Red-Haired Girl

It's just that they have to keep it a secret from Kinsey. They did not want Kinsey to whine about meeting Chloe and being in danger. Because of this, every six months. Chloeny secretly visits Louisiana to meet her beloved son.

The truth is, Kinsey did not live in Louisiana. He lived in Kentucky, which only takes an hour away by plane. Therefore Marcel deliberately sent Kinsey to Louisiana on the grounds of giving flowers. That way, the mother-child can meet with each other without fear of being caught by the enemy.

Meanwhile, Kinsey felt annoyed because he didn't know why he had to give the flowers instead of his father. Despite his unwillingness, Kinsey still obeyed and met the woman without absence.

Regrettably, this time Kinsey did not want to negotiate. He felt his body was filled with all kinds of germs and viruses and wanted to be clean himself as soon as possible.

Karel just surrendered and reported this to his master. In the end, Marcel let him go home.

So that day, Kinsey returned to Kentucky without meeting Chloe.

Six months later, Kinsey left again for Louisiana as usual. This time he brought two bouquets in exchange for the previous meeting, which delayed.

There were additional notes in Kinsey's mind. He wanted to repay the actions of the child who used to annoy him to the core deliberately.

Therefore, he asked Karel to leave early to meet the child who put the germs on his face six months ago.

They arrived at the place the first time Kei kicked the ball towards Karel.

"Wait here," Kinsey ordered Karel because he did not want to be prevented from repaying the boy's actions repeatedly.

Karel could guess the plans of his young master, and his heart began to feel uneasy.

"Young master, if you want to retaliate, don't be rude, okay. After all, the child is still a girl."

"Huh?" this time, Kinsey looked at him, confused by his remark.

"Don't forget the master's upbringing. Never hurt a girl. Did you forget?"

"Of course not. But that child... isn't he a boy?" As far as Kinsey remembered, the child who had given him the germ of bacteria was a boy. Therefore, he felt disgusted - very displeased because a dirty and germic boy kissed him.

Kinsey still remembered that boy's appearance. T-shirts with ripped knee-length pants and short hair suitable for boy cuts; the boy's appearance shows no signs of a girl.

Plus, that child's energy was tremendous to the point he couldn't break free! His wrists were red when the kid pulled his wrist off to the cave. He had grimaced in pain at that time while trying to escape. And as soon as he had the chance, Kinsey bit the boy's wrist hard without thinking.

Who would have thought that the child's energy was big enough to push him to the ground?

For this reason, the thought of the child's gender was a girl, never occurred in his mind.

"If you look at the appearance at a glance, she does look like a boy. But when we looked more closely, her face, the way she talked and behaved, the child was like a girl in general. Maybe she was a little bit tomboy. Please do reconsider your plan before launching your revenge program."

Kinsey frowned, not understanding how Karel could find out his intention to avenge the child.

After nodding, Karel let Kinsey off with relief. The young master was a brilliant child and quick to adapt. Besides that, even though Kinsey's attitude seems aloof and self-countered, his young master had a soft heart.

Once he knew the child was a girl, Kinsey would unquestionably not hurt her and forgot his revenge plan. Karel was sure of this.


Kinsey walked along the riverbank until he heard a song.

Who is singing? Pondered Kinsey.

The birds were flying above the tree, leaving their nests to follow the source of the song.

Feeling curious, Kinsey walked following the singing voice. The longer he walked, the more the sound was heard.

There he saw a child who was singing while stretching both hands into the air. The child was standing on a large rock that happened to be exposed to the sun.

Like a spotlight on a magnificent stage, the sunlight shone on the child's back perfectly.

The girl's hair was striking red from the sun. Her hair is not very long, but long enough to be tied to both sides at the bottom to add to her cuteness.

The girl wore a bright red dress over the knee length. For a few moments, Kinsey could not take his eyes off the girl.

Unknown to him, he was charmed by the voice and the cute gesture of the red-haired little girl.