Sensual Gratification (2)

A golden beam advanced through the room when Chun opened the window, pushing the thin blinds on one side. The egg yolk sun governed the skies while it gave off warmth and light to everyone under its reign. She was relieved that there were no signs of the dark clouds building, threatening, and producing yet another downpour.

It had become quiet for the past three days, nothing much had appeared except for the king asking for the well-being of her master. For three days, neither Chun witnessed signs of Sungho waking nor the physician apprehended when her master would rouse up.

Stealing gazes to the man standing before the unclosed door outside the chambers, looking at his back blocking the entrance, his words from that night echoed inside her head. Chun remembered the glowering flash on his eyes while the dimness of the place blended in with his overcast expression.

"Her Highness has been poisoned," he grumbled, which recoiled the deafening silence between the four conscious individuals thronging the room.

"... Yes, and it appeared it was a kind of poison that triggers late after consumption." The old physician recited his statement as he lowered the patient's wrist when he finished checking the pulse rate.

"There are a few ones in my mind... You, state at least a poison which she possibly consumed," the young man asked, which turned out to be a sharp order when he threatened the physician by placing a hand on the sword tied on his waist.

Without any sign of terror in his voice, the physician answered. "All I can say, it might come from Iseul or the Empire, young soldier."

The room went soundless, and only the heavy breathing of Chun was heard through the void. She listened along with the bear-man beside her while the two personalities stood near the bed, examining her master whom was left unconscious.

"Court lady." Chun heard her title was mentioned and she immediately raised her head. "How did she ingest the poison?"

"T-This humble court lady is not certain how."

"How are you not aware?"

His growling tone when he asked the question made her body quiver. "If Her Highness was forced to consume such poison in her sleep, we would know instantly by now," the soldier continued, "What happened before she fell asleep?"

"Yes..." Chun felt her hands and knees trembled even worse. "Her Highness attended a feast hosted by Grand Concubine Jin."

"A feast? If Her Highness ingested meal with the poison, you would be cautioned when the silverware she was using turned black because of its reaction."

"No, soldier," she explained, "T-There was no silverware. All the meals were served by the tableware made from wood."

"And that was not suspicious enough for you?"

She clenched her hand on her chest; Chun could not brush the terrifying occurrence. She solely could not believe she just experienced two nightmares in one night: her master dying without Chun knowing, and her precious head, which was about to be sliced off her neck.

She thought she would really get beheaded by the soldier on the spot. Either way, it would result in the same outcome if her master did not survive. She would be garroted by the king's command, and her corpse could get displayed at the town for the masses.

Regret. Not only she feared her death and her master's, but Chun was further infuriated for her lack of attention during the feast. She knew there were no excuses for this, and it was her fault since she shrugged off the dubious act of changing the tableware.

Producing a deep sigh, her eyes noticed a pile of books sitting on the floor. As she stooped, sitting on her heels, Chun browsed through them. It was then she remembered that her master was waiting for these books, and she heard them speak about this needing to be delivered within the morning.

"But these were here before sunrise..."

Now that Chun gave a thought regarding it, the young man was there during the dawn, even though his schedule was after the daybreak.

'Not that I'm complaining.' If by chance the soldier did not appear that time, without his presence, it was apparent to say what could have happened to her master. '... But I didn't forget to close the window yesterday, right?'