A New Combat

I woke up to the same bright blinding light above, sitting up, i yawned deeply, how long was i asleep for? I stepped out of bed, feeling refreshed and ready for more.

Without the thought of another mission on my head, my mind went back to the same feeling i had before. What should i do now? I already went to the library, range, cafeteria, and talked with my teammates along with playing a game with them.

A knock on the door got my attention, i walked towards it and opened the door. Thalia stood outside with a bag along with the others, wearing their old armor again.

"Damon you wanna join us? Stephen talked about the simulation area next to the range, said that they have a new scenario for today called "Last stand" Wanna join?" She asked, also fully decked out in her old armor.

"Sure." I accepted her invitation.

"Alright, we'll just wait outside, get your old armor and weapons." Thalia and the group started leaving. Turning around, i rushed to the armory. Grabbing a bag and my old armor. I threw in my Shaksha and ap-8, hastily strapping on my old armor while i did.

Zipping the bag, i ran out with my weapons, clad once again in the old armor. Compared to before, i noticed it felt a little heavier than normal, either that or it's the bag.

Through the doors, i went out into the hallway. The group stood around outside.

"That was fast, let's go!" Thalia happily exclaimed, we began walking.

We noticed other mercenaries were also wearing the same armor with their own bags, off to the simulation as well? Hope we can get there first.

We entered the elevator, the doors closed once we all entered. Others stood by inside as well, some with armor and some without.

A short wait and the doors opened. The range was more packed than ever, most walking for the simulation. We stepped out and followed the crowd.

Passing through, we finally reached the door of the simulation room. Inside was a large parking lot building in the simulation room.

"Let's just get some lockers for our stuff and grab ammo." Stephen ordered.

Through another set of doors and we walked through the ammo room towards the lockers.

We reached the lockers, quickly finding a set of empty lockers. Putting in the now empty bag, i closed it. The others were also finished, with their own weapons, from pistols, to shotguns, to rifles. All finished, we returned to the ammo room.

For minutes we searched the room for ammunition to use on our weapons. I found the ammo for my shaksha and ap-8, quickly putting them into my available pockets.

Not long after and we were all heading outside to wait for our turn on the simulation.

"Heard it's a 5 vs 5 team, or 5 vs 7." Stephen said.

A loud buzz sounded once we got out.


"Now's our chance." Thalia rushed through unexpectedly, moving behind her until we reached the front. We stepped foot onto the simulation area, a red flag stood next to us, planted on soil. As i stared at it, teams began standing next to the flag. The attackers.

"Damon, come on, were gonna try being the defenders." Mary said.

We headed towards the large parking building, about 3 to 4 floors high. Inside there were cars, in the middle was a staircase heading up while a ramp behind it allowed anyone to head up quick.

"Race you guys to the top." Thalia started running again once we caught up to her.

"She's really excited for this." Lennox commented. We started racing, trying to catch up to her while we ran on the ramp.

Up top, a blue flag stood on a pole in the middle, there were cars parked around here as well.

The other teams got up on top as well. They walked towards the concrete walls separating us and the ledge of the building.

"The rules are simple, the battle will last for 15 minutes, when attackers are hit they can respawn, but if defenders are hit, they have to go down and wait for the game to end. If the game ends and the enemy hasn't killed all the defenders, or they haven't taken the flag, then the defenders win. You'll be given 3 minutes to plan." The man explained through a megaphone.

"Alright teams, let's huddle." A mercenary called out, behind us, someone was waving for the rest to walk to them.

Listening in with the others, the merc cleared his throat.

"Alright, all team captains listen, what're your names. Mine is Justin." One by one, one person from each team spoke up, giving their names. Cassidy, Justin, Stephen, Scott, and Lucia.

"Alright, you 4 will have to defend multiple floors. Scott and Cassidy, defend the second floor, don't try to advance below, take out as much as you can until you lost too much of your team. If that happens, retreat to the third floor and fight back. Lucia, stay on the third floor, support Scott and Cassidy if they retreat up. Stephen, your team is on the fourth floor, you'll be the 2nd to last line of defense so hold them off as long as possible. My team will be the last line of defense, with whoever you have left, we'll make a last stand at the top until the timer reaches zero. Make sure you're not in the line of sight of the stairs and ramps, they can peek from em, and stay away from the concrete walls. Alright, let's do this." He concluded his plan. We followed what we said without question, despite not knowing him. The teams dispersed, racing down the stairs and ramps, we joined with them, heading to our assigned areas, keeping in mind what he said. This is gonna be quite fun.