
My eyes opened, the truck was still moving but the others were already standing up, either checking any remaining boxes or just resting. Thalia started checking the boxes as well, examining the one closest to her, Mary continued unlocking any locks present while Nora and Lennox kept searching for new weapons to bring. Luna remained seated with Alina, watching everyone, not taking part in any of the activities, only checking her weapons and her wounds. The entire group was patched up, white bandages stained with red on different parts of their bodies. Looking down i realized my legs and arms were bandaged as well.

"Your wounds were already healing, but i just added some bandages to help." Alina spoke to me, while tending to her own wounds.

The trip continued on, Mary sat down, finally finished unlocking the rest of the unbroken boxes and crates while Nora and Lennox continued searching inside of the other boxes.

"There's a bunch of knives her, tactical ones. And some entrenchment tools." Thalia said, taking out a short dagger.

"Entrenchment tool? How many?"

"Huh exactly 10." She replied.

"One for each, we can use that for later missions like scouting ones, if Parabellum staff and command will allow us." Thalia took out small entrenchment shovels. Folded up in half. She started handing it to each of us.

"This would've come in handy when we were in Shoravik." Marcel added.

After handing out the tools to us, she kept 2 for Marcel and Stephen. Returning back to the crate to see what else was contained in it.

The plundering of the 3 didn't stop, as Nora and Lennox opened all the boxes present, shifting to checking the large unopened crates left.

Thalia took out more blades, pocketing them. They really are having a fun time in here. Before long, the 3 finished checking the last crates, already filling their pockets with what they want to bring back.

The truck came to a gradual stop, feeling as the speed go lower and lower until, it ceased complete.

"Were here. They'll get the crago and the hostage." Stephen informed.

We stepped out, bringing our weapons with us. I jumped down with the others, the 3 carried varying weapons in their pockets or under their arms. Will they even allow that much?

In front of the truck was a transport, a larger one.

A figure stepped out of the open transport door, with 5 others walking past us to the back of the truck.

Stephen approached the man, speaking to him briefly with his mask off.

"Academy said we can only get one of each weapon, just put em back on the boxes." Stephen informed. A few sighed but followed, returning to the back of the truck, and coming back with one weapon of each.

The man pulled out a small tablet, pressing on it for a few seconds before putting it back.

"Everything is clear, let's get out of here. The rest will be handled by Academy staff." The man said. We got onto the open rear ramp of the craft, there were only seats on the sides, but the craft was mostly empty.

I sat down on a seat, taking my mask off and resting my weapons on the side. Inhaling a breath of fresh cold air of the night.