
When Zhao Yun left his aunt and uncle's house that morning with the desire to do nothing at all and sleep, he didn't imagine it would end up like this.

With a boy who was about to jump off a bridge now asleep in his lap, waiting for this one's friend to arrive.

When he answered the call, a female voice with a worried tone answered him or rather shouted at him. At that moment he knew that the boy's name was Lan Xue and that he had apparently decided completely that that day he would end his life because he had sent her a message that basically told her that he was going to take his own life but not to worry,

Zhao Yun looked at the Lan Xue boy with a straight expression.

Zhao Yun had thought of calling an ambulance but the girl named Chen Ling had told him that it was not necessary, that she would go for him, he told her to go to the cafe where he worked.

Something he found strange was that Lan Xue's parents didn't call if he had left a message for his friend, wouldn't he have done the same for his parents? Zhao Yun didn't give it a thought, he didn't know anything about the boy's life, so it was better not to assume things.

With a little effort he picked up the boy and placed him on his back, he was lucky that the coffee wasn't that far away.

As he walked with the boy on his back, the feeling of calm and softness returned. Zhao Yun ignored it.


It hadn't been that long since they talked, he had decided to sit on one of the chairs they had outside, the boy was now in his lap, he didn't know if it was because of the adrenaline of the moment or if the boy was very tired but he hadn't moved at all, even when he had changed his position he hadn't woken up a bit. Zhao Yun did not know if he was grateful for that, after all, if Lan Xue got up and only the two of them were there, it would be very uncomfortable for both of them.

But Zhao Yun once again took the opportunity to appreciate the boy, he had a pale complexion, almost sickly, Zhao Yun's heart began to beat strongly, the desire to touch his face and admire him from closer began to grow, he was confused, why did he want to do that?

The moment was broken when a female voice filled the silence of the night.

"Thank God" The girl named Chen ling showed up "I swear that when he wakes up I will kill him myself." The girl, a little smaller than him, could tell by her clothes that she had been in a hurry, possibly in pajamas and without makeup, because now she had a shirt on backward and baggy pants, Zhao Yun thought it was cute.

She looked at him embarrassed and grateful at the same time.

"I'm really sorry that my friend caused you trouble, I-I didn't know he was feeling that bad, I definitely didn't expect a goodbye message, anyway, thank you, really thank you.

"Don't worry, just take care of your friend, he's not having a very good time, you should talk to his parents, maybe take him to a therapist" A bitter look came over Chen Ling's face "Do you need help taking him away?"

"No, no, I don't want to bother you anymore" She shook her head several times "I came by taxi, I just need you to help me get him in and I'll stop bothering you"

"You're not bothering me at all" Zhao Yun got up, Lan Xue buried herself unconsciously in his neck. He could feel his ears blushing, the feeling of protecting him returned but he repressed it, the boy was nothing to him, he could not treat him as if he were. After that day they would not see each other again, besides Zhao Yun did not expect the boy to look at him without hate, after all, he had stopped his suicide attempt.

With delicacy he entered the boy in the car and looked at him for the last time, something in his chest started to hurt, he calmed down and stood in front of the girl.

"Thanks again, you saved his life, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Zhao Yun denied determinedly.

"No really, it was nothing, I just want you to take care of him, I would like him not to try to go to the bridge again, that would be enough for me" He smiled and looked at the girl with kindness. She looked at him with doubt but seeing the determination in his eyes I accept it.

"Zhao Yun right? Thank you and I hope you have a great night" he said as she got into the car.

"Thank you, Chen Ling, take care of yourself too"

He closed the door of the taxi and that feeling of pain increased, the usual emptiness was present when the taxi was out of sight.

He started walking towards the bus stop.

He wanted to sleep for years.

When he arrived at the house the lights were off, it was already late and surely his uncles had already gone to sleep, he took off his shoes and began to walk towards the kitchen. Usually, when he had that kind of shift his uncles left him something to eat in the fridge.

He wasn't particularly hungry but he had to fill his stomach with something.

After eating he went to his room, he assumed that Xie Min was also asleep because otherwise, he would have already announced his presence, Zhao Yun preferred not to bother him, he knew that he had classes a little earlier than him.

With all the silence there was. Zhao Yun had no choice but to think and drown in his thoughts.

The boy, the bridge, the emptiness.

Deep inside him, he knew that he could have been that boy, the only thing that stopped him were his uncles, his cousin, his friend, he didn't want that to make them sad after all, they fought for him and all the things they have spent for him, at least he would take care of returning everything to them so that when he decided to leave, he could do it in peace.

He asked himself why he decided to save him if he understood that feeling, why did he steal that choice from him?

Death was not a good choice or way out, but who was he to tell people how to control their lives?

Anyway, one of the reasons he had stopped the boy was because he couldn't let a person die who he could have definitely saved and the other reason, which was that Zhao Yun didn't understand, when he saw him, something happened inside him, something that told him that he had to get close to that boy and protect him, at the time he didn't want to pay attention to it, but now, that he didn't have anything to distract him was all he could think about.

That pressure on his chest, the way his heart was racing, those terrible urges to keep the boy close. The word "Soulmate" crossed his mind, but he instantly eliminated it from his options, it was not possible, much less when his soul mate had tried to take his life the day before, this Lan Xue could not be.

With that thought, he fell asleep.