
The next day, Krist went back to his clinic. He did not sleep there because Prachaya was already feeling well.

When he entered the door, he held the leash of Kong tightly. If he won't stop the dog, it may go straight to Prachaya's room and jump on him. This is the first time he introduce the dog to the other guy.

What if Kong saw the guy, and suddenly it barked because of anger? It's a shame when his pet does not like the other guy, he does not like that idea.

He wants the man to fully recover, and for his bruises to be healed to see what he looks like. Now because his face have bruises that's why Krist does not yet know if the man is indeed handsome

Well he hopes that the man is handsome.

Because Krist can not accept that the first man which he sleeps with next to him was like one of his patients.

"Do not be so loud, you can wake up our patient." He said and stroke Kong's head before unleashing it from it's collar.

"Do not go into his room because you might be afraid of him, so stay."

Because of its training, Kong sat on the floor. But it was looking at the kitchen as though it had felt something.

With a plastic full of groceries Krist went to the kitchen. He first cooked breakfast for them.

He did not expect that the man was there, standing in the kitchen counter while putting the kettle on the stove. He could not help himself smiling from what he saw.

"Well you could stand up," he said.

The man smiled slightly.

He was wearing jogging pants and the gray t-shirt which Krist lent on him

"Are you okay?" He asked him when he took notice that the other guy was relying on the kitchen counter as if it was just the reason why he was standing.

The young man nodded. "Slight, but I can easily get tired."

Krist is not reluctant to approach the young man. He lead him to one of the chairs around the table

Because of feeling weak and showing discomfort, he let Krist lead him. Krist feels that he is the kind of man who does not depend in the help of others.

"Sit down first," he said. "I'll take care of breakfast."

"I'm ashamed of you Krist," he said. " you have been very helpful to me"

"That's okay." Krist answered.

"But it's not okay for me." Prachaya said. "When I'm okay, I'll give back all the good things you've done for me."

Krist can't help himself to smile when the man said that. He did not argue with him because he did not seem to win.

"Who are you talking to then?"

"Ah, my dog," replied Krist, while frying the eggs in the pan. "He's my bodyguard, that I told you last night"

The kettle made noise because of the boiling water, and he turned off the stove. He took two mugs and start to brew coffee for them.

"Krist--" the man called from behind, but he did not notice it.

"He's brave," he continued as he mixed their coffee. "He's also angry with my exes."

And if he'd just listened to him then, he would not have been broken hearted before.

"He have high radar with dangerous people." He continued

"He always angry of my brother's former helper, we didn't know that man was a thief."

He lifted the coffee for the man to reach, but when he turned to him he was surprised on what he saw.

Kong still sits at the chair but his head is now lying on the right side of the man's thigh, while the other guy stroking his head. And the pleased expression on Kong's face is evident.

"Looks like I'm a good person, Krist," he said softly.

"Maybe you're right" he observed the man with amusement and joy in his eyes. He could not believe on what he saw because his dog was very picky. He approached the table and handed the coffee to the other guy and then returned in front of the stove to get their food.

While eating, Krist talks to the man about their place. While Kong hid under the table while for his food.

Actually, Prachaya was relieved when the dog was close to him. At first he was nervous, because he did not know whether he was a good or bad man.

Animals feel strong vibes whether you are bad or good people, and he does not remember anything at all. The things they got from from the vest could say that he was a soldier. But not only soldiers have guns.

He called Krist to keep his dog away in case he would be bitten by it, but the other man did not hear him. His pet is a big dog and he has no strength to protect himself from the animal attack. But Kong only approach him, looking at him and sniffing him, before putting his head on his thigh like as he was the one of its owner.

"About the queen of the cards that you said. Is it true?" Krist asked him.

Prachaya blinks before nodding. "Yes. I know lots of trivia"

"Among all of the animals only the goldfish can see the ultraviolet light" stating by him while staring with Krist who's smiling.

He was smiling too, "The chow-chow dog and black bear have blue tongues" he replied.

Krist laughed, but suddenly Prachaya felt sad. "Why do I remember them but my name is not? What is my illness?"

Krist reach his hand to him. "There are different kinds of amnesia," he explain.

"There are some which can make all memories lost. While some others like in your case which can make you forget some of the important things"

He looks at Krist's face. He can see the sincerity in his loving eyes.

He holds his hand. "Thank you." He said

"I told you, you don't need to." Krist replied. "Let me fix your hair" he said before he stood up and get the comb. "Your hair is a mess, you look like a lion 🦁"

Prachaya dropped his spoon and looks at Krist again. "What did you say!?" he asked in surprised.

The other guy looks at him with full of curiosity.

"Hey I'm just joking, when I said your looks like a lion." he replied unsure if the other guy was mad at him.

"Singtuan! Can you please assign me in another job?" Prachaya almost bumps his head on the table so he immediately hold it. It's like a loud bell ringing, the voice and how annoying for him that he called that name.

Wait...his name.

Krist almost run to him when he saw what happened

"Mr.Prachaya are you ok?" he asked "What happened?"

The other guy lifted his head and look at Krist's worried face. "I heard someone's voice calling me Singtuan," he stated.

"How annoying! I remembered that I told that guy not calling me on that name." he paused "Because my name is Singto… Singto is my name!" He exclaimed while holding the hands of the other guy.

"Well! Nice meeting you Singto Prachaya"