1st Tuor: Supay

Perspicuous would be the last word that could amply describe how they were dealing with the situation. Earlier, the only goal of their party was to reach the base of the pillar in hopes of being of aid to their comrades. But in the blink of an eye, the difficulty of their circumstances just became insufferable. They could only pray that their arrival wouldn't be overdue to a venturesome extent.

In the midst of being blinded by several unfamiliar rays of light, Ouriel's countenance was the quintessence of composure. Although she felt the most nervous at that moment in her life, the thought that someone was as dedicated as her in yearning to save the Empire was reassuring. It was as if she could do anything as long as there existed a person as such. 

"I apologize, Duke Cynan. We were quite taken aback at the sudden occurrence. We don't really plan on stopping, right, Flauros?"