1st Tuor: Atropos

"Well, it's not that we were forbidden, My Lord. It's simply... quite difficult for me to talk about.", Tara then lowered her head and firmly shut her eyes to rattle the indecisiveness out of her mind. She faced the Duke after a couple of seconds.

"Earlier, we did acquaint you that the Empress is living her second life. On the dier she should've been happily celebrating her 6th aethras from birth, she mournfully passed away because of an unprecedented cause. The Royal Family was tormented with the death of Her Highness, so much that they were willing to utilize any method just to bring her back. Therefore, the 1st Prince delivered, promptly ordering the magicians to use her as the main testee of their next trial. ", following her speech, the maid bowed her head once more, trying to prevent the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.

Sura observed her sister, sympathizing with the latter's emotional sentiment. Howbeit, the situation is obliging them to be rationally reserved. Hence, she met the stare of Sarakiel who was presently appalled of what he heard.

"Are you wondering how the Empress' family could stomach the idea of exploiting her premature death, Lord Helian? ", Sura extrapolated the Duke's thoughts by solely scrutinizing his countenance, and she hit a painful spot with that query.

The corners of Sarakiel's mouth went up ever so slightly, as though sneering at how the seemingly benign remark managed to offend him.

"It would make me a hypocrite if I state that I loathe people that commit atrocities against children. I have my fair share of unwarranted killings of innocent minors, be it during a war or a mission. I am still bearing the shame of my wrongdoings, vowing to not repeat them in the future.", every word that Sarakiel uttered was seeping with mockery not exclusively to the Empress' relatives, but also to himself.

He removed the touch that he had on the Empress' hand, latterly clenching his fists that tightened by the second.

"Withal, voluntarily violating the body of your own blood to use them as a test subject? There is a special place in the underworld for those people. They chose to give her the burden of eternal life for the benefit of completing their examen.", the Duke declaimed his outlook that was full of misprision, the ridicule in his visage long replaced by abhorrence.

Sura's jaws hardened as she gritted her teeth, clearly unappreciative of the ill-favoured comment.

"And what do you suggest, My Lord? Resurrection? You do know that, even to us who are able to manipulate mana, the idea of resurrection is as absurd as immortality. However, at that time, the research on immortality was the sole option available. Are you too privileged to comprehend what I'm saying?"

"No, they should have honoured her death, let her soul rest peacefully in the heavens. And what privileges are you talking about? The Seraphiel Empire has not yet conducted a disquisition on either."

The maid audibly stifled her breath. She felt insulted, obliquely branded as heartless.

"I guess it is convenient for you to downplay the longing of those who had engaged in an act opposed to your righteous philosophy despite the fact that they're grieving. It's easy for you to say that when the God of death hasn't paid a visit to any of your loved ones. How resentful.", Sura finally let go of her restraints as she unfeignedly displayed hostility towards Sarakiel.

Meanwhile, the whole time that the maid was speaking, the knight's grip slowly loosened up. In turn, his gaze harnessed a sharper glint, making the woman heighten her guard.

"Death hasn't visited, you say?", the Duke said as he took a step forward.

"Aren't we two peas in a pod? Like it had nothing to do with us, we spouted accusatory statements that solely validated our morals. If only you knew the number of comrades whom I've seen perish in battles, you wouldn't have done the same fault. Even recently, I, no we, we almost lost Khamael to those dem-"


Immediately upon Sarakiel's ingress at an inch distance away from Sura, Mikhail inserted himself in the space between the two to intervene in their discord, first halting the lad's unfiltered sermon.

Concurrently, Zelel grabbed Duke Helian by the shoulders to put some distance in the middle of the pair of distraught adolescents.

"The Empress is right in front of us, yet you dare show such unsightly behaviour? Do both of you have no shame in your conduct?"- Mikhail gave them a reproaching sans raising his voice. He was not mad per se, merely disappointed that the nobles got carried away by their emotions.

The misdoers hurriedly dropped their heads out of contrition. In a sense, the couple was aware that their spontaneous quarrel was nothing short of blasphemy. Nevertheless, they ceded control of their presence of mind to their unstable emotions, resulting in the disarray of the order of objectives. For that reason, Sarakiel and Sura deftly admitted that they were to blame.

"I sincerely apologize, My Lord. This will not happen again."

"I ask for your forgiveness, Lord Percival. I also express my regret for lashing out on you, Lord Sarakiel. I should've known that all of us have our own painful encounters. There could've been a better way to get our points across without hurting each other. "

"I very much agree, Lady Kishnar. I am sorry for what I've said. It was indecorous of me to undermine the lament of Her Highness' family and the two of you who continues to serve her unconditionally."

"I accept your apology, My Lord."

Mikhail, satisfied that he didn't need to force them to offer their remorse, sighed with relief once the reconciliation transpired.

"Let's proceed with our business now that you've resolved your differences. What do you surmise of the Empress' infirmity, Sarakiel?" - Percival inquired while he traipsed back to his initial spot by the fireplace, turning their attention to the most pressing matter at the moment.

The Duke readily straightened his body to properly address the interrogatory. Granting that the tension within the room lessened, it does not dismiss the actuality that the Empress' condition is in a dangerous state. The sobriety of their duty was still plastered on his visage.