Nora's History

We got back with no fighting on the streets, i must be paranoid from all the fighting i have been through. The sky was dark as it had already reached nighttime by the time we got here, the waters were calm and black with the sound of water hitting the shore constantly. The other groups who were also here waited for the transport going back home, the flamethrower was worn out with half a tank again of fuel, Mary had a bandoleer around her waist still carrying some grenades.

The transport arrived with lights aimed at us but it looked different, it looked like a luxury carrier more than a normal one. The ramp opened and i was introduced to sight to behold, on the sides on the carriers were rooms similar to a train cabin and in the front was a table resembling ones in a cafeteria and what i think is a wine rack in the middle with glasses on the side. Walking inside i felt calm again and going deeper into the ship were glass boxes connected to each other, all outside and peering outside. This place was like a train but for the sky, never heard of a skytrain before though. "Find a cabin and rest the trip will be long so relax as we get back to Aregalia." A man emerged from one of the cabins, hopefully just cleaning the cabins.

The other groups of huntsmen went to the other cabins as we chose our own cabin, inside was really similar to a normal train cabin with seats on both sides and a small table in the middle, but nothing to carry baggage. The cabin smelled of eucalyptus as well as spearmint covering all parts of the cabin, inhaling the eucalyptus and spearmint gave me a sense of nostalgia and happiness as if my body ripped out my stress and sadness, this was one the smells that i had in my home it was strong and very relaxing and just smelling it here made me feel at home again. Everyone got settled sitting in the seats we got, the cushions were very soft almost nonexistent which really is relaxing for my body, drowsiness surrounded me as the relaxation of the cusions and the smell of the air took its toll on me, it was hard to resist and sleep but my eyes closed shut and i slept again.

I jolted awake with my eyes as opej as they could be, everyone was sleeping on they're seats as confortable as can be. Looking around the cabin i realized Nora was gone wait where is she? didn't she follow us inside? that's weird. I opened the door to the cabin and explored the carrier, it was large with the cafeteria table empty. Stepping to the table i realized there were two pathways made of glass on both sides of the room, walking in the left pathway i saw Nora just standing there with a glass of red wine in her hand.

"Oh there you are Nora you gave me a fright" Nora looked at me and her eyes opened higher.

"Yeah need anything?" Nora asked slowly shaking her glass of red wine.

"Nothing i didn't see you in the cabin so went out to find you." Nora still staring at the sky illuminated by stars.

"This wine tastes good want some" she reached out her hand with wine offering it to me, i accepted it and sipped a small amount, it was sweet and kinda refreshing, i handed the wine back to her.

"The stars used to be so many, now they dwindle and cover some parts of the sky." she took a sip of her wine "I always admired them when i was little, there were so but now that im a huntswoman only about a dozen remain." She continued.

"So you like stars Nora?" looking at the sky there really was just a couple of stars left.

"No i just like observing" Nora took another sip of her wine and sighed deeply.

"My father was in the army and my mom was in the marines, they taught me how to fight and how it was honorable to fight and die in war. I joined the huntsmen when i began high school i thought it was a great opportunity to make my parents proud but i was wrong, the missions i went through, the people i killed made me numb. My parents well i dont know what they would think of me now, never spoken to them since i became a huntswoman" Nora sipped her wine again and started to sob.

"Whats wrong Nora?" I went closer to Nora to try and comfort her. She pushed her arm out distancing me from her with her other hand wiping her eyes.

"I havent seen my parents so i dont know if they're okay or not, i try to forget about it by going on missions or hanging out with my team. You were a good teammate these past days, helping others and doing your tasks not bad Damon." Nora realizes that her wine glass was empty and puts down her hand with the wine glass pointing sideways. "I joined for honor, what did you join huntsmen for Damon?" Nora asked.

"I joined for the thrill of fighting i suppose, i expected to kill people like drug dealers or terrorists. Never expected to do more than that but now?" I chuckled, "Scavenging for things, hunting a poacher and his army, blowing up an oil rig, and face to face with the new Burnwick leader."

Nora laughed, "I was like you when i started Damon, thought i would do menial jobs but now im doing all this" Nora looks down with a sigh. "I have seen many dead soldier's faces, even people like me in the line of work, it fucked up my morale and my reasoning for war, to the point i resented my parent's teachings. Sometimes i drink myself to sleep to forget about it, luckily this place has wine, so i can get drunk and forget about things again." Nora begins to tear up with her tears streaming down her eyes, "All of those people were great people, they were happy and joyful, now they rest under dirt. Dead from Burnwick assholes that deserve nothing than fire and pain." Nora slams her hand on the glass with rage.

"Calm down Nora were close to getting the leader hopefully, dont worry you can get your hands on him the next time we see him." Nora looks up and looks at me.

"Fine you're right," Nora puts down her hand. "So 5 outposts were destroyed with the rusted ship, the leader must be pissed with his possy with what we did, hopefully command gives us more info about them. The first time i saw you i thought you were just an idiot who didnt know what to do, but you killed people and helped us. We could be more acquainted with each other if we survive longer."

"What do you mean 'We could be more acquainted with each other if we survive longer' Nora?" i asked

"I suppose when we get older and undertake more long and large missions like city wide missions, my parents said the best partner to fight with is one that has honor in fighting but is brutal when it comes to killing, crazy right? Maybe if we survive more missions and such we can become a better team, or get to know alot more about each other."

The carrier comes to a sudden stop and the man appears again, "Everybody out were here!" he shouted. Everyone got out of the cabins and out of the carrier, as everyone stepped out the ramp of the carrier closes and disappears into the night sky. We go to the elevators choosing our floor with Marcel on the buttons, he pressed a button and the door closes then it descends.

The doors opened and back we were at our quarters, we started making our way to our room. The hallway was empty with nobody walking out either on mission or sleeping, behind us were the other groups chatting and laughing, certainly have good morale.

We found our door still looking normal with no new changes to it, the door opened the inside was just the same as we left it. I went into my bedroom and began undressing my armor, today was a very violent day but now i can rest but i don't feel sleepy at the moment. That air in the carrier probably gave me energy nice, going to the armory i put the armor on the stand and placed all my weapons in their closets, though i don't know where to put the flamethrower. With no options i placed the flamethrower on the table resting it on the modification stand for my weapons. As i was finishing up a knock came from my door, opening the door it was Thalia with controllers on both hands.

"Hey Damon i know it might seem like a bad time but care for a game?" Thalia asked with a happy smile on her face.