Heavy Duty

Minutes pass once again of waiting around, by this time the snow buried my back, now i'm completely encased in snow apart from my face.

"I see something from here." Stephen notified to all of us.

"It's.....Big, what is that?" Stephen questioned.

"I see more small figures in the distance here." Luna coldly added.

From my scope, i saw a swarm of small dark figures. And...In the distance, 3 larger figures.

"I see some larger figures on our side." Nora added.

Others started notifying us as well on the same thing, larger figures in the distance.

"I see it now.....Oh shit." Stephen, fear in his voice, said.

"It's not one, it's alot of it. Armored vehicles, wait, is that a fucking military ifv with the other ones?" Stephen, now with confusion in his voice relayed to us.

In the distance, i could see more dark shadows, ranging in size. And, other people? No, it's the insurgents.

"Looks like an armored assault...Shit, were screwed." Sebastian spoke.

The figures approached closer towards us, soon the real main force heading at my direction showed itself, insurgents, drones, and vehicles heading at us.

"The strategist brought weapons, meant for some projects, he said we can try testing it out. They are battle tested but haven't been live tested yet. Mary, Marcel, Damon, get on the ship.

I moved out the snow, hastily running back to the ramp as the figures kept moving towards us.

Inside, on the floor of the ship, what looked to be rpgs.

"Specialized, created in collaboration with Shoravik before this whole fighting happened. Best to try it out on the armored targets." With Mary and Marcel, we take the rockets. It looked a little bulky but was relatively light.

Mounting it on my shoulder, a small box with a screen acted as my guide to aiming.

"Take this as well." The strategist handed each of us an ammo box, inside were more rockets.

"At the side side of your rocket is a hatch, whenever a rocket is fired from it, the hatch opens. All you have to do is just insert another rocket with the tip," He picks up a rocket, pointing at the tip of the warhead. "Make sure this tip is facing the enemy and not aimed backwards, the trigger is just here below the launcher itself, finally, the launcher takes a few seconds to pinpoint your target so hopefully you have stable hands on it. Alright, good luck and bring these boxes. As well as more ammunition." He concluded the small 101 for the launcher.

I carried the box and rocket outside with extra ammo for my rifle. Back to my shallow hole for, snow kept on falling, making an idea camouflage for the enemy, and a disadvantage for us.

Back at my hole, it became buried by snow, i scooped up the snow, making my hole deeper than earlier. I set the launcher next to me for now, for now i gotta deal with the insurgents and drones until the vehicles got closer.

"Seems they're coming from all sides, make sure you're dug into the snow, hell put snow on your backs for more cover so the enemy has a harder time seeing you. Mary, Marcel, Damon. You three as well as me are given the task of taking out the vehicles. Good luck, and let's tear em up." Sebastian said, motivating us.

The figures were now closer than ever before, this is it. What might be the first last stand i got into.