
"You did well there" Lennox commented.

"Even better than well, did you see him charge at them? Think he just had his pistol out on the last floor." Thalia added.

"We all did our parts and had our glorious actions in that fight, but yes, Damon did charge and looked like he knew where they are. Damon were you cheating or something?" Nora asked, the group laughed after Nora asked the question.

I got in between of the group, we all gathered tightly with each other while we headed down ramps and floors.

"Good job teams!" A voice yelled out, Justin's voice. In front of us, we saw him and his team, packed together as well. We all waved back.

"So, are we gonna do this again? More teams and more fighting, means more fun." Thalia asked us.

"Sure why not, got nothing to do now." Stephen answered. We all agreed with him, still ready for more.

"Let's just quickly get more ammo and head back to the flag." We continued making our way down, continuing to chat as we did.

Down on the first floor, we started making our way to get more ammo. Next to the flag were more more teams than before. To be our enemy or ally for this.

Through the smaller crowd of mercenaries waiting their turns, we entered to get more ammo. Inside, a few other mercenaries were rearming alongside us.

Out we went after restocking, our ammo was now full again. Through the crowd, we entered back inside to join the flag.

"Alright, the defending team is in position right now, you have 3 minutes to plan amongst one another." The announcer explained.

"Alright," Justin said, preparing to give out his plans once more. Nobody questioned or spoke, all were silent and staring at him.

"Same as before, also what are the new team's names?" A series of names followed, answering his question. Josh, Nathan, Max, Natalia, and Lydia.

"From what we've learned, seems that the ramp is a safer option. Due to this, Max and I will head up on the stairs, but we'll be more cautious. The rest of you will stack up on the ramps in 2 rows. 4 teams per row. I heard from others that one of you also aimed upwards and hit one of the enemy mercs before they could hit us, good job on who did that by the way." I felt a nudge on my arm, "Those who aren't on the first line to charge up, you will aim around and see if there are any mercenaries hiding behind the concrete railing, make sure they don't get a chance to hit us. The 1st row leaning on the railing side will provide cover fire once the attack on the floor begins, the 2nd row will join in with the advancing team as extra support. Make sure you are fast so that you can keep up the fire for your teammates to join in. Check your ammo from time to time. Alright, let's ready up to begin our attack." He concluded his plan. I kept note of the plan, adding in the extra information he spoke of, 2nd row and 1st row.

"BEGIN" We charged at the entrance, guns up and ready for a fight.

Flashes of light from all floors stopped as as we approached the interior. Some fell but there was no cover to take shelter under, while running, i aimed with my rifle and attempted to get a shot on the shooters of the first floor, bumping up and down as i tried to focus my aim and shoot. I fired at the flashes of light, trying to hit whoever was shooting at them. The others who were running with me followed suit, returning fire on the shooters of the first floor. Trying to create a path inside, we kept on shooting, some of the flashes stopped while more continued.

I finally got through the bullet hail of the outside, running inside. Immediately, i slammed to the side of one of the cars for cover, hastily panning around for any visible enemy mercs. The others reached in, in smaller numbers than we started with, they started taking cover behind cars and pillars. Slowly, many of the enemy mercs hid behind the railing, quickly shifting to hiding behind other forms of cover. 3 stepped out with their hands up, ones we shot before we got in.

Ducking under, i couldn't see any boots, great, they're hiding somewhere else or behind the wheels.

Moving to the edge of the car, i peeked up with my rifle aimed forward. Instantly, i saw 2 other heads popping out, a pull of a trigger and their heads went back down. The others returned fire and started taking out the remaining hiding mercenaries, quickly turning the tide of the battle on this floor.

I got up, searching the cars and pillars for any remaining mercenaries with the rest.

4 mercs down and this side was cleared. Gunfire subsided after the last of the mercenaries left the floor.

Wasting no time, it was now time to advance to the second floor. The others who were shot met up with us as a few continued trying to take them out as they ran to the building. The 2 teams went up the stairs while we headed up the ramp, heeding the advice Justin told us. We lined up in 2 rows with our rifles aimed up, facing the railings for any possible shooters.

On the edge, we stayed and prepared. Facing our rifles up, the silence was broken by a hail of gunfire as we fired randomly, the team in front of us ran in while we fired, followed by the 2nd row. Shooting as well.

Now securing an area, we started getting out of cover as well. Going over the top.

With my team, we ran out, shooting at the cover of the enemy. I hid behind a pillar, once we got there, shooting far louder and more numerous than ours overtook.