Can't Always

I felt bullets just move past me, in a mix of shock and instinct, i bounced up, running to the vacant pillar, trying to lean away from where they were. My allies noticed the shot and what i did, they started moving away from the middle part of the car, 3 were hit in the legs as they tried to run, falling down and grabbing their legs in pain. They ran on the railing side like before, hands up.

It was just us left for now, we had to take them out, we have 8 minutes left on the clock.

The ones remaining began firing back at the flashes of light, i along with my teammates advanced forward as the shooting went on.

Our movement ceased with the shooting hitting our cover, we still didn't have a clear shot on them, and we have to pass 3 more cars before we have cover to use for a flank on them. The suppression didn't stop, we were held up, hugging cover and staying behind the wheels of the car to protect our legs from getting shot.

We waited until the shooting stopped for it, but it never did, it felt almost infinite.

How do we get out of this? Bullets bounced under us as they tried to hit us from under the cars. I thought of what we can do, what training taught us long before and what we can do at this moment.

While i thought, another team went to us, hiding behind 2 cars behind us, after hiding down, they began opening fire.

The suppression on our position was redirected to them, we had an opportunity for this.

Our team slowly got out of cover, laying low and moving quick as they were distracted.

Under pressure of a sudden hail of rounds ceasing our position, we moved faster until we got to the last car for cover. I hid behind another pillar, facing the outside and the light.

The distraction seemed to have halted, rounds were more focused on our direction.

"5 MINUTES LEFT" Shook me, we gotta finish this quickly. I peeked out and saw the enemy, they were now visible, but while i viewed them, my head recoiled back as i felt a bullet nearly hit me, slamming into the concrete next to my face.

Shaken, i stayed behind cover, more reluctant to try and advance. My team was on the other side of the car, staying behind parts that block the legs, the other side is a meat grinder if they try to go there.

As the firing ceased for a brief moment, my team ran from cover, i joined alongside them, we ran to one of the cars they were using, a truck with its back facing the railing. On the other side of it, some of us looked under, as they did, shooting erupted underneath as they clashed with one another, one of my teammates rolled to the side, grabbing their head in pain while the other got up and repositioned themselves. What remained of my team stacked up on the rear part of the truck.

I waited, waited to unload a magazine into them once we begin clearing.

After waiting, it happened, we rushed in, i opened fire on whoever was visible in the area, emptying my magazine before stopping to reload.

We moved our way to the other rows of cars, on the way were more enemies, we cut them down quickly as we tried to finish this up and head to the last floor.

At last, we got to the last row, i shot the defenders still left there with the others.

The floor was now cleared, after losing many on our side, we had not much time to wait. After clearing, we ran towards the ramp where the others were already moving up on, guns up and moving forward to try and take them out as fast as possible.

Some managed to get back quickly, joining up with us, but we weren't complete.

On the edge, we wasted no time, rushing in while my teammates were shooting up to suppress. After all were up, we got up, i heard shots from the in front of us and on the other side of the parking lot.

Immediately i hid behind, focusing my fire on the defenders nearest the flag. My team advanced early with the others, splitting off into attacking both positions, the teams charging at the flag were slowly picked apart as they got nearer to the flag.

None managed to reach it, our chance gone for now. Peering up i checked on the teams attacking the other position, they were already raiding the area, shooting.

I couldn't hide anymore, either we win or we lose this match.

No longer thinking of safety, of getting shot and having to go back down then back up, i charged directly at the flag, emptying and firing around where they were.

Multiple strong jabs strong jabs slammed into my body, i was just near the flag. On the ground, i heard a loud buzz. The end of the game, we lost.

I got up, the team who was just assaulting the other position walked out, helping up the opponents who were downed.

A hand reached out to me while i was down, grabbing it, i pulled myself back up. One of the opponents helped me, after doing so, the merc extended his hand, grabbing it we both shook hands, a good game and a good fight. I felt slightly exhausted after the fight, we lost, but this was fun.

Some of our allies who were hit reached to the top floor with us, quickly they ran to their team and joined up with them, starting their walk down.

I saw my own team, taking off their helmets, resting it under their arms. I took mine off, inhaling deeply after.

I joined up with them, faces of joy on their faces despite our loss.

"That was pretty fun!" Mary exclaimed, happy.

"Sure was, you guys wanna grab a bite to eat? I feel pretty hungry from that match." Thalia asked. We all replied in agreement to eat.

What's for food at this time?

While we descended, we talked. From the battles to the smaller events like our flanks. I joined in the convo with them while we walked down.