Lessons Learned

With my bag and weapons back in the armory, i stood inside the elevator, waiting for it to reach the underground library. The elevator was rather warm compared to the cold hall outside.

The doors opened to the silent library of the academy. It was warmer here, the clerks worked in their desks while a few mercenaries were already reading books. I returned to the history section of the library, one grabbed my eye though. A book called "The war against the old tyrants" Interested, i grabbed it from the shelf. Same one Thalia read before, mostly on the education system aspect.

I head back with the book, pulling up a chair to sit down, i started reading.

"After the group that would later make what the alliance is now today have gained enough supporters to join them, "The New Alliance", the attacks on security areas ceased as they changed their focus on government buildings. All around the alliance, new alliance supporters along with other groups began attacking government buildings, ransacking and burning them while many were killed. Due to the support of the group, large amounts soldiers deserted to join them, feeling that they were abandoned by their country's governments as well. With this, the groups gained a heavier amount of weaponry as the deserting soldiers offered locations to stored arms, soon, the ransacking was halted as non-deserting soldiers and supporters of the government clashed with them. Thousands to millions will be slaughtered in this brutal, alliance spanning conflict." The paragraphed finished.

On the next page was a longer one, "The bloody beginning of Aregalia." Was written in bold and larger letters.

"A few groups have merged with the new alliance group while most chose to stay neutral, fighting for their own ideals. The battle of the Aregalian Capital would be one of the very first assaults on government buildings. A force of 80'000 sieged the fortified buildings of the government, machine guns, armor, and any weapons left were placed to defend. Against this force is 50'000 military personnel and government supporters. The battle began at early afternoon of the 9th of september. The group charged through the streets towards the defensive positions, shooting and throwing makeshift molotovs towards them. Buildings set close by were also used as vantage points. From all sides, the defenders were surrounded. After hundreds were gunned down, the charge breached through the makeshift barricades, anyone that jumped in started shooting and killing any soldiers and supporters. The battle would go on for 4 hours as the final defenders held off the force in the government buildings. As dawn neared, the battle was won, offices were trashed and burned as the bodies of the supporters and soldiers were thrown inside. The people reportedly shouted "A new alliance reigns here!" Shortly after, the group broke inside the presidential building, they dragged the president along with his personnel outside, quickly gunning them down mercilessly. Statues, files, bodies, and even furniture were thrown in the burning buildings and pyres. The new alliance has secured it's first country. of the 80'000 that attacked, half survived, while the entire defending force was slaughtered. Hearing about this victory, the group's supporters around the world began attacking their own government buildings and offices with whatever they had, in days. Fires can be seen on every single nation of the alliance. Back in Aregalia, the people set up their own government, ridding the nation of any remnants of the old government, putting in their new policies. The rest of the nations soon followed, now under the new alliance as well. Groups who did not join, instead of asking to align, decided to fight the new alliance in guerilla combat, hiding in the dense forests and mountains, a battle that would go on until modern day. Th revolution would cost 4 million more. " Interesting, i can see why Thalia would read this.

The next page, "The Chaotic beginning" Was written in bold above the paragraph.

"After the bloody alliance spanning conflict, the quick takeover by the group, having to destroy everything that the government built such as policies, laws, and many more have caused unrest and issues. This would later be slowly fixed as the policies of the new alliance began taking effect. Along with the chaos that ensued, groups that fought against the alliance continued their struggle, despite all odds against them and little to no hope of gaining government power, they continued to stage guerilla conflicts all around the alliance. Furthermore, the revolution has caused millions, further damaging the policies & plans the alliance once had, some buildings were burned or destroyed in this costly conflict. Supporters soon became paramilitary security forces, trying to calm the people as the new alliance attempted to fix the problems. This grueling process would last for 10 years before everything slowly started becoming stable. Ruins were rebuilt, the economy was recovering, and the new alliance systems began taking full effect. An alliance ravaged by fighting within, now stood with a new leader, a new government, and a new future." The paragraph ended.

I closed the book. So Thalia likes reading about history, maybe when she's back out from the clinic we can read more. Speaking of clinic, i should check on them, a night or so passed. Maybe they're getting better. That was enough reading for now then, next stop, the clinic. I stood up and pushed back the chair. Back to the shelves, i returned the book, now starting to exit the library. Hope Sebastian is holding up, he took a heavy hit in the mission and had to be taken back. I wonder what his condition is right now. Thoughts swirled in my head on what i can converse about with them. If all of them are still there that is.

The elevator closed it's doors, starting to move up back to the academy.

A cold breeze swept me as the doors opened. Outside, the hall was empty. I headed for the other elevator, to meet my teammates.