
Katie jumped when she heard a growling animal. Slowly a creature with two sharp ears and canine teeth lined up perfectly emerged from its hiding.

Not just one, several similar beings were appearing on various sides to corner her.

Katie didn't understand anything, but she knew for sure that the wolves surrounding her had no intention of being her friend.

Katie's heart was beating fast because of fear over her body. Her heart began to fidget, and her whole body trembled. She wanted to run away, but her body could not move.

She was glued to where she stood, and her eyes began to glaze over. Will she be eaten by a group of wolves?

No! She's not food—sobs Katie in her heart.

Katie's breath began to disorganize, her body stiffened, and the birds were chirping like screaming in pain.

'Caw! Caw!'

Some crows flew down and perched in the trees. They seemed to be waiting for an exciting show that was, in fact, very terrible for Katie.

The sound of a bird cawing was frightening than confronting a group of wolves in front of her. Katie closed her eyes and covered her ears tightly with both hands. She hoped it could block any scary sound from the birds.

Unknown to her, the more she was scared, the more anxious the birds became, and the more crows flying down.

A second later, one of the wolves leaped quickly to pounce on her, followed by its flock.

Katie's eyes were closed so she couldn't see anything, yet she could feel one of the wolves was right in front of her with its claws ready to rip her apart.


The sound of Katie's scream caused something like a mysterious wave of force that threw the wolves away. Strangely, the wave was able to split the wolf's stomach and die instantly. Blood spurted everywhere, and you could see the contents in its stomach.

Katie, who still closed her eyes, began to open it slowly. Before she could see what was happening, the world around her shook, and her body went limp. That's when she collapsed and fell to the ground.

There was nobody except the carcass of a wolf pack that had been some distance from its place. A short time later, a giant bear emerged from the shadow and saw Katie's unconscious body.

The bear crawled toward Katie with its watering mouth. Its mouth opened right above Katie's head.

Before he pounced on Katie's head, the bear groaned in pain because someone stabbed a long dagger into its thick neck.

The bear moved around to try to pick up the dagger while withstanding to the attacker, making it stayed away from Katie.

When the bear was quite far from Katie, the attacker jumped off its wide neck and immediately carried Katie. He took her out of the forest to the Morse's house.

The bear roared loudly and horribly. Its voice was harrowing and excruciating.

That's when Katie woke up from her sleep.

Katie's breath rushed, and her chest felt tight. One hand held her hurtful chest while she tried to compose her breathing. She could feel her heart beating abysmally.

With her breath calmed down, Katie quickly blinked at her surroundings. Recognizing her own room, only then she could breathe freely.

Luckily, it was a dream. Those wolves were not real. She was scared to death, remembering she was almost killed by wolves, not to mention being eaten by a bear.

What a scary nightmare!

It was a nightmare, don't be afraid. Katie consoled herself while trying to calm down.

"Happy birthday to you." suddenly, there was singing from behind the door of her room. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Katie. Happy birthday Katie."

Katie instantly forgot her nightmare and changed her face to a bright smile when she saw her parents' faces. They brought a simple cake with eight small candles on it.

"Happy Birthday, my little angel." hugged the mother while kissing Katie's cheeks.

Katie couldn't wait for Kinsey to arrive ehem... her ice cream. That's right. She looked forward to her ice cream more than Kinsey. Hahahaha.

The Morse family decided to have breakfast first. They ate bread and berries that they pick in the forest edge.

Katie couldn't help but remember her dream yesterday as it felt so real.

Katie decided to share her dreams with her parents.

"There are no wolves in this area. Maybe, yes, some bears, but not with wolves. Even if there were a wild animal, local officers would definitely act." explained the father. "So, you don't need to worry."

Katie had not yet had a chance to answer, Umbra gave a message through an arrow shot into the front yard of their house.

It had become a habit. If her umbra wanted to convey something to her parents, he would send a message through the arrow letter without showing his face.

The father took it and read it.

"What did he say, daddy?" Katie asked, eating her breakfast.

"We are moving today. He has enrolled you at a new school for you."