War is Coming

For the rest of the night I did nothing but look aimlessly at the walls, the tv, or just read the folder, nothing much happened apart from the occasional sirens of the cars outside but it was mostly peaceful for the rest of the time I stayed here. My wounds gradually healed as time went by doing nothing, I slowly gained control of parts of my chest and the rest of my body until the pain became fainter and fainter.

As i am watching the tv only looking at whatever news is left the door opens, when i looked it's Alina again. This time she was in her armor ready for a fight.

"You ready for a battle?" Alina asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"It's gonna be a rough day, hope your wounds are done and dead." Alina added.

"Now get up." Alina pulled something from her back, it was a mask.

I move my legs to the ledge and gave a little push with my arms, before I knew I was now standing up, I stretched in satisfaction from staying in that bed for hours almost feeling bones click. I put on the equipment Sebastian gave to me hours ago and started preparing for the fight.

It took a while until i finished wearing my armor and preparing my weapons. I look up to see Alina, now next to the door motioned me to leave the room.

Even just from the door opening the cries of men and women accompanied by beeping or footsteps filled my ears. I walked out and got immediately hit the smell of blood, i was standing in the hallway, throughout the hall were beds with people groaning in pain, blood running across the walls with medics frantically walking around with medical equipment. Alina walking next to me with an unfazed expression on her face as if she saw this multiple times, the hallway extended so far to the point it was almost infinite with the smell of blood and the scream of agony from the soldiers. Looking to the side, the faces of the soldiers with horrified expressions, all fearing for death now engrained in my memory, all around me people walked around in matching outfits, medics.

Before i knew it i focused on the faces, constantly changing but all with the same thought or feeling, fear. Alina smacked my arm as I realized I'm still looking at the people and not the path. I look back to Alina still looking to the front, not giving a care to anyone she passes.

Alina takes a sharp turn to a second hallway to the right in which I follow, this new hallway was empty, the smell somehow didn't reach through. The hallway had rooms on both sides with small hanging tags on top of each door. Names vary from "Officer room" to "Archive room" all with keypads set to the side of each door.

Alina pushed open another door in front of us, turns out it was one of the doors to the entrance of the base. Still filled with phones ringing or officers scrambling everywhere. Alina continued on still not bothered by anyone in the room until we were in front of the door to the outside.

I opened the door and was immediately hit with raindrops from the sky, daylight had come but was accompanied by yet another storm. In front of me were my teammates, all in full gear. Behind them were trucks filled with soldiers, all in green armed to the teeth as well.

"Well today is our first big battle, good luck out there. It's gonna be a hell of a time." Sebastian announced, we started walking to a large vehicle similar to a personnel carrier with machine guns and people sticking their heads out behind each gun relaxing while the rain poured on their helmets. We sat down on the seats available, all surrounded by men or women with weapons and in armor in different shades of green. As we all sat down, the door closed on us with a metallic thump. While we sat down the engine started, roaring to life ready for a war. Before we knew it the truck began moving with the sound of the engine changing from a rhythmic rumbling noise to a raging constant loud hum.

Inside the room, we were separated from one another by the soldiers all bigger and taller than us, but never bothered us while we travelled. There were no windows in the carrier, not even the lower bottom of soldiers earlier were seen, maybe they have specific compartments for them? At the bottom of the floor close to my shoes was a hatch with the words "OPEN TO ESCAPE IN CASE BACK DOOR IS DESTROYED" written in large bold red letters.

It felt like half an hour went by as i sat inside the carrier with these soldiers, the walls were lined with small shelves carrying ammunition from rifle magazines, pistol magazines, to grenades of varying uses.

The trip was silent almost to the point you can hear a pin drop, except you can't because of the engine humming furiously, the sound of the carrier moving changed almost immediately, probably entered the forest now, the sound of moving on top of small rocks changed to driving on wet ground coupled with the dampened noise of water puddles splashing outside. Thunder became more frequent as we continued moving with every passing minute.

The carrier comes to a screeching halt as the door opened, two soldiers welcomed us out to the muddy ground and rain, as I stepped out the ground splashed in mix of water and mud, i waited for my teammates to get out because I don't know what the hell to do now. When everyone finally stepped out I followed my team, moving through the rain.

"Fellow brothers and sisters, today marks the start for our war with the opposition. We may die and we may suffer losses. But never retreat for we are soldiers and we shall fight for what is true and kill whatever opposes us, IS THAT CLEAR." A man in front shouted.

"SIR YES SIR" was the first thing i heard from these soldiers.

"Team, don't worry these soldiers know what to do. They were once like you but have more experience in battles, good luck." A voice spoke in my earpiece.

We cautiously moved through the dense forest, only lit by the gray sky. We continued moving through the forest looking at every side possible waiting for someone to appear. As i continued walking an explosion suddenly shook the ground from behind, one of the larger apcs were destroyed, my ears rang for a couple of seconds quickly regaining my full hearing in seconds, when i looked back to the front, shouts shot out with bullets flying everywhere. The soldiers ran back to the apcs, the apcs stopped in their tracks with two long, tall metal sheets tall enough to crouch under began expanding on both sides, giving cover for the soldiers moving back. I quickly ran to one of the apcs ducking under the cover. Bullets flew over my head sometimes hearing whistles as they flew close to my head. I peeked out of cover with my rifle pointing out, i aimed at one of the shooters and fired, as the rifle slammed back into my shoulder the person I targeted shouted in pain, I shot his arm. In the midst of his pain his head suddenly cocked up, in a cloud of blood. Next to me was Stephen, with his rifle pointing up.

"I thought you got good aim Damon, but you did hit his shoulder I'll give you that." Stephen commented while unloading his rifle. I peeked my head out once more to finish a magazine on them, i aimed at one of them constantly shifting because of the intense firefight.

Constant flying dots of flame go around me even grazing me sometimes, behind me the medics with armbands dragged some soldiers from the apc but it seems some have not gotten out yet, the fight continued on, i fired and fired my rifle by this time probably killed 7 of them. After each round hit the mud another person would appear, even with superior firepower like our apc shooting larger rounds they won't stop, i ducked down under cover and removed my rifle's empty magazine struggling to put the new magazine in.

Peeking out of cover again i aimed my rifle at one of them, before i could pull the trigger i felt something hit my chest from above, looking up there were soldiers sitting on the trees.

"ON THE TREES!" I managed to shout, the other soldiers near me heard it and looked up just in time to see them. They concentrated their fire at the people on the trees. I pull myself up and pointed my rifle at one of the soldiers on the trees, with a squeeze a round shot out. In less than a second the person i shot let out a yelp and fell dead on the ground below. I shifted my aim at the other soldiers on the ground, pulling the trigger and releasing a barrage of bullets on them, either injuring them or killing them until my magazine became empty.