1st Tuor: Vakare

Although there were some details that they wished to be enlightened on, the Rounds kept it to themselves. They were aware of the urgency of the situation, so it would be a tad inconsiderate of them to put their curiosities to rest first. 

But there was still an underlying problem. The Rounds weren't comfortable with the fact that their connection with the Emperor had been severed. The discomfort that they were feeling wasn't isolated in their minds alone. The moment that they were informed of the detachment, the temperature within their bodies began to rise as the second passed by. The reality was displeasing in itself even if it's temporary, yet they had to deal with its physical counterpart. 

Israfel cursed under his breath as he found it difficult to control his urges. Granted that there were times when he didn't agree with the Emperor's decrees, the loyalty that the Marquis had for the Monarch was beyond that of a knight.