Change of Plans

My eyes welcomed by the painful light up above, my arms and legs feel like jelly and I nearly lose balance but gripped on the side of my bed. Another mission everyday it's almost becoming repetitive. I began walking to the bathroom to take a shower, outside I heard the voice of someone. Not from the group but maybe from the tv outside. I stuck my old clothing in the cleaner and began taking a long shower.

Coming out of the shower, cleanliness and relief swept over me like a rug, the washer was done by now so I took out the clothes and waited for them to dry. Next to it was a set of folded clothes conveniently sitting there waiting for someone to wear them. I hastily put them on and walked out to see what the voice was, the entire group was sitting on the couch, on the seat, on the sides, any part of it. Some of them looked to greet me while the others were still fixed on the tv.

On the tv a woman was speaking, next to her a screen with a crowd of people fighting against a wall of police.

"Well I guess were doing more killing." Lennox remarked while he was sitting in the middle of the chair still watching."

"The people grew enraged after multiple reports of assault against the citizens were seen, police officers were later attacked and even killed. 5 officers are now dead and 17 were injured during the most recent riot at Ermanzi street, all public buildings have been barricaded and closed down until the riots have been stopped or ceased. Public opinion on the police quickly burned down as the president of the country demanded a militaristic and brutal strategy to quell the rioters. On other news however multiple police stations, hospitals, clinics, and factories were attacked and either robbed or taken over as makeshift forts by the protesters, after news of the president's decision to have a more militaristic approach." The woman on the news said.

"This is more like a civil war than just some riot man." Sebastian stated.

"You tell me, these ones are no longer fighting to rid corruption but escalated to something worse." Lennox added.

"I heard of riots after the war but they were more tame than this." Nora remarked. Crossing her arms as she spoke.

"Demonstration is a peaceful protest, riot is a war and this is definitely a riot. No longer about corruption but now they want to kill the president." Alina added.

"Who wouldn't, the man is annoying, oh and i found this piece of paper. It just says there were reports of some kind of mercenary force in the area probably another school. And these ones are not here to help they said as reports of trucks were carrying arms to protesters, and these arms carriers look like Burnwick soldiers or some more terrorists, however Sebastian over here has a plan to sabotage them or something." Marcel explained.

"Alright suit up first, the details of the plan is inside your armories, transport says they are arriving in 2 hours." Sebastian announced.

The group dispersed and everyone went to their rooms along with me, I walked to the armory and began wearing my vest and getting ammunition. Fucking hell the president is an ass, were trying to suppress this but he keeps on fanning the flames, either the politicians want to kill him and he is just some puppet or he really is crazy. Something though did not feel right with my guns however, what the hell?! THEY ARE NOT MY GUNS. On the rifle was a note attached to it, on it read "Forgot to tell you but I had to swap out your guns, Sebastian said your guns could go through the gunrunners unnoticed, it was stripped though and the money came back for some of your attachments. Don't worry as the rest of your attachments were used on your new weapons."

Well at least my money is back, the rifle was a different build though. Looked like a gun made by Stormer arms of Lenavis, a good company that makes strong but light weapons. The stock was just skeletonized and the barrel looked longer than the normal rifle, a laser was attached to the side of the rifle and a new grip was placed at the bottom. These ones are definitely Stormer arms, the quality and appearance of this gun looks like it was shipped from Lenavis because no Storm arms factory is here. Nonetheless this is a far better rifle than the one that I had, this time it was jet black with red lining across the rifle.

I began grabbing more ammo for my sidearm and my rifle, the light flickered for a bit in a rhythm while I continued preparing, no point in bringing the other ones anyway high speed low drag.

I placed the last magazine in place and bid my armory and room goodbye as I walk out to see my allies, outside they were all ready and Lennox looked at me with a humorous smile.

"Sorry man that I swapped your weapons, if you didn't read the note." Lennox said.

"No worries the guns are better than the last ones." I replied

"Our guns are shit anyway that's expected, anyways let's move." Sebastian announced.

The group moved out once again and did the same walk and the same path going to the same elevator, to the same roof.

The elevator chimed and opened as we were introduced to a bright sun after the storm passed. The concrete floor was wet with puddles of water scattered all over the place, the smell of the air as the water evaporated gave a sense of comfort and peace like the bed i slept in.

A couple of minutes passed as we waited for the transport, until the transport burst out of the clouds like a rock through water and landed on the wet concrete floor. The transport looked smaller than the usual transport we get but looks more armored with the sides of the transport equipped with a machine gun on both sides and the walls looked wider and more sturdy, it landed and we were greeted by a man and a woman both in Kevlar vests old age but reliable, the man introduced us inside and the inside looked smaller but had anything a military soldier can have, cabinet of weapons and a lot more stuff.

In the middle of the ship was a desk with about 10 duffle bags sitting on top of it with the man and woman sitting on the opposite side.

"Due to changes in objective you will be stationed to search for where the arms are coming from and stop it, arrests or death is allowed in this operation. You will land in one of the command posts for a more detailed briefing, and you will get equipment required for the mission from that command post." The woman explained.

"Make sure you hold your bags tight, the only way to identify them is a chip that pings and you can see it on this pad." The man explained and tossed each of us a pad that can be attached to our wrist. I attached mine and it was a comfortable fit.

Each of us walked to get one duffle bag and began binding it to the wrist pad, wonder why we were not given one by the school. I started putting my weapons in the bag that I got and started to remove my armor to put it in the bag as well. I put it on and it was somehow manageable, probably because of lighter metals or the new guns.

"Strap on to the seats the trip is faster than normal." The man hastily said.

I sat on a seat and placed the bag below my feet, I quickly fastened myself to the seat, the ramp closed shut behind us. The transport lifted up and I can feel the speed of the transport slowly go faster than a normal transport. Next to me was Marcel and Luna already fastened with their eyes closed. The man and woman earlier were gone and the rest of the group was fastened on different parts of the aircraft, gunrunners helping protesters? never heard of that before. By my assumption they are probably trading arms and taking advantage of the protests.

My eyes remained open for some time with nobody talking, the trip is quick but might as well take advantage with some comfort. I rested on the seat as the aircraft flew through the air. I wonder if i can survive my life here as a soldier, or am I gonna die. No rest for the killers in this place, i forsaken my freedom to help people but am I truly helping? Or am I just a cash grabber for the school. But just like what the motto said "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" so why not get money while upholding "Peace" for the country and other countries. Maybe they should change that to "Glory to the highest bidder" since that is technically how we operate.