Final Chapter

Chapter 13


Krist watched Singto shut the door and stepped inside. He lowered the gun on the table beside the sofa, but he did not stop to approach him. Singto is a bit thinner, but still handsome. He still loves this man.

Singto pinched the other's cheek with his right hand to make sure that he was really in front of him. Krist laughed before he embraced him tightly showing how he really missed him

Tul the boss of Singto, went to Phatong just to say that Singto was too busy at work and had to stay in Bangkok, but he was always talking about him. If he wants to visit him he can accompany him going back here.

Krist was surprised when Tul offered him a chance to build a clinic in Bangkok if he wanted to stay there. When he asked why Singto wasn't there to pick him up, Tul just laughed and said they were going to surprise the young man.

It's not difficult for him to ask the permission of his brothers this time. Gunsmile knows about Tul. And about his former job before they build SSF.

"How can you get here?" Singto surprisingly asked him

"By a chopper I guess" Krist answered calmly.

Sinto pinch his cheeks before he hugs him.

"I'm going to live here" Krist said after a while.

"Ha?" The young man ask Krist confusingly. "How about your practice? Your clinic?"

"It's on the ground floor. We are just doing a little renovation, and the grand opening must be in 3-4 months from now."  Krist explained

"Ha?" Singto asked again

"I'm going to live here in Bangkok. And I'm doing my job here."

He saw the panic and doubt on Singto's face and the sadness which replaced his happiness he felt awhile ago.

"It's okay if you don't want," Krist said almost a whisper. "I don't need to live with you anyway, I have my own money for the rent..."

"No!" Singto immediately cut his words, and he held him tightly on his waist.

"You are going to live with me. I was just surprised. Because I was thinking that I'm going to Phatong once my assignment is over. I already planned to move there."

"Really? Will you stay there? Will you talk to them?" Krist asked him, his eyes were about to cry for the happiness he felt.

Singto nods his head. "That's why I have Kevlar with me today."

He laughed at the young man's response. The young man kissed him again.

"Krist, are you sure? It's hard to relocate, to start over. I don't want you to get in trouble." After a short while they were separated from the other's lips and Singto asked him again "It's okay for us too be in Phatong. Let's just stay there."

"And how about my brothers?" Krist asked

"I don't think that there will be our problem, after I cleared my name." Singto replied

"Huh?" Krist's ask in confusion

"Well my original plan is to come back there and ask your hands from your brothers." Singto explained while he turn his lover to face him.

Singto hold up his lover's chin… then say "But it's still depends on you."

"What do you think? Why I'm here in front of you?" Krist replied

Singto placed a gentle kiss on Krist's lips. He miss him so much.

"So when are we going back to Phatong?" Krist asked once they lips were parted.

"I will talk to Boss Tul,and tell him about our plan.... SHOOT!... I forgot about Off." Singto exclaimed when he remember his mission.

"Why what happened?" Krist asked worriedly.

Singto lead his lover to his room and he narrates to Krist about what happened to his friend.

Krist saw the worry and anxiety into Singto's eyes. While Singto felt guilty at that moment because he needs to be parted again from his lover.

"Krist, I'm sorry if.."

"There's no need to say that. You know that I love you right.." Krist held both of Singto's hand "I know what kind of work you have. Once you come back, I'm still here waiting for you."

"I love you Krist," Singto stared in his lover's eyes. "Marry me and I promise to try my best to be a good husband to you. I'll dedicate myself to you and I will make you happy the rest of my life."

"I love you too," The young man answer. He saw all of his dream into Singto's eyes " You've already made me happy. And yes, I'll marry you."

Singto pulled Krist into a tight hug. Then they place their lips to each other for a gentle kiss.

Krist is so much happy at that time...

Finally, I have my own hero.



why i felt my ending is not nice 😅