To One Side (2)

The time in the morning when the sun would spring and reign in the sky; the crack of dawn aroused the colors of purple then red before displaying a radiant blue from its earlier state of night monochrome. The daylight peeked to Sungho's chambers, pervading its direction from the thin blinds of the window.

The day began with a chilly temperature; the mist cold touched his skin as he rubbed his bleary eyes then sat on his mattress. Sungho proceeded to stretch, pulled his muscles by reaching his toes before rising from the bed, and walked to the window.

As he produced a big yawn while moving the blinds on one side, Sungho was expecting to be greeted by the pearly glow in the sky but instead, he was introduced to a broad figure standing ahead which caught his attention.

Sungho assumed it was Seok however; he found its height was a bit shorter than that of the herculean man. While he continued to observe it, he noticed that the figure moved before facing his direction.

Sungho stared back on the blurry physique followed by squinting his eyes, but to no avail, he could not distinguish who was the individual standing before him.

However, just a moment after, the figure suddenly drifted its front from him and looked somewhere else. "Y-Your Highness, your clothes." Sungho heard it commented and he was eventually able to recognize the person.

"Mr. Daewon?" Sungho asked as he was curious why the nephew of General Lee was present in his courtyard, standing outside in front of his window. "It's nearly freezing. What are you doing outside?"

"I-I am checking the surroundings," was Daewon's answer before composing himself from stuttering and continued, "It is not that cold but a bit chilly, Your Highness."

"At least seek shelter. It rained last night. The temperature is a little low since the sun is still to rise."

"Perhaps later," Daewon insisted to remain in the courtyard, his voice turned muffled as if he was murmuring. "After you change clothes, Your Highness."

When he caught his statement, it was then Sungho became aware he was still wearing his loose-fitting light nightclothes, revealing his pale yet pinkish complexion from its thinness.

He did not waste a second and squatted to hide below the window, sitting on his heels while he felt ashamed of the empty-headed actions he made. How could he forget something vital? He possessed the body of a woman, a pure one to be precise. "T-Then I will do so."

His face flushed red as he struggled to reach to close the window. "Chun!" was his loud cries, wishing for his court lady to arrive immediately before he started burying himself on the ground from shame.


Sungho took his seat on the soft cushion, facing forward to Daewon who was occupied surveying the common room. The two of them were patiently waiting for Chun who soon arrived along with a wooden tray containing a tea set in her possession.

Following with his court lady bringing the set on the low table placed between him and his guest, Sungho requested Chun to leave the room and expect him outside when he finished.

"Mr. Daewon," he started while pouring the contents of the teapot on the teacup that Daewon was holding. "I thought it would be General Lee who will guard me during the daytime? Is he possibly occupied?"

"Yes, Your Highness," replied his guest.

After he poured the teacup full in Daewon's hand, Sungho proceeded to fill his before bringing another question. "What is Mr. So doing?"

"He is currently in a meeting with the King and the other ministers." Daewon primarily waited for Sungho to take a sip of his drink before doing the same to the tea in his hold. "I will be guarding Her Highness after the dawn, shifting to Lee So's position throughout the period before Hyun Sik returns."

"I understand." Sungho brought his drink on his lips and sipped again. As he lowered the teacup, he took a glance upon Daewon before speaking, "And you're calling your uncle and the person you're working for by their names? Will that be okay?"