Set looked at the summit, which was obscured by cloud, and flew towards it swiftly. Thankfully, though, no Evil crows came out to kill him. Set looked around, confused, but couldn't find a single Evil Crow. Set landed at the top and made his way to the egg. But as Set approached the egg, the more blood he found on the trail.

"Could it be that the egg hatched and turned into a bloodthirsty cannibal?" Set, hearing his own theory, chuckled at the sheer randomness and absurdity of it. Yet the closer he got, the stranger the situation became. He saw a number of bird corpses or at least parts of them. They were all savagely ripped off as if a bloodthirsty psychopath had torn them to bits. All of them had a small bite mark that was only a few inches deep.

"It can't be, could it be?"

After a while, Set reached the egg, but he was shocked by what he saw.

The egg had hatched!

The nest had been destroyed as if some nut job had gone on a rampage. The entire area was completely drenched in blood, and countless bits of flesh were on the ground, torn apart and discarded. Ironically, all of them had something in common, a small bite a few inches deep. Set moved slowly, but he suddenly heard the system before he could get closer.

[Blood points found. Would the host like to collect?]

Set was very pleased. He had always thought that the only way to get blood points was to kill, but he was delighted to be disproved. Set brought out the Titan Blade, held it in front of him, and said excitedly,


At first, nothing happened, but after a few seconds, the blood that was spilled on the ground lifted off the floor, as if there was no such thing as gravity, and it flew to Set uniformly. Like iron to a human magnet. The blood was flowing towards Set, but at a closer look, it was actually flying towards the Titan Blade. The blood came into contact with the Titan Blade and vanished immediately into the blade.

[Blood point gained]

[Blood point gained]

There was a lot of blood, so Set stuck his sword in the ground and waited. As Set waited, he asked, "The warlord skill is passive, and yet I haven't seen it in action. Why is it?"

[Although you have amassed blood points, and the murderous intent in the Titan Blade Is pure enough to break the will of Demon-class beasts, you haven't yet met the requirements]

Set had anticipated this, he asked the system what the requirements were, but the system could not disclose such information.

After about two hours, Set absorbed over 127 blood points, increasing his tally to 395. He wandered around for a while, but he can't find anything other than chunks of flesh and blood that Set humbly collected.

The sun was at the highest point of the day, shining as brightly as it could be. Set decided to turn back, but that was when he heard a horrid shriek. He looked around in panic, he felt a terrible feeling build up in his stomach. He wanted to leave quickly, but before he could, he saw an Evil crow heading his way.

The Evil crow was clearly injured, his left leg had a small bite mark that was dripping with blood. It was still attached to the body, but you could tell it was going to fall at any moment. It quickly flew away in an attempt to leave the summit, but before it could a smaller Evil crow appeared behind it behind. The Evil Crow was the size of an adult dog. Its beak was covered in blood and its teeth were red crystals, confirming Set's random theory of a bloodthirsty cannibal.

The Evil crow was the one that had been hatched from the egg. It was heading towards the wounded Evil Crow with blood lust and death. His beak was dripping with blood, and his eyes were bloodshot.

It flapped its wings, and in a moment, it was in front of the wounded Evil Crow.

Set was wide-eyed, "World-class." Now, he just wanted to escape the mountain, it would have been alright if it was a Saint or at least something he could outrun. But by the speed demonstrated by the Little Evil crow, that was not an option.

The wounded Evil crow desperately flapped his wings to flee, but it was all in vain. The little Evil crow flapped its wings, and when it reappeared, the head of the wounded Evil crow soared through the air. The body fell to the ground which was shortly after met with its head.

The little Evil crow hurriedly ate up the body of the victim letting out an occasional shriek of pleasure. Set looking at the little Evil crow, slowly stepped back. But as soon as his feet left the ground, it felt like an alarm went off. He felt like he had a huge target on his back. That was because the little Evil crow turned his head as soon as his feet left the ground.

It looked at the Set and the King Raven with greed. The King Raven, in particular, stared down at his body from the top to the bottom.

Its eyes were full of greed as he slowly inched its way towards the King Raven. Set was conflicted, his options were either escaping or fighting. Set knew escaping was out of the question and he wasn't going to win with brute force, so he returned the King Raven to his palm-sized statue form and stored it in the inventory. The little Evil Crow, seeing its meal taken away, was angry! And diverted all its blood lust and greed towards Set.

Set quickly pulled out four veils and smeared the contents all over his body. After which he laughed crazily and raced in the direction of the little Evil crow. The little Evil crow shrieked and flapped its wings. Set's head was sent flying through the air, as it had been lopped off. The little Evil crow devoured Set head and moved towards the body.

But before it could reach it, its stomach growled. Its face twisted and it fell to the ground in pain. After a few seconds of thrashing a loud long sound was heard.


Set regrew his head, but unfortunately, he wasn't wearing his Crimson curse. Just before he could escape, his nose was assaulted by a poisonous, stinky fart. The fart was so poisonous and stinky, that Set instantly lost consciousness after just taking a whiff. About an hour or so later, the farting ceased. The air was filled with green poisonous gas. But before the little Evil crow could catch a break, its asshole twitched. Its eyes went wide and hot red lava shot out like a waterfall.

Set awoke. His brain buzzing, his nose dead, and his vision distorted! But when he focused, he saw a stream of hot red lava rushing his way. Set instantly leaped out of the way, seeing the origin of the lava, he almost threw up.


Hearing the little Evil crow Set couldn't help but think,

'I'm not as fluent in Evil crow as I am in other languages but I can tell it was saying, "IT BURNS, GET OUT OF ME YOU DEVIL!"' Set laughed, but that left him distracted, the stream of lava was heading towards him. Set seeing the stream was jolted, he awkwardly moved his body and barely managed to dodge it. He fell on the floor and the hot lava spilled only a couple of inches away, forming a piddle. Set looked at the puddle with pure fright.

The little Evil crow shot out lava. But this time it wasn't aiming for Set, it was aiming for the puddle next to him. Set seeing this cursed, "Damn you! You wretched Crow!" The lava fell on the puddle, causing a splash. The scattered bits flew in every direction, including Set's.

Set was too late to stop that. He instantly put out his hands and formed a wall of repulsion by using his innate ability GOD 'S WILL. The wall repelled all but one droplet. Set seeing the single droplet almost fainted, he cast his repulsion abilities, but it was too late. The droplet flew to his right arm. Set was petrified!!!

The droplet landed on the right arm Set. The destroyed armor Set wore, the one that could defend against World-class attacks, under that single droplet... CORRODED! As it corroded steam rose and entered Set's nose. Set smelling this fell unconscious.

[Poison detected, Sacrifice skill activated]

[Blood point deducted]