When they got into the car, Zhao Yun's aunt told them that her husband was already in the apartment to help them carry the things up and set them up and that he was making sure for the last time that the place was in perfect condition, the baby as always being his assistant.
They did not talk much more on the trip, their new apartment was not so far away from them, but not so close either, Zhao Yun made sure to have all his frequent points in a close range, being work and his university the places that were now a little easier to reach, it had been difficult to get the contract, but after so much effort and perseverance his efforts had paid off.
He stirred a bit in the seat of nerves and the excitement that this change would bring to his life.
When he arrived, Zhao Yun could not help but stay several seconds to admire the building, it was tall and quite beautiful, inside, the rooms were just as nice, they did not have much space, after all, they were apartments, but they were quite decent compared to other places, it was not spacious, but everything had an order that made it look wider at first glance.
Fortunately, the place had its furniture so Zhao Yun didn't have to worry about that, they had the basics, they could buy the rest as time went by.
He caught up with his aunt and cousin who were a little further ahead and closed his eyes with excitement.
While they were arranging things a sudden pain in the chest made him stop completely, it was as if a wave of emotions took him, pain, sadness, helplessness, everything began to suffocate him to the point of not being able to breathe, he dropped the box he had in his hands and fell to the ground. Xie Min who was behind him heard the sound and immediately turned around. Things began to spin around him, he saw shadows in front of him, but all those emotions did not let him think clearly. He knew that they were from his soul mate, these kinds of emotions were not uncommon for Zhao Yun to feel, but that amount, that weight, something horrible must be happening to them.
For some reason that made his pain increase, his soul mate was suffering and although he wanted to help them, he couldn't, he didn't have the slightest idea of who they were and how to find them. He didn't even know if they lived near him or if they lived in another country or if they spoke another language, Zhao Yun had no idea and that made him desperate.
A plastic bag was placed in his hands and he instinctively grabbed it and put it in his mouth to be able to breathe, he did the same thing over and over again, inhaling, exhaling.
It was like that for a few minutes until finally, his world stopped spinning, his heartbeat stabilized and his breathing steadied.
"I-I'm fine, I'm fine..." It was the first thing he said with his breath cut off, his uncles and Xie Min were looking at him worried, Zhao Yun felt bad about making such a fuss and scaring them like that.
A glass of water was put in his hand and he didn't hesitate to drink it as if there was no tomorrow.
"My soul mate" By saying that everyone's worried faces fell off, it didn't mean that the worry was completely gone but at least knowing the reason calmed them down a bit.
"What happened?" his aunt asked.
"I don't know, it was such a horrible pain that I couldn't take it in and
I was out of breath, it was like something was squeezing my chest and no matter how hard I tried, the weight wouldn't come off." He held his head down trying to think of the reason why his soul mate would feel such a thing.
But thinking about it would lead him nowhere, like all the times before, it was impossible to know exactly what was going on, but that did not make Zhao Yun any less annoyed with himself and with the way the world was classified.
After that little event, Zhao Yun was suggested to take a break - which in a few words means he was forced to rest - and do nothing until they were finished, he tried to complain, but it was four against one, he didn't have the slightest chance to win.
So he started reading a book he had brought with him, that was another of his characteristics, Zhao Yun was known to be an avid reader, he devoured books as if it were a sport, it was something he liked since he was a child and his uncles could not be more than happy to give him books, of course, Zhao Yun tried to tell them that they did not have to do that, but they never listened to him.
Zhao Yun's favorite genres were fantasy and mystery. They were both very different genres but each had its detail.
The one he was reading now was not from either of his favorite genres, it was a motivating story about a boy who was running away from home and on the way to find a place where he felt he belonged he was confronted with obstacles, allies, enemies, it was a little more inclined to fiction and slice of life. It was a book with quite a few messages, and it was quite interesting for him to read.
The message that had stuck in his mind the most was "You can't run away from problems because they always come after you, face them and persevere". Zhao Yun didn't agree so much with that sentence, it was in his mind because it was so true even if he didn't believe it, anyway, it was a good book.
Before he could realize it his body fell a little to one side and his eyes felt heavy, the book in his hand became loose and gradually everything became dark.
Almost at that very moment, his body jumped and his eyes opened.