatural desire would go away. After all, he loves Emma, and she was perfect for him, right?

Wrong, because seeing his best friend at Brian's place, wearing the same shirt Bri had worn the day they had met, was like a lightning strike.

A lightning strike that burned out all of his doubts and fears, and pushed his emotions to overpower reason, and finally brake through.

He now knew, with absolute clarity, that he had strong feelings for this handsome white-headed man, and Bash wasn't about to lose him to Pete or anyone else for that matter.

Sebastian takes a deep breath and walks to them, trying his best to control his jealousy, which had been eating him alive since he had entered the room.

Brian smiles at him nervously, while Pete simply nods; they were best friends, yes. However, they were now love-rivals as well.

Pete has always loved Bash like a brother, but that didn't mean he was just going to let the guy have Brian like that.

He was willing to let Brian go and be with Bash if that's what he truly wanted. Nevertheless, he still has hope that the guy will ultimately choose him in the end.

The three of them walk in awkward silence to where Lexy was sitting, Brian's lonely living room couch.

When they enter, they could see the poorly lit room decorated only with an old worn-out couch and what can only be called the crappiest tv known to men.

However, by just sitting there alone, on that catastrophe of a couch, Lexy makes the room light up with her ungodly beauty.

Brian swallows hard, seeing this bizarre phenomenon, he couldn't understand for the sake of him why she was so lonely and without friends, when clearly the woman was an unholy Goddess?

Looking at the boys enter, Lexy stands up with a bright smile that somehow makes the room shine brighter 'scary witch,' and with an antihiatic voice, she loudly declares.

'Boys we're going swimming!

It's like 90 degrees out, so the lake will be perfect.

Plus is the last day we can hang like this before schools start back again tomorrow.

So we should do something fun together.

As they don't seem to listen, she claps her hands together with a shout.

"Chop-chop, we ain't got all day!

Saying that, Lexy started throwing them commands right and left.

'Bri go change.

Pete borrow something from him.

Bash call mom and tell her we're taking the boat, don't worry about your clothes. I packed us swimsuits while you were changing earlier.

The confusion in everyone was evident as they look at her with bitter smiles on their face.

"You can be annoyingly bossy; you know that princess?

Hearing this, Lexy looks right at him and speaks.

'I heard that once or twice before.

I think it brings out my charm, don't you?

Pete doesn't respond. He rolls his eyes and goes to Brian's room to change with the guy right on his heels.

Bash sees this, and his heart skips a beat.

"They're going to change together! Why?"

His feelings were acting out again.

And, as his face turns dark with rage and jealousy, and his blood freezes over, both guys disappear from his view.


Inside the room, Brian and Pete are both quiet. They look at each other, one feeling utterly guilty and the other completely heartbroken.

The moment they enter the room, their mask had fallen. The sadness in Pete's face felt like a gut punch to Brian, furthering the boy's guiltiness.

The youth felt like he had betrayed the guy by letting him cover up their night together from their 'friends.....or to be more precise from Bash

Even though it had only been one night, Brian feels like it had been more than just sex between them.

Yet, the moment he had seen Bash at his front door, his love for the blond resurfaced, and what little feelings he felt for Pete a moment prior went right out the window, or in this case, his heart.

Pete couldn't stand the silence anymore and spoke out the words that had been stuck in his throat, all this while.

"I think I love you!"

No, I know I love you. I don't know how it freaking happened. God, it's only been what, two days?

With a shocked face, Brian was about to interrupt him, but Pete stops him with a wave of his hand.

No, let me finish first, okay!

Seeing him so determent, Brian takes a deep breath and nods in response.

"I know this is crazy. How can I possibly love you, right? Well, the hell should I know?

All I can say is that yesterday was the best night of my life.

And today has been the best and worst so far.

I never thought I would fall in love.

Heck, I never wanted to be!

I always found it stupid and even made fun of Bash about it.

But shit, I have, and I am.

I also know you don't feel the same way about me. Brian's heart skips a beat. I could tell by the way you look at Bash.

And because I love you, I can't be selfish with you and force you to stay with me.

With every word Pete said, Brian fought tears; however, they soon burst out.

Pete smiles sadly, and gently places his hand on Brian's face, and wipes his tears away with the stock of his left thumb.

The boy then walks closer to him and gives him a light soothing kiss on his lips. Brian kisses him back, deepens the kiss, and soon they fall into each other's arms.

Seconds later, Pete breaks the kiss. Locks eyes with the man he loves and with a heartbreaking smile, tell him.

"Go fight for him.

Bash is a great guy, and the tramp he's dating doesn't deserve him one bit.

I don't know if he's gay or bi, but the way he reacted when he saw me earlier tells me he's not straight either.

Brian only nods his head; he had no word at the moment.

All he could see was Pete's love for him on the youth's big brown eyes and felt it on his stong fiery lips a second ago if only he had met him first, if only.

Pete I--.

Don't say anything ok, just promise me we can at least be friends.

A bright, happy smile develops in Brian's face as he says.

"Of course! I would love that more than anything.

Pete smiles too and replies.

Friends, it is then nothing less, nothing more, now, and forever.

Brian replies with the same, yes, now and forever.

They smile at each other until Lexy shouts at them to hurry the fuck up.

We should probably change before Ms. Bossy outside eats us for breakfast.

Yeah, let's do this fast. I don't wanna wake the witch's wrath.